• J.R. Nyquist Introduction What follows is a draft report submitted by a joint committee of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on the Chinese subversion and penetration of Canada. This report has been repeatedly referred to by Brian McAdam, a former Canadian immigration control officer, in his attempts to warn the public about Chinese intelligence…

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  • Do not dig valleys deeper to increase hills. Do not abandon the foundation to govern the branches. When the sun is at midday you should dry things. If you grasp a knife you must cut. If you hold an ax you must attack. Six Secret Teachings of T’ai Kung Note to Readers Last Friday I…

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  • Cheating and deception are not frivolous pursuits. To the contrary, they are serious, high-level activities that are regarded as the most important weapon of the [communist] party. Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. The communists have always relied on deception as their main weapon. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said of the communists, “anyone who proclaims violence as his method…

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  • …the value of a place to stand, which was hardly questioned until the present…. Richard M. Weaver Americans who found a place to stand and died for their country are remembered today. Richard M. Weaver, commenting on modernity’s “attack on memory,” said that cultural life “depends upon the remembrance of acknowledged values, and for this…

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  • anticommunist Conference 2 Jean Robin assembled an international team of anticommunist writers and analysts to discuss current events in the U.S., Germany, Australia/New Zealand, and France. Conservatives 4 Ukraine (Speakers)

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  • Popper’s falsificationist methodology holds that scientific theories are characterized by entailing predictions that future observations might reveal to be false. When theories are falsified by such observations, scientists can respond by revising the theory, or by rejecting the theory in favor of a rival…. Encyclopedia of Philosophy What does a correct prediction about enemy strategy…

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  • Will Rogers said that everyone is ignorant – only on different subjects. Of Vietnam, more than most places, it can be said that there are no experts, only varying degrees of ignorance. Marguerite Higgins [i] Marguerite Higgins was a war correspondent who covered significant events in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. She died in 1966…

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  • We should therefore stop the ridiculous game of opposing the Stalinist terror to the ‘authentic’ Leninist legacy betrayed by Stalinism: ‘Leninism’ is a thoroughly Stalinist notion. Slavoj Zizek, Revolution at the Gates, p. 193 There was a meeting of minds earlier today. Jean Robin called it an “Anticommunist Conference,” which he hosted. Four writers from…

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  • It must be kept in mind that the employment of powerful and long-range means of destruction in modern warfare and their high technical readiness and speed of action permit the warring sides to mutually destroy in a short time not only single targets and objectives, but also entire elements of troop combat formations – subunits,…

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  • The world hated Hitler, and commiserated with Stalin. Hitler conquered half of Europe and the rest of the world declared war against him. Stalin conquered half of Europe and the world sent him greetings. To ensure that Hitler could not hold on to the conquered European countries, the West sank German ships, bombed German cities,…

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  • …opposition is required …against every partisan simplification, every ideological agitation, every blind emotionality; against seduction through well-turned yet empty slogans, against autocratic terminology with no room for dialogue, against personal insult as an element of style (all the more despicable the more sophisticated it is), against the language of evasive appeasement and false assurance ……

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  • The struggle for total domination of the total population of the earth, the elimination of every nontotalitarian reality, is inherent in the totalitarian regimes themselves; if they do not pursue global rule as their ultimate goal, they are only too likely to lose whatever power they have already seized. Hannah Arendt Polish journalist and television…

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  • You can take away a man’s gods, but only to give him others in return. The leaders of the mass state could not help being deified, and wherever crudities of this kind have not yet been put over by force, obsessive factors arise in their stead…. Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self The psychoanalytic movement was…

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  • Evil Rainbows

    Truth is a power. But one can see that only in rare instances, because it is suffering and must be defeated as long as it is truth. When it has become victorious others will join it. Why? Because it is truth? No, if it had been for that reason they would have joined it also…

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  • The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Lenin Controlled opposition is a special technique. The tsars used it to maintain their power, and so did Chinese emperors. Totalitarian socialist regimes have used controlled opposition more effectively than anyone. In fact, George Orwell’s novel, 1984, is largely about a man who…

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  • The [Communist] Party’s collusion with Western politicians and businessmen rests on a lie; Chinese leaders project themselves as the custodians of a culture that they have, in fact, done their best to destroy. Guy Sorman, The Empire of Lies The Chinese communist regime is an “empire of lies” as Guy Sorman explained to his readers.…

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  • We cannot expect to get anywhere unless we resort to terrorism Lenin, 1918 Hard-hearted rulers, who value their own greatness above the lives of their people, have existed throughout history. Monsters of this kind have names like Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. A more familiar name for Westerners would be Gaius Julius…

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  • People do not usually understand their enemy. In fact, they rarely try. Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin is a case in point. Carlson clearly did not understand Putin. At the same time, Putin seemed to understand Carlson.

