Stop Smoking

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A Guide to Using the Nicotine Patch

The nicotine patch is one of many nicotine replacement therapies proven to help ease nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Find out how to use a nicotine patch correctly.

How to Quit Vaping: A Practical Guide

As the number of lung injury cases and deaths related to vaping swells, more users may be looking to kick the vaping habit. Here are 8 helpful tips on how to stop vaping.

How Do I Know I’m Really Addicted to Nicotine?

You may think you smoke cigarettes because you like it. But the truth is, smoking is an addiction. Here’s how to tell you’re addicted and how to stop smoking.

The Best and Worst Ways to Quit Smoking

Some smoking cessation aids work better than others. Learn about some methods that will probably help, like NRT, and some that probably won't.

More Teens Are Vaping Within 5 Minutes of Waking

Although the number of teens using e-cigarettes has declined, daily frequency of vaping and the number of teens using their first tobacco product within the first 5 minutes of waking up are both increasing, according to a new analysis.

Vaping Tied to Increased Risk of Prediabetes

Smoking has long been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Now a new study adds to the evidence suggesting that vaping may also have a negative impact on blood sugar levels.

Quitting Smoking May Be Harder for Women

The first day of forgoing tobacco is more challenging for female smokers, which can be a critical predictor for long-term success when it comes to extinguishing the habit once and for all.

6 Medical Tests Every Smoker Needs

If you’re a current or former smoker, tobacco has taken a toll on your body. Learn which important medical tests you should discuss with your doctor at the...

Smoking Cessation Drugs

There are a variety of prescription drugs that can help you quit smoking. These stop-smoking drugs may be used along with some nicotine-replacement products.

How to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Quitting cold turkey means giving up smoking all at once, without the aid of any nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

The Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Secondhand smoke — also called SHS, passive, or involuntary smoking — can increase your risk of heart disease, and other serious illnesses.

Nicotine Withdrawal: How to Cope

You'll begin to feel the effects of nicotine withdrawal two to three hours after your last cigarette, but a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can ease withdrawal symptoms.
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