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Word of the Day


Definition: (noun) A structure in the form of a network, especially of nerves, blood vessels, or lymphatics.
Synonyms: rete
Usage: The bullet missed his cardiac plexus by an inch, leaving all the nerves intact.
Article of the Day

Axis Mundi

The axis mundi, or world axis, is a symbolic representation of the point of connection between heaven and earth and offers a means of travel and communication between the two realms. The concept of a central world axis appears in many cultures and takes many forms, both natural and man-made. This connection point can be a high mountain, a plant, an altar, or even a person's home. Which religious disciplines explore the concept of the human form as world axis? More...
Daily Grammar Lesson

Defining Aspects of the Present Tense

The present tense is combined with four traditional aspects to form the structures that are known as the present simple, the present continuous (or present progressive), the present perfect, and the present perfect continuous. Although these structures are generally taught as individual "tenses" of verbs, what are they are actually? More...
Idiom of the Day

a kernel of truth

A singular element of truth or wisdom within a greater story, narrative, speech, or claim, especially when most or all other elements are fictitious or of questionable veracity. More...

This Day in History

Grand Opening of New York City's Carnegie Hall (1891)

Carnegie Hall has long been the most famous concert hall in the US. Admired for its beauty and superb acoustics, it was designed in a Neo-Italian Renaissance style by architect William Burnet Tuthill and was endowed by industrialist Andrew Carnegie at the insistence of conductor Walter Damrosch. Pyotr Tchaikovsky was the guest of honor at its opening. The venue was slated for demolition in the 1950s but was saved by a public outcry. What was it called before it was named after Carnegie in 1893? More...
Today's Birthday

Eugénia María de Montijo de Guzmán (1826)

The daughter of a Spanish noble, Eugénia married Napoleon III in 1853 and became the empress of France. She took an active role in the politics of the Second Empire, acting as regent when her husband was at war. She also encouraged French opposition to a Prussian candidate for the Spanish throne in the controversy that precipitated the Franco-Prussian War. Deposed after Napoleon's defeat and capture, she fled and settled in England. Why was her marriage to Napoleon controversial? More...
Today's Holiday

Thailand Coronation Day (2024)

On May 5, 1950, King Bhumibol Adulyadej was crowned Rama IX of Thailand, the ninth king of the Chakri dynasty. Ever since, the day has been celebrated as Coronation Day in Thailand. On May 4th, the Chief of Brahmin priests reads out the official proclamation of Coronation Day. On May 5, the Buddhist monks are given a feast and the king wears his full regalia. At noon, the Royal Thai Army and Navy each give a 21-gun salute. Later in the day, the king awards medals and decorations to those citizens who have done outstanding services for the state. More...
Quote of the Day
A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.
Oscar Wilde
Grammar Quiz
Word Trivia

Today's topic: rabbits

buck teeth - Large front teeth protruding over the others; the phrase may come from buck, the adult male of some animals, such as rabbits—which have this type of front teeth. More...

hightail it - Refers to animals, such as mustangs and rabbits, that raise their tails high when fleeing danger. More...

trattles - The rounded droppings of animals like rabbits and sheep. More...

angora - As in cat, goat, and rabbit, it comes from the Turkish capital Angora (till 1930), now Ankara. More...

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