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  • None Dare Call it Civil War

    Unable to catch even a glimpse of totalitarian militarization … the giant CIA bureaucracy would spin its wheels for half a century…. None of its chiefs understood the totalitarian creation, with its charades of ‘communism’ and ‘socialism,’ any more than the learned bore understood the pseudotsargod, if only because the bore was a dilettantish mediocrity….…

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  • Here is why we are doing [the interview with Putin]: … Two years into a war that is reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what is happening in this region…. The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It has left hundreds of thousands of people dead.…

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  • Anti-communism is a clear expression of the crisis of modern bourgeois ideology. This crisis has been brought about by the inability of the imperialist bourgeoisie to advance ideas that could grip the minds of the masses. It is a direct result of the triumphant march of Marxism-Leninism. The masses are increasingly adopting Marxist-Leninist ideas and…

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  • We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat. Willi Münzenberg The West is infested by monstrous vermin, and we can smell their ambient filth. In J. Michael Waller’s book,…

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  • [I]n general clarity is more maturing than illusion…. Whittaker Chambers Discussion with Victor and Thomas Today I had the privilege of discussing communist subversion in Brazil and Poland with Victor Cameron in Brazil and Thomas from Germany. I wanted to get a Brazilian’s perspective on what happened with President Jair Bolsonaro. Why did his presidency…

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  • Has there ever been so much lack of character, so little civil courage, so much conformity and cynical opportunism, so many weak knees as in our generation? Wilhelm Roepke Roepke wrote those words in 1948. He was a German, living in the rubble of World War II. He said there had been plenty of physical…

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  • I had the pleasure of interviewing Lauren Morris in the New Year. Lauren is an investigative journalist and research analyst in Austin Texas who has recently traveled to Ukraine, Poland and Romania. She is CEO of the Centrist Inc., supporting the Conservatives for Ukraine platform. A discussion on the China deception with Alex Benesch.

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  • If war is the continuation of politics by other means, then it is true that peace, that is, politics, is the continuation of war by other means. Boris Shaposhnikov, Red Army Chief of Staff Here we do not discuss that little red man with his sleigh full of gifts, but little red men of an…

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  • The activities of the false opposition will further confuse and undermine the genuine opposition in the communist world. Externally, the role of dissidents will be to persuade the West that the ‘liberalization’ is spontaneous and not controlled. ‘Liberalization’ will create conditions for establishing solidarity between … intellectuals in the communist and non-communist worlds. Anatoliy Golitsyn,…

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  • One of the basic problems of the West is its frequent failure to recognize the existence of any Soviet ‘grand design’ at all. Those rejecting this concept unwittingly serve Soviet efforts to conceal their objectives and further complicate the process of determining such objectives. Jan Sejna

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  • With global temperatures rising inexorably, some scientists and national security theorists have pondered cooling things down by tinkering mechanically with the planet’s climate. Clyde Haberman, New York TimesApril 3, 2016 The New York Times, in the article quoted from (above), brought together two hoaxes: The headline reads, “Global Warming Gives Science Behind Nuclear Winter a…

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  • Jimmy discusses Lenin’s Party of a New Type. Jimmy Discusses Lenin’s Party of a New Type

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  • All the capitalist countries of the world, which were united in the war against us, against our terror and our system, are forced against their will to enter into trade agreements with us, knowing full well that in this way they are helping us to strengthen and secure our system. Vladimir Lenin [i] In designing…

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  • Moscow’s major aim at this point in history is to whitewash Communism and recycle its image in the West. The Soviet target, Western public opinion, must be made to forget that Communism and its leaders are a danger to the world. Natalie Grant When we look at the communist movement, and the disinformation it deploys,…

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  • The power struggle of states is not guided by blind destiny; rather, it lays bare the reason of the world. Eric Voegelin [i] Destiny is linked to truth and falsehood in the following way: If we adopt truth, we tend to prosper. If our creed is a lie, we are going to suffer. If we…

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  • I have been involved in researching a long essay for the last three weeks. It is slow-going because the overall situation is so complicated. Without going into the details, which are fascinating, the world is moving toward an abyss. The leaders, West and East, do not seem to understand each other. Russia’s leaders seem to…

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  • Should Iraq resort to using chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, be found supporting terrorist acts against the US or coalition partners anywhere in the world, or destroy Kuwait’s oil fields, it shall become an explicit objective of the United States to replace the current leadership of Iraq…. National Security Directive 54, 15 January 1991 Smoke…

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  • …modern combat can be characterized as nuclear combat. Of course, this does not repudiate its combined arms character but only stresses the decisive role of nuclear weapons in battle and the special features of the battle itself which follow therefrom. The actions of the troops on the battle are coordinated first of all with the…

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  • Once collective leadership had been established in the Soviet Union and reaffirmed in the Chinese party in 1959-60, factionalism lost its meaning. There could no longer be actual groups of Stalinists, neo-Stalinists, Khrushchevites, or Maoists, but such groups could be invented if required by policy considerations. Anatoliy Golitsyn, [NLFO, p. 75] On Saturday I spoke…

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  • There is no right to be stupid. It is not one of the basic rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Eric Voegelin What is this business of totalitarians taking over the world? Who are they? Why do they do it? Eric Voegelin says totalitarians are alienated people. A psychologist, who authored a book titled…

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  • The network of people disinforming Western opinion is very extensive. It includes the press of different and frequently divergent political orientations. Jozef Mackiewicz In his book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Joseph Schumpeter explained what actually happened in World War II. He said, people “will have to realize that what has occurred amounts to a surrender…

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  • I had the chance to interview Jimmy from Brooklyn, an anticommunist activist and researcher with expert knowledge on the Communist Movement. Jimmy appears on many talk radio shows, offering pearls of wisdom about communism. It was pleasure to hear him explain, in detail, how the communists operate.

