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Jon Acuff: Why Most People Don't Reach Their Full Potential And How You Can

Updated May 9, 2013, 11:13am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

I recently caught up with Jon Acuff who is on tour for his New York Times bestselling book, Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters. Jon speaks nationally on a variety of subjects and is the author of three books: Quitter; Gazelles, Baby Steps And 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt; and Stuff Christians Like. Jon’s popular blog,, has more than 3 million readers. Jon closed the gap between his day job and his dream job back in 2010, when he joined Dave Ramsey's team as a full-time speaker and author.

In this interview, he talks about what prevents most people from reaching their full potential, the stages that we all go through in our lives, why most people decide to remain average, and more.

What prevents most people from reaching their full potential the most? Based on all of your speeches, what types of people usually fall into this trap?

The most common trap is fear. I've never met a 20 year old or a 50 year old who says, "I've never had a single passion, dream, hope or desire." We all have them, but a lot of us give in to fear as soon as we get close to them. The reason is that fear only gets loud when you do things that matter. Fear never bothers you if you're average but the second you dare to be more than ordinary, fear awakens.

In 2010, Jon closed the gap between his day job and his dream job when he joined the Dave Ramsey team to become a full-time author. He has contributed to

Can you walk us through all the stages that we go through in our lives and explain how to make the most of the earlier stages so we're better prepared for later?

There are five destinations alone the road to awesome, each one leading to the next:

  1. Learning
  2. Editing
  3. Mastering
  4. Harvesting
  5. Guiding

For the last 100 years these five stages of an awesome life have been pretty easy to identify because as I said, they mapped closely to your age.

In your 20s you resided in Learning. You went to college, got a job or joined the military. You didn’t yet know what you were made of so you sampled many endeavors and did as much as you could to learn about yourself, the world around you, and where you best fit in.

In your 30s you moved-on-up to Editing. When you were in your 30s you started to focus on the handful of things that worked well in your 20s. You were not done learning, but you started editing down the list of things you thought were really important. You prioritized your passions. You eliminated old habits that wrecked you in your 20s and concentrated on doing more of the things you love and less of the things you hate. It was a winnowing period. You focused your career, your relationships and every part of your life.

In your 40s you ascended to Mastering. You edited your life to the most important things in your 30s and then it came time to master them. You were going to be an awesome parent, awesome friend, awesome employee, etc. You didn’t narrow your life further, you just had greater certainly about what you were good at and how to do it regularly. You were no longer the young upstart at work; you were the one with 15-20 years of experience. Tried and true. You started leading bigger projects and initiatives. You were not an expert yet, but you were next in line.

In your 50s you basked in Harvesting. The seeds you planted in your 20s, 30s and 40s finally began blooming. You made the most money in your career during these years and reaped what you sowed. This wasn’t rocket science. If you spent your 30s and 40s working hard to be considered an expert in your field, you would obviously have more job opportunities than if you jumped around 47 times and blamed your bosses for “not recognizing your talent.” If you were deliberate about pouring into relationships in your 20s, 30s and 40s, guess what? You harvested abundant relationships in your 50s. When your collegiate son crashed his car, you harvested an outpouring of support and love. Lots of people came to the hospital and someone probably even brought a casserole.

In your 60s you entered a place of Guiding. You retired with a gold watch and aranch-style home in Florida. You were a grandfather or a grandmother. You were the elder statesman, the one with the wisdom. You got to give back generously to other people who were traveling the path on which you spent forty-plus years. Corncob pipe whittling was not mandatory but highly likely.

If you wanted to be achieve awesomeness that’s the path you followed. While the timeline has dramatically shrunk in the Digital Age, it’s still the same path tens of thousands of people have proven is the way to awesome.

The good news is that the path is still as clear as it has ever been—and now it doesn’t have to take a lifetime. The bad news is that it’s not as easy as it might seem because it’s not the only path on the map. And, like a backroad through the mountains, it’s much narrower than the other, more common path.

Billions of people have traveled and continue to travel the other path and it grows wider every year. The terrain is easy, grassy even, and after a brief incline it follows a safe and steady decline that mostly allows for casual coasting.

