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Report Abuse


Report Abuse

If you suspect someone at your parish has engaged in misconduct, including sexual misconduct, involving a minor:

  • First, notify local law enforcement.
  • Second, notify the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services through the Texas Abuse Hotline – 1-800-252-5400 or
  • If the allegation involves a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of a parish or the Diocese, in addition to contacting appropriate government authorities, please also notify [email protected] or the Diocese of Dallas Victim Assistance Coordinator, Brenda Martinez at 214-379-2812.

Report Ethics Violations

The Diocese of Dallas is committed to ethical behavior and accountability. To make a report regarding violations of ethical behavior, visit the secure EthicsPoint website

Categories for reporting include: accounting/financial; confidentiality; fraud/theft; gifts/donations; harassment/inappropriate behavior; misuse of resources; workplace safety; child and youth protection and school safety.

Contact Victim Assistance

The first obligation of the Church with regard to victims is for healing and reconciliation. The Catholic Diocese of Dallas continues to reach out to every person who has been a victim of sexual abuse as a minor by anyone in church service, whether that abuse is recent or occurred in the past.

(214) 379-2812