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  • The books he carried were all thick and weighty, works worthy of an intellectual leftist – H.G. Wells, Marx, Marx and Engels, George Bernard Shaw. I cannot recall exactly. Clearly, Lee wanted it known that he did not waste time on light reading. Paul R. Gregory[i]   He was the right man, and he was…

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  •   The best religion is communism. Lee Harvey Oswald [i] Socialism is a fake, a comedy, a phantom, and a blackmail. Benito MussoliniSpeech in Milan, 22 July 1919 Our disease is democracy. It is not the skin that festers – our very bones are carious, and their marrow blackens with gangrene. Fisher Ames The abnormal…

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  • Whatever one may make of the above observations, I in any case believe the evidence is quite strong that elements of the U.S. government and the governments of other nations have been doing all they can to implant the idea of the reality of UFOs as extraterrestrial spacecraft in the public mind, while simultaneously debunking…

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  • Whatever one may make of the above observations, I in any case believe the evidence is quite strong that elements of the U.S. government and the governments of other nations have been doing all they can to implant the idea of the reality of UFOs as extraterrestrial spacecraft in the public mind, while simultaneously debunking…

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  • Therefore, in accordance with strict necessity and justice we must devote ourselves wholly and completely to unrestrained and relentless destrution, which must grow in a crescendo until there is nothing left of the existing social forms. Mikhail Bakunin Below is a free-wheeling discussion I had yesterday with Nevin Gussack, who is starting a new podcast…

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  • On 2 June 1990 Boris Yeltsin held a press conference on Soviet television. He wanted to discuss the word “socialism.” Yeltsin said, “I think that the socialist nature, or the level and share of society’s socialist nature does not depend on the number of times the word ‘socialism’ is pronounced….” Yeltsin was at pains to…

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  • A Question of Evil

    So the Ukraine now lay crushed; its Church destroyed, its intellectuals shot or dying in labour camp, its peasants — the mass of the nation — slaughtered or subdued. Robert Conquest In his book, The Harvest of Sorrow, historian Robert Conquest outlined the genocide Moscow’s agents carried out against Ukraine in the 1930s. “It certainly…

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  • We have what I believe will be, a trail of whistleblowers; good men and women who are now coming forward to talk about … a non-human intelligence that has been engaging with this planet for many many years and incredibly, further, that the United States government really is in possession of retrieved non-human technology. Ross…

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  • In communist regimes crises are usually hidden from the outside world; because of the absence of democratic process and the suppression of internal opposition, popular political, social, and economic discontents accumulate and threaten to develop into serious upheavals of revolts of the entire population against the system as a whole . Anatoliy Golitsyn The following…

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  • Whether Ukraine’s state officials and oligarchs always deserve our sympathy, we leave for the reader to decide — though as a nation Ukrainians have been beyond heroic. Even eastern Ukraine, its most Russian-friendly part, was not as easily cowed by Putin as Russia’s population is (and was) by the Kremlin. Yuri Felshtinsky and Michael Stanchev…

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  • The Mutiny in Russia

    In a speech earlier today, Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged that a mutiny was underway against the Russian state. He described it “as an attempt to subvert us from the inside.” He called it “treason in the face of those who are fighting on the front.” For many Russians, however, the real treason is that…

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  • Get prepared for actual combat…. Xi Jinping Below these notes is my June 6 interview with Seth Holehouse. A little editing is in order. Viewers should note two verbal slips in this interview: (1) I referred to Deng Xiaoping instead of Xi Jinping at one point, (2) When I said, “most of the people in…

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  • Subversive Television

    Having thus distinguished the parts, let us now consider the proper construction of the Fable or Plot, as that is at once the first and most important thing in Tragedy. Aristotle [i] … the thing you have to understand is, reality doesn’t really care about your theory. Reality is the thing you run into when…

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  • Imaginative oblivion deforms consciousness. The confusion of language in the wake of the millennial movements is the syndrome of a disorder that has grown in contemporary Western society to the proportions of an established … state of unconsciousness – not to forget the global extension of the disorder [to the East] through the power dynamics…

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  • A conspiracy theory offers an explanation of past, ongoing, or future events or circumstances that cites as the main casual factor a small group of powerful persons, the conspirators, acting in secret for their own benefit and against the common good. Prof. Brian Wagner Philosophy Professor Brian Wagner of Rock Valley College, in Rockford, Illinois,…

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  • Poisonous Prattle

    I’d been out to Hong Kong, working with intel assets, I’d been overseas in Iran and elsewhere, working with good people who, you know, love our country, in Iran, – who are not enemies of the United States, as well as people in Russia. I’ve been working with people in Russia, in the media, and…

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  • KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, who defected from the Soviet Union in December 1961, successfully predicted the rise of Gorbachev and a false Soviet liberalization that would weaken the West’s strategic posture. He even predicted that the Communist Party would give up its monopoly of power in Russia. The Cold War, in effect, would be over.…

