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Readers' Poll: 10 Acts That Should Enter the Hall of Fame in 2016

See what group managed to top Yes, Electric Light Orchestra, the Smiths and Cheap Trick

Deep Purple and Cheap Trick
(Ian Dickson/Getty: Rick Nielsen/Getty)

Nothing gets rock fans arguing like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Musical taste is so subjective that pleasing everyone is impossible. Hard rock fans are livid that acts like Deep Purple and Iron Maiden aren't in, rap fans think it's insane that N.W.A and De La Soul are still waiting and prog fans can't believe that Yes and King Crimson continue to be excluded. Meanwhile, 1980s groups like the Smiths, the Cure, Pixies and Sonic Youth await their nods. Now that this year's ceremony is behind us, we asked our readers to select who they'd like to see enter the Hall of Fame in 2016. Here are your picks. 


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