Honey Is The New Shampoo: The Conclusion

I haven’t washed my hair with conventional shampoo and conditioner for almost one full month — and this will be my last week reporting on it. Why? Did I give up? Am I switching back to the (unnatural) way things used to be? Read More

Honey Is The New Shampoo: Week 2

In a few days I’ll hit the 2-week mark since I began this no-commercial-shampoo, honey-washing journey. I must say, it has been quite the adventure thus far. I’ve never before wanted to reach for a bottle of shampoo so badly, but I’m sticking this out! Once again, I want to thank you all so so so much for all of your advice and support. I’ve been going over every one of your comments, and there is no way I’d be able to do this without you!  Read More