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10 Tricks to Learn How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

10 tricks for correcting dark circles that really work.
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: 10 Easy Tips

dark circles

Nothing frustrates us more than dark circles. Even after layers of  the best concealer and strategic use of highlighter, some dark circles just won’t quit. As much as we love makeup, covering up the problem doesn’t exactly help to get rid of it (concealer is essentially sweeping dark circles under the rug).

To help you learn how to get rid of dark circles, we’ve pulled together some of the best tricks out there. Once you know what causes them, you’ll be better prepared for how to fix them. Read on below!

1. Change your diet: If you’ve got excessive puffiness under your eyes, which casts a shadow and makes it look like you’ve got crescent moon-shaped darkness south of your bottom lash line, take a good look at what you’re putting into your body. Salty foods and alcohol cause extreme bloat, so when you cut these out, your skin will be able to rest easy without puffing up. Plus, getting rid of bloat will ease your entire body, not just your eyes.

2. Stop rubbing your eyes: Ever notice how friction with your shoes can make lasting dark marks on your feet? The same deal goes with your eyes if you’re constantly rubbing them. Friction causes skin pigmentation to darken, so if you’re constantly rubbing your eyes, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

MORE: The Best Eye Treatments for Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles and More

3. Sleep propped up: When you’re laying down flat, fluids can build up underneath your eyes. Prop yourself up with an extra pillow or two during the night so that the fluid drains down, taking the excess away from your eye area.

4. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen: If the skin underneath your eyes is dark all on its own, don’t take chances on it becoming darker with age. Every day (yes, sun, rain or snow), apply SPF 30 underneath your eyes but avoid actual contact with your eye. The sun can darken the pigmentation around your eye area, making the dark circles worse as you get older.

5. Use your ring finger: When you apply concealer or makeup (or makeup remover) with your fingers, use your ring fingers as they’re the weakest of the bunch. Like we mentioned above, less friction is better, so using your weak finger will be much more gentle on your eye area.

6. Cool tea bags: After you’ve finished brewing a cup of tea, put the left over tea bags into the refrigerator for 10 minutes or so to cool them off, then lay down and set the bags over your eyes. Not only will this relax you and force you to rest your eyes for about 15 minutes, but the cool tea bags will also relieve the skin around your eyes, reducing swelling and discoloration.

7. Get a retinoid cream: Retinoids are great for all over your skin, but especially around your eyes because they help to even out discoloration and boost collagen to reduce fine lines. After continued regular use, your skin will look brighter and smoother.

MORE: GlamGlow’s New Brightmud Eye Treatment Gets Rid of Dark Circles

8. Try a neti pot: If your eyes are puffy as a result of allergies or a cold, using a neti pot in your nose will help to get rid of the fluid build up happening around your eyes.

Stop making excuses for not taking your makeup off: Leaving your makeup on while you sleep will only irritate your eyes and cause fluids to rush to that area. Even if all you have on is mascara or concealer, clear your skin at night and use a retinoid cream afterwards. If you’re really lazy, keep a pack of makeup wipes at your nightstand so you won’t have any excuses.

Freeze a spoon for the morning: Dip two metal spoons in water and immediately place in your freezer at night. In the morning, take out the spoons and lay the rounded side against your eyes for about five or ten minutes before you get ready. The cold will help to reduce puffiness and relax the skin before you apply any makeup.

Image via Dimitri Otis/Getty Images

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