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Skin Care & Beauty

Get expert skin care and beauty health advice from Cleveland Clinic's team of professionals.

Older person applying skin cream to their face
June 7, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Benefits of Ferulic Acid as Part of Your Skin Care Routine

Ferulic acid can help make other antioxidant products more powerful

jar of rice water and brush, with rice scattered around table
June 4, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Could Rice Water Be the Secret To Healthier Hair?

While there’s little risk in trying this hair care treatment, there isn’t much science to back up the claims

Glass of beer on table at beach with beach-goers
June 3, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Why Experts Say To Avoid Beer Tanning

You’re putting your skin at risk of sunburn and even skin cancer when you pour on the beer

Smiling person under sunny blue sky, holding tube of sunscreen, applying to face
May 24, 2024/Primary Care

The Difference Between Mineral and Chemical Sunscreens

Mineral sunscreens have a heavier texture to create a physical barrier, while chemical sunscreens are lighter and use a chemical reaction to prevent UV damage


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Person holding jar of moisturizer, with moisturizer on fingers
May 15, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

7 Tips for Treating Dry Skin on Your Face

Deal with dry skin by preserving your skin’s moisture, using moisturizing products and taking preventive action

Gloved hands using a tattoo iron to apply a tattoo
May 7, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Tattoo Aftercare Tips From a Dermatologist

Help your ink heal by keeping it moisturized and protected from the sun

female examining neck wrinkles
April 29, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Neck Wrinkles? Here’s What Can Help

Give the delicate skin on your neck some TLC by wearing sunscreen every day and trying a retinoid or topical antioxidant

Acrylic nails being filed by manicurist
April 24, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

Are Acrylic Nails Bad for Your Nails and Skin?

Before your next manicure, weigh the reward against the risk of infection, irritated skin and damaged nails

Medical technician looking through large, lighted magnifying glass, working on patient's foot
April 23, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

6 Benefits of Medical Pedicures: Should You Try It?

Safety, hygiene and technician training are among the biggest benefits of a ‘medi pedi’

Moisturizer being applied to older hands
April 22, 2024/Skin Care & Beauty

How To Make Your Hands Look Younger

To help keep your mitts feeling and looking their best, moisturize, exfoliate, wear sunscreen and eat a healthy diet

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