Explorations in Web Design
Explorations in Web Design
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Color Wheel

by Antone Roundy

  Dec Hex  
Red: Tint 1:
Green: Tint 2:
Blue: Shade 1:
Angle: Shade 2:


Split Complementary

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Color Wheel generates sets of colors to use in a color scheme using a number of standard methods. To avoid having your colors "compete" too much, you'll usually want to use lighter tints of your secondary colors.

Red, Green, Blue: Specify the main color by entering red green and blue values between 0 and 255.

Angle: Specify the angle on the color wheel between the main color and the analogous colors, and between the complementary color and the split complementary colors.

Tint 1, Tint 2, Shade 1, Shade 2: Specify how much to lighten the tints and darken the shades of each color using numbers from 0 to 1.

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RGB to HSV and HSV to RGB conversion code is based on Color Match Remix, which is based on or copied from ColorMatch 5K.

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