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  • In the same year that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published their Communist Manifesto (1848), Søren Kierkegaard published his remarkable book, The Sickness Unto Death. Part II of that book was titled, “Despair is sin.” If we indulge in diversionary speculations, said Kierkegaard, instead of living in faith, we fall into a labyrinth in which…

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  • I begin with the notion of some one other world, from which objects and substances have fallen to this earth; which had, or which, to less degree, has a tutelary interest in this earth; which is now attempting to communicate with this earth – modifying, because of data which will pile up later, into acceptance…

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  • To say that we recognize only a straight road, would be a mistake. Vladimir Lenin [i] Even many of the well-meaning, intelligent, and leading citizens of open countries where debate is unhindered, and opinions may be expressed freely have lacked the perspicacity to see through the finely woven veil of the Soviet spider. Natalie Grant…

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  • According to reports, during the most difficult period of the Sino-US trade war, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considered the use of viral weapons to disrupt the United States. Chinese Samizdat 🍵 The Soviet Party fell apart because no one had the balls to keep it together. Xi Jinping, to CCP leaders in 2012 💀…

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  • In March [2021] we saw 84% excess mortality into Fall 2021, and though we already knew our analysis was solid, here it was verified by SOA [Society of Actuaries Research Institute]. It is undeniably clear that an event occurred in the Third Quarter of 2021, the same period that vaccine mandates were ordered by the…

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  • There is no community of language with the representatives of the dominant ideologies. Hence, the community of language that he himself wants to use in order to criticize the users of ideological language must first be discovered and, if necessary, established. Eric Voegelin On Sunday, February 5, a discussion on the importance of Anatoliy Golitsyn…

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  • Me and my public understand each other perfectly. It doesn’t hear what I say, and I do not say what it wants to hear. Karl Kraus In 1990 Pfizer’s Groton plant was making enough penicillin to supply one third of American needs. By 2008, Pfizer had shuttered all of its drug manufacturing there. Now, pharmacists…

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  • Nobody now disputed that what occurred was a monstrous crime, but – committed by whom? Who is guilty? How did it happen that nobody saw this sooner? You will not find the guilty. One lot will insist that they knew nothing; another, that they were afraid; others still, that they believed. Vladmir Bukovsky[i] General Laura…

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  • The very possibility that there are timeless truths is a reproach to the life of laxness and indifference that modern egotism encourages. Richard M. Weaver The atomized individual, cut off from his ancestors and his posterity, does not really see himself. And since he does not see himself, he cannot know himself. His education encourages…

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  • It was while I was going over these stories that I realized for the first time just how important a part of the communist movement in America the teachers were. They touched practically every phase of Party work. They were not used only as teachers in Party education, where they gave their services free of…

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  • Suppose the plan is to process millions of people and at some future date trigger those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints or a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell towers? John A. Keel[i] One can detect signs of a suicidal impulse; one feels at…

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  • No Philosopher Kings

    Unless either the philosophers become kings … or those who now are called kings and rulers become philosophers … there will be no rest from evil … nor, I believe, for the human race either. And not until that happens, will this politeia of ours have a measure of growth and see the light of…

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  • cALL fROM A Brazilian friend Conversations…. JRN: DO YOU THINK THE ELECTION IN BRAZIL WAS STOLEN FROM BOLSONARO? EC: So the cheating in Brazil was very obvious, poorly done. They do not even pretend to follow the Constitution. The Supreme Court of Brazil is a disgrace. Lula is a criminal. It is hard to count…

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  • People get into this condition [i.e., ignorance] through their own fault, by the slackness of their lives; i.e., they make themselves unjust or licentious by behaving dishonestly or spending their time in drinking and other forms of dissipation; for in every sphere of conduct people develop qualities corresponding to the activities they pursue.” Aristotle [i]…

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  • Our Schizoid Ochlocracy

    The nominalism of a dogma that has separated from experience … has become the dominant form of the West because it was, beginning with the eighteenth century, adopted as the intellectual form of ideologizing. Eric Voegelin [i] The practical result of nominalist philosophy is to banish the reality which is perceived by the intellect and…

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  • Esoteric Leninism

    …the USSR was designed and developed as (1) a resource base for the world revolution and (2) its military mobilization apparatus. And, if we consider its subsequent history on the basis of these goals and objectives, then all the actions of the Soviet authorities in the 1920s-50s, which sometimes seem insane, acquire an exhaustive logical…

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  • In reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion … only about 15 percent of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85 percent is [engaged in] a slow process which we call … ideological subversion or active…

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  • Politics is about three things: Power, power, and power. James Burnham What follows is my interview with Brazilian journalist Allan dos Santos, a leading anticommunist and supporter of President Jair Bolsonaro. Some years ago I did a regular podcast with Allan called Update Brazil. In our first episode we interviewed Diana West and Olavo de…

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  • We have several disturbing data points emerging in connection with the Ukraine War. Point 1: On 23 September Polish teachers in Warsaw were asked to hand out iodine anti-radiation pills to students in case of emergency. In connection with this, the Polish Interior Ministry admitted that potassium iodide pills had been sent to regional fire…

