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    Julien Carme

    Information available on the Internet is made to be read by humans, not to be processed by machines. To automatically access this information, there is a need for intelligent services that convert HTML documents into more suitable formats... more
    Information available on the Internet is made to be read by humans, not to be processed by machines. To automatically access this information, there is a need for intelligent services that convert HTML documents into more suitable formats like XML. This can be achieved through generation of Web wrappers, programs designed to process pages of a given Web site. To
    XML is data format for storing of structured data. With fast growing usage of XML documents there is a demand to natively store the documents in XML databases and process them using XML- optimized tools. With growing complexity of the... more
    XML is data format for storing of structured data. With fast growing usage of XML documents there is a demand to natively store the documents in XML databases and process them using XML- optimized tools. With growing complexity of the stored XML data struc- tures grows also the complexity of the queries used to retrieve the re- quired information. This
    The problem of selecting nodes in unranked trees is the most basic querying problem for XML. We propose stepwise tree automata for querying unranked trees. Stepwise tree automata can express the same monadic queries as monadic Datalog and... more
    The problem of selecting nodes in unranked trees is the most basic querying problem for XML. We propose stepwise tree automata for querying unranked trees. Stepwise tree automata can express the same monadic queries as monadic Datalog and monadic second-order logic. We prove this result by reduction to the ranked case, via a new systematic correspondence that relates unranked and