Work From Home

5 Tools To Manage Social Media Posting

There’s a huge difference between posting on personal social media and influencing. A regular Joe can post as often—or rarely—as they like. A professional content creator has to post every single day to build a business. Thankfully, there’s an easy way for influencers to manage social media posting: scheduling.

How AI Can Help You Work Better From Home

Whether you run a small business, work remotely for an employer or freelance, working from home comes with some challenges. You can’t walk over to coworkers and bounce ideas off each other, you have to really stay on top of your schedule and everything happens online. The latest generation

How To Be a Virtual Volunteer

According to the Stanford Center of Longevity, about 90% of people want to volunteer, but only about a quarter of people do volunteer. Inability to travel, distance from population centers and lack of time contribute to the gap between wanting to volunteer and doing it. But volunteering is good

What is the Difference Between 5 Gig and 5G?

If you’re shopping for new mobile phone or home internet service, you'll come across a whole alphabet soup of acronyms to decode. It’s confusing, so let’s get smart about what 5 Gig, 5G and even 5GB and 5GHz all mean. Why so many G's? Gig is all about gigabit,

How Much Internet Data Are You Using?

If you have an internet plan with a monthly data cap, you’re probably worried about going over it. It’s not always easy to know how much data your internet activities are using. So, let’s break things down, look at how internet data is measured and consider the best ways


How To Extend the Life of Your Smart Devices

Smart devices have become an indispensable part of modern life. So it’s a huge inconvenience when they break down sooner than you expect (and it’s not easy on the wallet, either). Thankfully, there are ways to extend the life of your smart devices and keep them performing at peak

What Is An Optical Network Terminal?

When you’ve decided on new fast fiber internet service, you’ll hear a lot about getting an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) device. You absolutely need an ONT with fiber, but why? What is an Optical Network Terminal? The ONT is a box that sits directly at the entry point to

What Internet Cookies Should I Accept?

Almost every time you visit a website you will get some kind of pop-up or banner asking you to accept cookies or telling you what cookies are used. But what should you do? Just click accept? Decline them all? Or ignore the pop-up and browse on? Let’s take a

When To Use 5GHz on Your Router

Wi-Fi relies on radio waves to connect your devices to the internet. Those radio waves typically operate at one of two frequencies: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. While your router almost certainly has a 2.4GHz network set up, it might not have the 5GHz channel active. If this is the case,

How Does Wi-Fi Work?

Wi-Fi uses radio waves to connect your devices to the internet wirelessly. It’s what allows you to use your smart TV to watch Netflix or your laptop to make video calls without needing a cable between your device and your router. Let’s look a little deeper at how it

Smart Home

What’s New in Smart Lighting?

Smart lighting increases your home security, saves energy and adds ambiance. And given it’s one of the easiest ways to add smart technology to your home, you might have started with it. Smart home technology changes constantly, so it could be time to take a look at some easy

How To Make Your Home A Smart Home

Even if your house was built in the 1800s, you can still make your home a smart home with voice-activated lights, a whole-home audio system and all the cool smart home features you want. Smart speakers, smart lights and all the other clever smart home devices available now generally

How to Set Up Parental Controls on Your Smart Home

Updated on May 2, 2024 It's crucial to use parental controls at a time when technology is deeply woven into our daily lives. Parents often wrestle with an intricate web of devices within their homes. As kids become more familiar with their own personal devices, like phones, computers and

Predictions on Smart Home Tech to Come

Updated on May 2, 2024 In the ever-evolving world of tech, there’s always new smart home technology on the horizon. The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is where we learn about what’s up and coming in the world of cool new products. This show has a

Choosing the Right Smart Home Monitoring System To Prevent Floods and Fire

Updated on May 2, 2024 Homeowners face an uphill battle against fires and floods. Insurance prices are rising as quickly as disaster can strike, and just the thought of repairs and rebuilding post-calamity can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there are a growing number of ways to protect your home from


Why Do I Need Subtitles When Streaming?

It’s a familiar feeling in the age of streaming: You’re watching a movie at home when suddenly you can’t hear the actors. You turn up the volume, so you don’t miss the plot. But that doesn’t help, and you start to wonder—is it me or my TV? Chances are,

Guide to the Best Streaming Video Services for Different Genres

If you’re convinced downloading is better than streaming, choosing the right combination of streaming services can be overwhelming. Before you know it, your credit card statement contains several small payments to various services that all add up. According to one survey, the average American spends $39 monthly on streaming

How Do I Manage My Streaming Accounts?

When you start streaming your TV content, you find a lot of new rules to learn. You come across terms like users, accounts, households or profiles. What do they mean, and how do you set up your accounts so they’re right for the way you want to watch? You

How to Turn Alexa Into Your TV Remote

She can play your favorite songs, make your coffee in the morning and help you set your thermostat. But did you know you can also use Alexa to control your TV? It’s one of the 100,000-plus skills you can enable on your Alexa device to make life a little

How and Where To Watch the 2023 NFL Season

America’s Game is back with the upstart Detroit Lions beating reigning champion Kansas City Chiefs in the season’s first game. And like the reshuffling of team rosters throughout the offseason, fans can expect to see plenty of revisions to how the NFL will air games in 2023. The new