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  • It doesn’t surprise me at all that the Russians are concerned about [the] Kerch bridge. It’s incredibly important to them. General Philip Breedlove According to former supreme allied commander for Europe, Philip Breedlove, commenting last July, the Russians are “very worried about Ukraine launching an attack on the bridge.” And this morning, 8 October 2022,…

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  • The general horizon of the era is communist. And this communism will have to be constructed on the basis of society’s self-organizing capacities…. Bruno Bosteels, “The Actuality of Communism” As far as the communist idea is concerned, anybody who forgets that there are two truths in communism is likely to be deceived. The first ‘esoteric’…

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  • The Russian is clever, but always too late. Russian Proverb The Russian will never be able to dispense with the German.” Otto von Bismarck In the Russian-occupied oblasts of Ukraine, the voting is over. According to Russian officials, 95 percent of the voters want to be Russian. It seems that the people of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia,…

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  • A further reason for my hatred of National Socialism and other ideologies is quite a primitive one. I have an aversion to killing people for the fun of it. What the fun is, I did not quite understand at the time, but in the intervening years the ample exploration of revolutionary consciousness has cast some…

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  • I would say another ten days it should be completely over. Col. Douglas Macgregor, on day 9 of the war in Ukraine [i] The term defeatism is commonly used in politics as a descriptor for an ideological stance that considers co-operation with the opposition party. In the military context, in wartime, and especially at the…

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  • If I were to rend my garments every time Dugin hatches a new blasphemy, I would have to buy myself a whole new set of clothes…. Charles Upton Alexander Dugin wanted to ride with friends after a festival event Saturday night. His 29-year-old daughter, Darya, drove his car while he rode in the car behind.…

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  • If I am in it [grace], may God keep me in it, and if I am not, may it be God’s will to put me in it. Joan of Arc, [at her trial] Men do not share the same spiritual rank. There are the elect ones … who are granted revelation, and then there is…

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  • If North Korean volunteers with their artillery systems, wealth of experience with counter battery warfare and large caliber multiple rocket systems, made in North Korea, want to participate in the conflict, well let’s give the green light to their volunteer impulse. Col. Igor KorotchenkoEditor-in-ChiefNational Defense Journal Speaking on Rossiya 1 Television, Col. Igor Korotchenko said…

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  • We belong to the Marxist camp and can never be so thoughtless that we cannot distinguish friends from enemies. Nixon, Ford, Carter, and future American imperialistic leaders all fall into this category [of enemies]. Deng Xiaoping, 20 July 1977 The Chinese are continuing to mobilize against the West as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lands in…

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  • The Soviet Strategic Plan for the establishment of their ‘Socialism’ worldwide does, without doubt, exist and, however flexible and pragmatic Soviet policy appears, it is essentially directed towards the achievements of the Plan’s objectives — objectives which have been, are and will remain utterly inimical to and subversive of the freedoms enjoyed by the states…

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  • We cannot do without the Russians on our side…. Jordan Peterson [i] The feigned disunity of the communist world promotes real disunity in the noncommunist world. Anatoliy Golitsyn [ii] In his recent video on “Russia vs. Ukraine,” Jordan Peterson said that the West must join with Russia in order to counterbalance China; but, like most…

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  • What is Lost?

    In the fifth century storm upon storm out of the dark North swept away in a great deluge of barbarism all the civilization of the western half of the Roman Empire. From the Atlantic to Constantinople, and from the Rhine to the Danube to the deserts of Africa, all that was learned and cultivated, all…

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  • It is naïve to assume that the lower depths of the Sovietological inferno – that is, of Western ignorance and ineptitude in the study of totalitarianism – are where they have always been politically. The new strategy of totalitarianism has made havoc of the political spectrum in Western democracies, and the Right today is scarcely…

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  • If the Fourth Political Practice is not able to realize the end of times, then it would be invalid. The end of days should come; but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is active metaphysics. It is a practice.” Aleksandr Dugin, The Fourth Political Theory…

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  • The vulnerable features of the imperialist bloc’s economy include high industrial concentration in small areas, dependence on imports, and the vulnerability of communications. The United States depends upon imports of atomic raw materials and of nonferrous and rare metals…. Soviet Military Strategy [i] Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met on…

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  • Red Dawn is not really a movie anymore. Lude Media I have interviewed Mr. D. Wang and associates, of Lude Media, whose organization acquired a 56-minute recording of a military-civil meeting in Guangdong province tasked with preparing China for war. According to Mr. Wang, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is financing Russia’s war in Ukraine.…

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  • What Jeff says – there’s a lot of truth to what he says – but that doesn’t discount the fact that the Chinese Communist Party has invested in a quite large military conventional force…. I think the Chinese Navy as it is comprised today … and this new national mobilization order … all lead me…

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  • In history, the Western powers used warships and opium to colonize China. Now the opposite has happened. We will use our open policy, seize the economic crisis in the West as a historical moment, and use effective measures to turn them into Socialist China’s economic and cultural colonies…. Our colonization of these countries is the…

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  • Although the global warming panic of the last twenty years has been a wasteful distraction for humanity, it has, thankfully, served one good purpose…. As a consequence, decades of discovery have been shortened into just a few years. Without the outside interest … humanity would be sleepwalking into the very disruptive cooling that will be…

