Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) | ASpicyPerspective.comUnbelievable Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza. Thatโ€™ right, Chicago style pizza made in the crockpot. BOOM!

Best Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |
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I have a strange fondness of making out of the ordinary dishes in the crockpot. I secretly consider it a personal challenge.

Some of my favorites includeโ€ฆ

Slow Cooker Peach Cobbler

Crockpot Thanksgiving Stuffing

Slow Cooker Quiche

Slow Cooker Ramen Noodles

Crockpot Bacon Wrapped Beef Tenderloin

Slow Cooker Apple Yeast Rolls

Perfect Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

A few weeks ago I was craving Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza in a major way, so I started rummaging through my cabinets to find the right sized pans to make it.

Suddenly I stopped in my tracksโ€ฆ Could Deep Dish Pizza be made in the crockpot?!?

Challenge accepted!

How to Make Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

How to Make Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe |

Instead of pulling out cake pans, I lifted my slow cookers onto the counter.

Since I had made bread in the crockpot before, I knew what wonderful things low heat could do to yeasty dough. This had to work.

Making Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

How To: Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

As you can see in the photos, my efforts in making a Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe were a huge success.

Amazing Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

You might be wondering, โ€œWhy would I make pizza in a slow cooker when I could just pop it in the oven?โ€

Iโ€™m so glad you askedโ€ฆ

Easy Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

Why You Should Make Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza

Slow cooker pizza is hard to burn. I mean, you really have to try to burn it. If you have an affinity for leaving things in the oven too long, this recipe is for you! Leave the house for a few hours without fear.

Crockpot cooking saves energy. It also keeps your house cool.

Perfect crust. Cooking the crust low and slow gives it a fabulous pillowy texture on the inside, yet it still crisps up on the outside.

Itโ€™s a great kids cooking project. Gone are your concerns of singed fingers. Set out toppings and let the kids go crazy! Theyโ€™ll have fun stretching the dough and piling on the cheese, right in the crockpot.

Come home to a finished dinner. Like with most crockpot recipes, you can prep the pizza in the morning and come home to a tantalizing dinner, ready and waiting for you.

Dazzling Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

Plus, if you have several crockpots you can make multiple varieties at once. (You wouldnโ€™t believe how many friends and readers tell me they have 3-4 crockpots at home.)

Perfect Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe |

I am in love with this Chicago Style Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza. Head over heels.

However, you can make any sort of deep dish pizza you like in your crockpot.

Why not give it a try?

Must-Make Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |

Easy Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza Recipe (Chicago Style!) |
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Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza (Chicago Style)

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Slow Cooker Deep Dish Pizza. That's right, Chicago Style Pizza in the crockpot! So easy to make, and so delicious, you won't believe it.
Servings: 4



  • This recipe works best in a large oval 6-8 quart slow cooker. Roll the pizza dough out onto a large piece of parchment paper. Make sure to roll and stretch to dough into an oval 2 inches longer and 2 inches wider than the crock of the slow cooker. Sprinkle with cornmeal and press into both sides of the crust. Then use the edges of the paper to lower the crust into the crock.
  • Place the butter and onions in a saute pan. Saute for 1-2 minutes, then add the garlic and saute another 2 minutes. Add the crushed tomatoes, Italian Seasoning, sugar and salt. Simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
  • Meanwhile, cook the pork sausage in a separate skillet, breaking apart with a wooden spoon.
  • Spread the cheese over the bottom of the pizza crust. Lift and stretch the sides of the dough so they stand up past the cheese. Sprinkle the crumbled sausage over the cheese. Then spread the tomato sauce over the sausage. Lift and stretch the sides of the crust again so it is above the edge of the sauce.
  • Cover the slow cooker with a long piece of paper towel. Then place the lid over the paper towel and pull it tight. This helps catch excess moisture.
  • Slow cook the pizza for 2-4 hours on high, or 4-6 hours on low. When you are ready to serve, lift the pizza out of the crock by the edges of the parchment paper and sprinkle the top with parmesan cheese and parsley. Cut into 4 pieces.


NOTES: As seen in the images you can make pepperoni deep dish pizzas, or any kind you like! Spread pizza sauce over the bottom of the crust and top with cheese and additional toppings.


Serving: 1slice, Calories: 852kcal, Carbohydrates: 76g, Protein: 35g, Fat: 46g, Saturated Fat: 23g, Cholesterol: 122mg, Sodium: 2451mg, Potassium: 827mg, Fiber: 6g, Sugar: 18g, Vitamin A: 1315IU, Vitamin C: 19.6mg, Calcium: 501mg, Iron: 7.3mg
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American, Italian
Author: Sommer Collier
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