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Whether it’s related to an issue at work, a fight with a friend, or problems with family, just about everyone feels stressed sometimes. In fact, 79 percent of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their daily lives. Gallup. (2017). https://news.gallup.com/poll/224336/eight-americans-afflicted-stress.aspx

And while medical treatments can help, most solutions (think talk therapy or medication) are long-term. So what can you do in the next 5 minutes to get some stress relief?

Here’s our list of the Greatist ways to decrease stress right now.

1. Try progressive relaxation

All the way from fingers to toes, tense and then release each muscle group in the body: lower arm, upper arm, chest, back and abdominals, etc.

Once the body is relaxed, the mind will follow. Research shows this technique helps ease anxiety and calm depression. Li Y, et al. (2015). Progressive muscle relaxation improves anxiety and depression of pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. DOI: 10.1155/2015/792895

2. Strike a pose

The combination of deep breathing techniques and poses makes yoga a potent stress relief tool. One study showed it worked in college students, a particularly tense group. Tripathi MN, et al. (2018). Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress in college students. DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_74_17

Yoga comes in different styles, from slow-paced to hardcore. Hatha yoga, with its gentle movements, may be especially good for inducing a state of calm.

3. Get a massage

Getting a good ol’ rub down may do more than alleviate physical pain. A massage may also be beneficial for fighting stress.

Don’t have the time or money for a full hour session? Head to the mall or nail salon for an abbreviated 20-minute version or use a foam roller to give yourself a rub.

Research shows a quick massage can reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Hand ME, et al. (2019). Massage chair sessions: Favorable effects on ambulatory cancer center nurses’ perceived level of stress, blood pressure, and heart rate. DOI: 10.1188/19.CJON.375-381

4. Take a nap

After a night spent tossing and turning, a quick power nap could be just the thing to give your dragging brain a boost. Napping has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

Just keep it to 20 minutes, or it could lead to lost sleep the following night. Faraut B, et al. (2015). Napping reverses the salivary interleukin-6 and urinary norepinephrine changes induced by sleep restriction. DOI: 10.1210/jc.2014-2566

5. Meditate

The “mental silence” that goes along with meditation can produce a state of calm, even during the stormiest of days. But first it requires some mental focus, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Find a quiet spot, sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes, and breathe deeply for a few minutes. To still a turbulent mind, focus on an object or repeat a word or mantra like “ohm” or “chocolate bar” (hey, whatever works). Then, feel the stress melt away with each breath.

6. Breathe deeply

Not into the whole meditation thing? Just do the breathing part. Taking a few deep breaths from the diaphragm has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Ma X, et al. (2017). The effect of diaphragmatic breathing on attention, negative affect and stress in healthy adults. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00874

7. Visualize calm

Close your eyes and picture yourself on a beach. Hear the waves lapping on the shore and watch the palm trees swaying in the breeze. Feel calmer?

Guided imagery or visualization is a sensory experience that involves envisioning a calm or peaceful scene. It may be a good way to reduce stress and ease anxiety, especially when you see yourself out in nature (picture yourself on a mountaintop or by an ocean). Nguyen J, et al. (2018). Nature-based guided imagery as an intervention for state anxiety. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01858

If you can’t get into the scene on your own, use a guided recording, or an app like Headspace. You’ll get your very own guide to talk you through this mental mini vacation.

8. Try self-hypnosis

You’re getting very sleepy…

Self-hypnosis isn’t about a swinging pocket watch or quacking like a duck. It’s an actual stress relief technique that research suggests can help reduce anxiety. Research on self-hypnosis is limited, but promising.

In one study, the technique helped a group of university students calm down before an exam. Dogan MD, et al. (2018). The effect of self-hypnosis on exam anxiety and stress among university students. DOI: 10.20431/2455-4324.0401004 A combo of self-hypnosis and mindfulness (think meditation) can also be a good stress-relieving tool. Elkins GR, et al. (2018). Mindful self-hypnosis for self-care: An integrative model and illustrative case example. DOI: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29771220

9. Go float

Anyone who has floated in the ocean knows how calming it feels to bob along on the current (except for those who are terrified of the water — then, not so good).

Flotation-REST (reduced environmental stimulation therapy) takes this buoyantly calm feeling even further by adding in a dose of sensory deprivation.

In this treatment you’re suspended in a pool, kept afloat by thousands of pounds of Epsom salt. The room is dark and silent, leaving you to immerse yourself in your own thoughts.

We don’t recommend this technique for anyone with claustrophobia or aquaphobia. But those who are OK with floating will benefit from reduced anxiety and stress, less tense muscles, and a state of profound relaxation. Stein MB, et al. (2018). Examining the short-term anxiolytic and antidepressant effect of flotation-REST. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190292

Don’t have access to a sensory deprivation pool? Fill up the tub with warm water and float your cares away.

10. Take a whiff

Something as simple as breathing in a calming aroma can do wonders for our state of mind. Essential oils distilled from plants are believed to directly act on the brain’s emotion-controlling zones, like the hypothalamus.

Lavender in particular seems to have a soothing effect on the mind. Malcolm BJ, et al. (2017). Essential oil of lavender in anxiety disorders: Ready for prime time? DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2017.07.147

11. Turn on the tunes

A flip through the old music library is one easy way to reduce stress. Music has the ability to dampen levels of the hormone, cortisol, and ease stress in the process. Linnemann A, et al. (2015). Music listening as a means of stress reduction in daily life. DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.06.008

Which tunes work best? Something calming like light jazz or classical should do the trick. But really, whatever you find relaxing is good musical medicine.

12. Laugh it off

A good belly laugh is good for the soul, and the stress levels. Laughter reduces the physical effects of stress (like fatigue) on the body — but only if it’s genuine.