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  • I’ve always liked communist and socialist ideas. Vladimir Putin [i] Carl Schmitt once said, “Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are.” Writing before Hitler came to power in Germany, Schmitt noted that Central Europe was living under the eye of the Russians. Schmitt explained, “Their prowess in rationalism…

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  • …Gorbachev was not what he seemed. Because he understood his dependent position … he deliberately demonstrated his distance, and he was afraid of fighting with the Party apparat…. Lev Timofeyev [i] [You will be part of a] new clandestine structure where you will work with the best of the best. Your personnel files will be…

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  • Ukraine is on a razor’s edge. The whole thing hangs in the balance. It could go either way. The Ukrainian elite is rotten. It is psychologically Soviet. Poroschenko is just another apparatchik. He is typical. The problem in Ukraine, like in Russia, is that we don’t have any leaders. It is the same old story,…

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  • Will Russia Go Nuclear?

    The Russians have taken the European nineteenth century at its word, understood its core ideas and drawn the ultimate conclusions from its cultural premises. We always live in the eye of the more radical brother, who compels us to draw the practical conclusion and pursue it to the end. Altogether … one thing is certain:…

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  • Even if 100 metropolitan areas are destroyed, there would be more wealth in this country than there is in all of Russia today and more skills than were available to that country in the forties.” Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War [i] Herman Kahn was controversial. He said things that made his countrymen feel uncomfortable. Kahn,…

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  • Here one may wonder why, in a situation of blatant violation of human rights by neo-Nazi military forces and paramilitary apparatuses … against the Russian-speaking population of the independent republics, the international community feels obliged to consider the intervention of the Russian Federation worthy of condemnation, and indeed to blame Putin for the violence. MSGR.…

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  • The defender waits for the attack in position, having chosen a suitable area and prepared it; which means he has carefully reconnoitered it, erected solid defenses at some of the most important points, established and opened communications, sited his batteries, fortified some villages, selected covered assembly areas, and so forth. The strength of his front…

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  • In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one. Napoleon Bonaparte It is said that victory in war goes to the bigger battalions. But Napoleon, who was a master in the art of war, disagreed. He suggested that moral factors were more important than numbers. And what are moral factors? According…

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  • If Western democracies collaborate with the KGB regime long enough, they are at risk of degrading to the level of backward and corrupt Russia. Western countries can simply lose their democratic political systems to the Mafia, leaving their citizens defenseless in front of that mortal danger. Alexander Litvinenko, “Allegations,” p. 204 How do we understand…

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  • Since the Spring of 1988 … the Western consensus of Sovietological opinion has become an automaton intolerant of dissent, even as public debate on the subject has narrowed. The pronouncements of veteran ‘anti-communists,’ once against disoriented by ideological change in Moscow, are a tangle of self-contradiction and self-deception. Andrei Navrozov, 1991 The more things change,…

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  • Everyone left and no one returnedOnly, true to the promise of love,My latest, at least you looked backTo see the whole sky in blood.The house was cursed, and cursed was my trade;Uselessly, a tender song rang outAnd I didn’t dare raise my eyesTo my terrible fate.They defiled the immaculate Word,They trampled the sacred utterance,So that…

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  • The Abolition of Humanity

    Four reformers met under a bramble bush. They were all agreed that the world must be changed. ‘We must abolish property,’ said one. ‘We must abolish Marriage,’ said the second. ‘We must abolish God,’ said the third. ‘I wish we could abolish work,’ said the fourth. ‘Do not let us get beyond practical politics,’ said…

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  • An American Plot

    …in February 2014, Putin’s ‘little green men’ … seized control of Ukraine’s Crimea. Consistent with Putin’s information warfare doctrine, several days prior to the invasion, Russian intelligence services … leaked a private telephone call between Assistant Secretary of State for Russian and European Affairs Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. The two…

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  • Six weeks after he became Russia’s defense minister, General Pavel Grachev addressed a June 1992 NATO meeting in Brussels where he defined Russia’s sphere of interest as encompassing all ‘former USSR republics with which it shared territorial borders,’ and claimed that Russia ‘had every right to intervene’ in those territories unilaterally. Subsequently, Russia deployed troops…

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  • …Russia overcame the inertia of collapse and started reviving its power, while the West, being lulled by sweet day-dreams of the liberal ‘end of history,’ castrated its armed forces to the point, when they could be good [only] for leading colonial wars with weak and technically backward enemies. The balance of forces in Europe has…

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  • Russia initially did everything it could to make sure these disagreements could be resolved by peaceful means. However, the Kiev officials have conducted two punitive operations on those territories; and, apparently, we are witnessing a third escalation. All these years … the people living on those territories have been literally tortured by constant shelling and…

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  • The event corresponds less to expectations in war than in any other case whatever. Livy, History of Rome XXX, c. 10 The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, says that Wednesday will be “the day of the attack.” The Russian Duma will supposedly vote to recognize Luhansk and Donetsk. When that happens, Russian troops will move…

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  • Four Strategic Puzzle Pieces

    Many people today are completely convinced that a new hero of Russian history, as yet unknown, is changing its course … and we cannot comprehend his intentions, since the protagonist himself merges with other characters. Some call him by the foreign term mafia. Others express themselves more plainly in Russian and label him an ugolovnik,…

