bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This is a masterly introduction to the modern, and rigorous, theory of probability.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
Some significant results are presented as sets of guided problems, leading readers to discover them on their own. More than 140 problems have complete solutions and over 250 have hints in the back, making this book ideal for self-study.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This introduction to functional analysis is intended for advanced undergraduate students, typically final year, who have some background in real analysis.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This is a masterly introduction to the modern and rigorous theory of probability.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This is a masterly introduction to the modern, and rigorous, theory of probability.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This new edition of Introduction to Lattices and Order presents a radical reorganization and updating, though its primary aim is unchanged.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
Abstract topics are preceded by concrete examples to facilitate understanding, for example, before introducing differential forms, the text examines low-dimensional examples.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
With exercises and projects, Exploring Mathematics supports an active approach to the transition to upper-level theoretical math courses.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
This concise text clearly presents the material needed for year-long analysis courses for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduates.
bibliogroup:"Cambridge mathematical textbooks" from books.google.com
Some significant results are presented as sets of guided problems, leading readers to discover them on their own. More than 140 problems have complete solutions and over 250 have hints in the back, making this book ideal for self-study.