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6 Tips to Relax on Vacation -- Even As An Entrepreneur

Updated Jul 1, 2014, 10:53am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

It’s summer, which means the vacation season has officially begun. For entrepreneurs, getting a real vacation can be tough. You are the captain of your ship, and it can be hard to let go of the wheel...even for a short amount of time.

“It is definitely difficult for entrepreneurs to ‘check out’ for holidays, and mostly it’s because we don’t want to,” said Julie Cole, founder of Mabel’s Labels. “Many of us would rather work 100 hours a week for our own company, than 40 hours a week for someone else.”

But even the busiest entrepreneurs need a break. In fact, the more packed your schedule, the more likely it is you should take some time to get away. It might not be easy to take a break, but it can be good for your health, your mental well-being, and even your business. I talked with Cole about how to unplug, at least briefly, to recharge your batteries this summer:

Find Your Own Peak Season

According to statistics from AAA, 66%of Americans planned to take at least one trip during the summer vacation season in 2013. No matter the reason, the summer is a great time to take vacation as an entrepreneur, because this is the time when your clients and network are out of the office, so your workload could be lighter.

Of course, as an entrepreneur with employees, summer is also the time your workforce wants to jetset out of the office. If summer is too busy with vacation absences, consider scheduling off-peak times to travel throughout the year. And instead of taking multiple weeks at a time during a busy period, take a few days or an extended weekend or two throughout the colder months in order to relax. Find the balance that works for you, don’t just ‘accept’ that you can’t ever get away.

Leave Your Wi-Fi Behind

You can take a vacation, but will you actually be able to relax? Or will you be checking your inbox every five minutes? According to a study from Expedia, 10% of Americans admit they never manage to relax on vacation , while 76% find themselves checking voicemail and email. If you’re going on vacation, you should actually unplug and get away from the office.

“Don’t take your computer, tablet, or anything work related,” Cole advises. “Make sure there is no Wi-Fi or you’ll get sucked into the email rabbit hole.”

If you’ve made the decision to take a vacation in order to relax and recharge, don’t let work creep into your time away. This often means making a conscious choice to leave work behind, whether it’s leaving your laptop at home or keeping your phone on airplane mode until you return.

Figure in a Buffer Day

There’s nothing like coming back to a dangerously full inbox. The first day back is almost always a game of catchup, so give yourself a buffer between your return flight and your first day back in the office. Cole suggests you tell your team you’ll be returning to the office a day later than you actually get home.

“It gives you a day when you return home to hide out and deal with all you’ve missed without being interrupted,” Cole said.

Write a Clear Plan

Before you leave the office, set up a written action plan for your vacation and make sure everyone on the team is cognizant and comfortable with their roles. This makes the plan easier to consult on a day-to-day basis and frees you from troubleshooting questions about responsibilities. Post the written plan somewhere your team can easily find and consult it, whether it’s in the break room, an internal Google docs account, or even an email memo. If your business is client-focused, set some time aside to let your clients know you’ll be away, for how long, and who to contact on your team if they run into a problem.

Screen Your Calls

It can be tempting to give everyone a list of every number where you can be reached while on vacation. It is not, however, a great idea if you want your vacation to be relaxing. You trust your team, and it’s time to let them fly without supervision.

Pick one person on staff to work as your point-of-contact while you’re on vacation. Instead of having your team call you on vacation to report in, you should be the one checking in when you need an update. This puts all the power in your hands, and allows your point of contact the power to make decisions and keep things moving forward without you.

Go Somewhere Inspiring

Don’t just take a staycation to binge-watch Netflix -- find a location or activity that will leave you refreshed and inspired. Go out into nature, travel to a different culture, or try an activity which pushes you outside your comfort zone.

“Your summer vacation can actually be a benefit to your company if you use it to push your boundaries, recharge your creativity, and help you see the world (and your business) in a new light,” Cole said.

Even if you’re an entrepreneur, a vacation is a good idea to help you come back to your business with fresh eyes. Put a plan in place, unplug, and find inspiration, and your vacation might just be the best thing to happen to your business.

What do you think? How can you take vacation as an entrepreneur? Share in the comments!

Image courtesy of Jonatas Cunha; Flickr