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  • The last three months it is organized by both sides … with a clear division of labor. Good cop and bad cop…. This campaign stated that Putin is preparing to activate troops for a full-scale invasion to a big war, for a big war to conquer a substantial portion of Ukraine, with encirclement of major…

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  • In battle one engages the orthodox and gains victory through the unorthodox. Sun Tzu This interview with Mr. Moric of the Geopolitical and Empire podcast is an attempt to give background on the Soviet long-range strategy, Anatoliy Golitsyn, James Angleton, and the fall of the Soviet Union. It is too big to treat so quickly,…

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  • Even conservatives are failing to recognize the stakes here, not that … we’re in favor of sending American troops over to defend or die in Ukraine; but … this is a country just like the Republic of China on Taiwan that deserves its independence from … Russia. I mean, what has happened to the conservative…

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  • Will Russia Invade Ukraine?

    [American leaders] don’t think the balance of power matters any more…. If you think we’ve had trouble with the Russians, just wait for the trouble we are going to have with the Chinese. I am very popular in China. I go to China quite often. I usually start my talks by saying, ‘It’s good to…

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  • That is something I absolutely reject. The shoot-to-kill order [in Kazakhstan], to the extent it exists, is wrong and should be rescinded. President Joseph Biden People have all kinds of odd ideas about the unrest in Kazakhstan. They seem to regard Kazakhstan as an independent country. But it is not. Kazakhstan is a Soviet republic…

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  • In 1943 [Josef Mengele] was appointed by Heinrich Himmler to be chief doctor at Birkenau, the supplementary extermination camp at Auschwitz, where he and his staff selected incoming Jews for labour or extermination and where he supervised medical experiments on inmates to discover means of increasing fertility…. His chief interest, however, was research on twins.…

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  • Holiday Interview With Nevin

    Corruption enters society on a stream of ‘new’ ideas. Perversion gains admittance. The taint spreads. Venality and dishonesty are doubled — then redoubled. Immorality reigns. The honest man is punished for telling the truth. The legions abandon the frontier. J.R. Nyquist, The Fool and His Enemy As we approach the year 2022 it is appropriate…

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  • …between the ‘grey’ and the ‘red’ terror there may be an intermediate period — the ‘pink’ terror, when active military operations have not yet begun and there is still peace, but when some of the best spetsnaz units have already gone into action. Viktor Suvorov The Interview below is on the Soviet long range strategy.…

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  • If the physically unreal, namely the mind, defines all our reality, surely that which is finally true ought to be of a metaphysical, ephemeral, abstract, nonphysical nature, rather than of a ‘hard,’ enforced, verifiable one. Nigel KernerGrey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls [1] Both views, the materialistic as well as the spiritualistic, are metaphysical…

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  • Belief in manmade global warming depends on acting as if the laws of physics are suspended and we are living in special time in which the climate is unchanging apart from the hand of man. In a sense we actually are living in a special time relative to the last 3 million years, which has…

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  • Olavo’s Machiavelli

    A prince also wins prestige for being a true friend or a true enemy, that is, for revealing himself without any reservation in favor of one side against another. This policy is always more advantageous than neutrality.” Niccolo Machiavelli Machiavelli has been credited with wisdom, after a modern fashion. In the passage quoted above, the…

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  • In the technique of subliminal contradiction, two mutually incompatible bits of information are simultaneously projected into the perception of the victim without the contradiction being either pointed out or explained. In the technique of deferred closure, inexplicable data are continually fed to the victim … over a period of time, data that always suggest the…

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  • No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory. Joe Biden, January 2021[i] Primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry, a lot of smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order – at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want…

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  • When History Stops

    Histories are as perfect as the Historian is wise … and … the grand difference between a Dryasdust and a sacred Poet, is very much even this…. When both oblivion and memory are wise, when the general soul of man is clear, melodious, true, there may come a modern Iliad as memorial of the Past:…

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  • Evola and Weaver

    While Weaver loved the South with a fierce passion, he avoided one of the besetting sins of the heirs of the Agrarians: a constricting sectionalism that thrives on the belief that all would have been well south of the Potomac had the Confederacy bested the Union Armies. Weaver perceived that the infirmities of modern Western…

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  • Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that COVID-19 could not have evolved in nature and, therefore, must have been created in a laboratory, it came as no surprise that U.S. intelligence agencies released an inconclusive report about its origin. Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit[i] It should come as no surprise that America’s intelligence agencies are clueless, because…

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  • …generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children, that … this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal. Barack Obama, 2008 You can tell how dangerous a politician is by the grandiosity of his statements. As Jim Simpson…

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  • His life … is a piece of the everlasting heart of Nature herself: all men’s life is, – but [the] weak [who are] many know not the fact, and are untrue to it, in most times; the strong few are strong, heroic, perennial, because it cannot be hidden from them. Thomas Carlyle The hero is…

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  • People who live according to a falsified picture of the world sooner or later receive sharp blows…. Richard M. Weaver Here is an interview I did with Nevin Gussack earlier this week. We discussed my analysis of Chinese strategy vs. Taiwan and the United States, how Art Bell was instrumental in encouraging me 23 years…

