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A Body Language Secret: Look Below The Belt

Updated Jun 19, 2013, 04:53pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

When people try to control their body language, they focus mainly on their facial expressions and hand and arm gestures. That's because rarely is anyone, even a politician, actor or executive, taught about body language below the waist. Gestures made by the legs and feet are left uncontrolled--and thus are where the truth can most often be found.

I witnessed this recently at a conference where I was a speaker. I arrived the day before I was to speak to view other presenters and get a feel for the audience. One of the sessions I saw was an interview with the president and chief executive officer of a financial institution. He and his interviewer, a member of his staff, sat on stage in chairs facing the audience. The staff member read from a list of questions, and the executive responded.

From a body language perspective it was fascinating. The executive's facial expressions and hand gestures signaled comfort and confidence as he shared his philosophy of "relationship banking" and the importance of employees to his company's brand. Then a series of questions about executive compensation came up, and as the CEO's expressions and gestures stayed constant, his foot language changed dramatically. He shifted from a comfortable, loose leg cross to lock his ankles tightly together, pull them back under his chair, uncross them and make tiny kicks with both feet. He then recrossed them and kicked his feet again. He went on like that through the entire set of compensation questions.

Was he comfortable addressing executive pay? His upper body would have had you think so, and if that were all you could see--had he been behind a desk or lectern, for instance--you might have been convinced he was at ease. But his feet told an entirely different story, one of stress and anxiety.

Of course, our feet and legs react not only to stressors and threats but to positive emotions as well. Dancing for joy, kicking up your heels, walking on air and staying on your toes are all familiar phrases for a reason. Bouncing, tapping, wiggling feet are what professional poker players call "happy feet." In poker that's a "high-confidence tell," a signal that a player's hand is strong.

You can pick up similar signals in business negotiations. If you see a lot of high-energy foot jiggling, or notice a slight bounce in the shoulders that results from such movement, you can almost always assume that the person is feeling pretty good about his bargaining position. Also if your seated opponent rocks back on his heels and raises his toes, he probably thinks he has the upper hand.

Feet say a lot about self-confidence. When you stand with your feet close together, you appear timid or hesitant. When you widen your stance, you look more solid and sure of yourself.

Two of your colleagues are talking in the hallway. You'd like to join the conversation but don't know if you'll be a rude interruption or a welcome addition. Want to find out? Watch their feet. As you approach, you'll be acknowledged in one of two ways. If your two colleagues' feet stay in place as they twist their upper torsos toward you, they don't really want your company. If their feet open to include you, then you know you're truly wanted.

Here's another example from my book, The Nonverbal Advantage: Secrets and Science of Body Language at Work: Whenever you're speaking with a co-worker who seems to be paying attention and whose upper body is angled toward you but whose legs and feet have turned toward the door, realize that the conversation is over. Her feet are telling you she wants to leave.

Foot positions are revealing even if someone's legs are crossed. If the toe of the leg on top points toward you, the person is most likely interested in you. If the toe points away, the person is probably withdrawing.

Our feet and legs are not only our primary means of locomotion, they are in the forefront of our fight-or-flight-or-freeze survival responses. The limbic brain has the job of reacting instantaneously to incoming information from the environment, and such a response, as we know, precedes thought. Before we've had time to develop any conscious plan, our limbic brain has already made sure that our feet and legs, depending on the situation, are ready to freeze in place, run away or kick out in defense.

Studies show that observers have greater success judging a person's real emotional state when they can see the entire body. You may not know it, but instinctively you've been reacting to foot gestures all your life. Now you know a little more about what to look for.

Carol Kinsey Goman is an executive coach and speaks at corporate, government and association events. She's the author of The Nonverbal Advantage: Secrets and Science of Body Language at Work. To contact her, e-mail A version of this column originally appeared on her blog at her website, Nonverbal .