Forced laughter doesn’t have the same effect. So, put on a movie that makes you roar, and let your worries go. Louie D, et al. (2016). The laughter prescription. DOI: 10.1177/1559827614550279

13. Escape into a book

Is the real world too much to handle? Disappear into a hot bodice ripper, blood-pumping thriller, or maybe a faraway epic fantasy. A great read can take your mind off your worries.

14. Drink tea

Too wired to fall asleep? Pour a cup of green tea. In one study, green tea drinkers slept better and felt less stressed. Unno K, et al. Reduced stress and improved sleep quality caused by green tea are associated with a reduced caffeine content. DOI: 10.3390/nu9070777

Chamomile and mint teas are especially calming. Most herbal tea is naturally free of caffeine, but for other types of tea, watch the caffeine content of your brew. Too much of this jitters-inducing chemical could have the opposite effect and keep you awake.

15. Chew gum

Chomping on a stick of bubblegum may seem like a simplistic way of dealing with stress, but some frequent gum chewers swear it helps keep them calm. Researchers say gum chewing might buffer the effects of stress on the brain. Smith AP. (2016). Chewing gum and stress reduction. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6410656/

Plus, a pack of gum is a lot cheaper than therapy.

16. Try CBD

These days, cannabidiol, or CBD, is in everything from gummies to beverages. Research on this popular supplement is pretty slim at this point. But researchers say it acts on the nervous system in a way that makes it a promising therapy for stress and anxiety. Blessing EM, et al. (2015). Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. DOI: 10.1007/s13311-015-0387-1

17. Wash the dishes

Anyone who considers washing the dishes a thankless chore should reconsider their position.

Cleaning up after dinner can be a calming endeavor, provided it’s done mindfully, one study finds. Hanley AW, et al. (2015). Washing dishes to wash the dishes: Brief instruction in an informal mindfulness practice. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12671-014-0360-9 Other mundane, repetitive tasks (think gardening) have similar effects.

18. Exercise

That “high” runners get after they’ve sprinted a few laps is a rush of endorphins, the brain’s natural mood boosting chemicals. Exercise offers natural stress relief by raising levels of feel-good chemicals while lowering cortisol and other stress hormones.

To get that high, and the stress relief that comes with it, it doesn’t require the intensity of a run. Any type of cardio (walking, swimming, dancing) should get those brain chemicals pumping.

19. Walk in the woods

For an even bigger boost, take that exercise program outdoors. A quiet, meditative stroll in the woods can do wonders for stress relief. No need to rush; take whatever pace feels most natural.

20. Practice religion

Got faith? Research shows that religion helps to buffer the stressful effect of life events. Lorenz L, et al. (2019). The role of religion in buffering the impact of stressful life events on depressive symptoms in patients with depressive episodes or adjustment disorder. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16071238 . Any type of religion will work, as long as you feel a spiritual connection to something greater than yourself.

There’s also the added benefit of being around others. Connection to like-minds in a spiritual setting may help you find the support you need during a stressful time.

21. Just do it

A tough day at work can put a big damper on your sex drive come evening. But if you can get up the energy to climb under the sheets with the one you love, sex can be a big stress reliever. The catch, one study found, was that you need to be in a healthy relationship for sex to work its magic. Ein-Dor T, et al. (2012). Sexual healing: Daily diary evidence that sex relieves stress for men and women in satisfying relationships. DOI: 10.1177/0265407511431185

22. Hug it out

No nudity is required to reap the benefits of close contact. Hugging may help reduce blood pressure and stress levels in adults. A good squeeze can also help buffer the negative emotional effects of conflict, one study showed. Murphy MLM, et al. (2018). Receiving a hug is associated with the attenuation of negative mood that occurs on days with interpersonal conflict. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203522

23. Try reiki

Speaking of the power of touch, how about this hands-on approach to healing? Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses the laying-on of hands to increase the life force energy within us. When this energy is low, or so the theory goes, we’re more likely to be stressed.

Can reiki really provide stress relief? Early evidence suggests it could be helpful for both stress and anxiety. Demir M, et al. Effects of distant reiki on pain, anxiety, and fatigue in oncology patients in Turkey: A pilot study. DOI: 10.7314/apjcp.2015.16.12.4859

24. Hang with a pet

There’s nothing like coming home to a wagging tail after a grueling day at the office. Pets are like furry therapists, and their prescription for unconditional love really can do wonders for our mental state.

Playing with a pet for just 10 minutes lowered cortisol levels in college students, according to one study. Pendry P, et al. (2019). Animal visitation program (AVP) reduces cortisol levels of university students: A randomized controlled trial. DOI: 10.1177/2332858419852592

25. Kiss someone

Kissing releases chemicals that lower hormones associated with stress, like cortisol. Forming positive relationships is also a good way to reduce overall stress and anxiety.

26. Do something artistic

Whether your thing is oil painting, playing the trombone, or modern dance, having a creative outlet could do wonders for your state of mind. Art therapy both reduces stress and helps us better manage the stress we’ve got. Gruber H, et al. (2018). Creative arts interventions for stress management and prevention–A systematic review. DOI: 10.3390/bs8020028

27. Write it out

Keeping a journal may be one way to effectively relieve stress-related symptoms, thanks to its meditative and reflective effects. A gratitude journal can really help us put things in perspective. So pick a time every day to write down a few things that make you happy.

Stress is unavoidable these days, but it’s not insurmountable. Keep this tool chest of stress relief tips on hand to pull out when you feel really overwhelmed. Or, better yet, make some of these a daily practice.

Something as simple as breathing deeply or hugging your bestie could help you keep your cool in the most turbulent situations.