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  • We are a free country and we will remain free, even at the sacrifice of our lives. Jair Bolsonaro On 21 October 2021, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered the arrest and extradition (from the United States) of journalist Allan dos Santos of Terça Livre TV. What was Allan’s crime? He knew the…

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  • The Taiwan Question

    Who are our enemies, and who are our friends? This question is one of primary importance in the revolution. All past revolutionary struggles in China achieved very little, basically because the revolutionaries were unable to unite their real friends to attack their real enemies. Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China“Analysis of Classes in Chinese Society”…

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  • ….Mao believes in the Marxist-Leninist theory that war is inevitable, but maintains that he is convinced that the capitalist powers, not the communist countries, will eventually launch a war in a desperate, last-ditch struggle to prevent communism from taking over the world by peaceful means. Dan Kurzman [i] Several years ago, I received text messages…

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  • Vaccine Madness, Part II

    Though this be madness, yet there is method in it. Shakespeare, “Hamlet” We now live in a nation where generals destroy military readiness, doctors destroy health, airlines destroy air travel, the Justice Department destroys justice, and now we have a vaccine that does not vaccinate. The COVID-19 vaccines were supposed to eradicate COVID-19, but now…

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  • If the ruler loves to use his knowledge to alter the laws, constantly manipulates public matters for his personal benefit, alters and changes the regulations and prohibitions, and frequently issues all sorts of directives, the state can be destroyed. Han Fei-tzu, “Precursors to Extinction” Are we in the end-game of an East vs. West Cold…

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  • It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain In Dan Kurzman’s fine book, Subversion of the Innocents, we learn that Stalin’s strategy in the early Cold War proved inferior to Mao Zedong’s strategy. Mao’s program was called “The Yenan Way” and relied on a special kind…

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  • Vaccine Madness, Part I

    Throughout the stagnation period [under Brezhnev], not to mention the cult [of Stalin] era, people were afraid to say anything that conflicted with the ‘supreme’ opinion, learning only one thing – to vote unanimously for anything. We would take comfort from the fact that we were doing the same as everyone else. We were only…

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  • Aliens vs. Reds, Part II

    This is the tale of a tragic dynasty;a narrative of hatred, honor, courage,of virtue, love, ideals and wickedness,and of a war so terrible, it markedthe threshold between one age and the next. The Mahabharata In Judaism and Christianity, we have a snake in the Garden of Eden. In ancient Babylon the chief god was Marduk,…

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  • Aliens vs. Reds, Part I

    The irony of Alex Jones … is that his behavior reduces the probability that an actual conspiracy could be uncovered. Like if Jones were in a hotel and repeatedly pulled the fire alarm when there really was a fire [so] nobody would leave. Dr. Todd Grande[i] There are people who know how to win a…

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  • Even the bravest of us rarely has the courage for what he knows… Nietzsche In his small, strange little book, Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche discussed the “problem of Socrates,” starting from the premise that “the great sages are declining types.” He suggested that Socrates and Plato were “symptoms of decay” and “agents of the…

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  • Patriots In Tune Interview

    I’m giving away a puppet. No strings attached. Vladimir Putin Linked in this paragraph is my 30 August appearance on Patriots In Tune with Jules Jones and Toots Sweet. Towards the end of the interview I appear with a puppet named Donkey Dem. Click on the Patriots In Tune link and scroll down to the…

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  • During several of the summer months of 1783, when the effect of the sun’s rays to heat the earth in these northern regions should have been the greatest, there existed a constant fog over all of Europe, and a great part of North America. This fog was of a permanent nature; it was dry, and…

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  • What the world really wants is flattery, and it does not matter how much of it is a lie; but the world at the same time also wants the right to disguise [the flattering lie], so that the fact of being lied to can easily be ignored. As I enjoy being affirmed in my whims…

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  • Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Alexander Pope, Letter to John Gay6 October 1727 The day before yesterday Joe Biden said, “Last night in Kabul, the United States ended twenty years of war in Afghanistan; the longest war in American history. We completed one of the biggest airlifts in…

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  • The Pillow Fight: Part II

    Slander injures three: the slanderer, the person who hears the slander, and the person slandered. The Talmud (Arachn), c. 200 Tom Trento and I discuss the failed Lindell cyber symposium, the fake data of Dennis Montgomery and Brannon Howse’s post-symposium reaction against Tom, myself and John Guandolo for trying to warn Mike Lindell. “Our job…

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  • We have the lie of 100,000 people successfully evacuated from Afghanistan. We have the lie of only 240-250 Americans left behind when there are thousands. We have the lie of the 90,000 they will bring into the country in lieu of the 90,000 they failed to rescue. Anonymous Intelligence Veteran The following article was submitted…

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  • Men in general judge by their eyes rather than by their hands; because everyone is in a position to watch, few are in a position to come in close touch with you. Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. And those few dare not gainsay the many who are…

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  • We adapted a technology whereby individual [ricin] protein molecules are encapsulated within a thin polymer shell, termed nanocapsules. These nanocapsules can effectively enter the cells, owing to the positive charge on their surface and release their [ricin] protein cargo due to the ‘proton-sponge’ effect…. One unique advantage of this nanocapsule platform is its flexibility. By…

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