It sounds nice. It feels effortless when you’re on it.

The trouble is that on this wide path, you don’t end up at awesome. You just end up at old. The path is called “average.”

The trickiest thing is that both paths begin in the same place. And both paths end in harvesting and guiding.

The key difference is that if you’ve trekked the path of awesome, the harvest is abundant and you will guide other people down their own abundant paths.

If on the other handyou’ve coasted the path of average, never daring to believe you could learn, edit and master your own bit of awesomeness, you will harvest a crop neither you nor anyone else desires. And you will then guide, but instead of illuminating an awesome path for others, you’ll become a lighthouse indicating the rocks on which you crashed your life.

You might not have ahaunted house or an abnormally large furnace in the basement a la The Burbs, but people will still refer to you in hushed tones like they did my old neighbors.

They grew so bitter that they eventually decided to spend their time making sure any ball or Frisbeethat lighted upon their lawn was quickly confiscated and cataloged. After a few years of draining the entire neighborhood of toys, they took my friend Marc to court at which point they presented all their evidence. I can only imagine the jury’s face as they were presented with Wiffle Balls bearing dates on them.

Is that what you want your life to come to? Wiffle Ball CSI? Me neither.

So then why do most people decide to travel down the average path?

The truth is that they don’t decide. The only thing you have to do on the average path is not die.

You graduate from high school or college and effectively shift into neutral. Sure, you’re not moving that fast but you’re getting great gas mileage and you are making some progress, if you want to call it that. You’re definitely getting older and that means something, right? With age comes wisdom? Not necessarily. Especially if you’re coasting. Eventually, you’ll roll your way right into the grave.

The average path is the easier of the two paths and it’s dangerously comfortable. I spent many years on it without realizing I’d been there a week.

The awesome path?

It is dangerous too—but the good kind of dangerous. The kind of dangerous through which all great accomplishments must travel. On it are tall mountains, rocky walls and even an occasional dragon. You’re going to get bloodied, your discipline will be tested, and your dreams will be challenged a thousand times over. But ohhhh, it is awesome.

And here’s the kicker: when I say it’s awesome, I don’t mean “eventually” awesome. I’m talking right-this-second awesome.

I’d never write a book that said, “In forty years you’ll get to harvest some amazing stuff in your life if you’ll just suck it up for four decades.” I don’t want a life like that. Why would I convince you that you needed one? The truth is that, thanks to three different factors, the opportunity and speed with which you can reach awesome has never been greater.

A lot of people are happy living an average life. What advice would you give them? Do you think an extraordinary life is for everyone?

I think an extraordinary life is for everyone, a famous life isn't. Not everyone is going to win a Grammy. If you're 42 and out of shape, you can dream all you want about being in the NFL but that's probably not going to happen. I don't believe the falsely hopeful idea that "you can be anything you want." I believe the infinitely better idea that "you can be the best version of you."

What were your experiences like promoting this book? Tell me about what it was like to have a bus in Times Square.

The Dave Ramsey team was amazing during this experience. We put on a sold out off Broadway show and then walked a few hundred people to the bus parked in the middle of Times Square. We rented a massive billboard and threw a huge party. I will say this, there were some very disappointed European tourists that night. They would see the crowd of people around me and would walk up expected Johnny Depp, not an unknown author.

What are your top three career advice tips?

1. Never put "Goals" at the top of your resume. Everyone writes the same things. Put "results," a solid paragraph of the achievements you and you alone can say from your previous jobs.

2. To find a job, expand three circles: geography, industry and commitment. Out of work for a week? Have small circles, e.g. "I only want to work in advertising, for a full time position and in Nashville." Out of work for 6 months? Expand the circles, e.g. "I will work anywhere in the southeast, in advertising, marketing, or corporate communications and will take part time contract work.

3. Never buy the lie that your job is "just a job." Nothing you do 40 hours a week is just a job. That's just your life.

Dan Schawbel is the author of the upcoming book, Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin's Press, Sept 3rd).