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Top 35 Summer Wedding Table Décor Ideas To Impress Your Guests

Summer weddings have something special because they get to use to their advantage the amazing weather and the multitude of colors that are available this time of the year. This definitely makes it easier when it comes to choosing the centerpieces and the table décor.

Traditional wedding table
The contrasts between the white flowers and dark accents go well with the whole green background

There are so many things and options to choose from and this definitely doesn’t make the decision-making process easier. You could have stunning flowers decorating the tables or you could have a beach-inspired décor with a refreshing touch.

Traditional wedding table
Personalize the table runners with your initials for a nice customized look
Traditional wedding table
Decorate with colorful garlands for a pop of color at an indoor wedding
Traditional wedding table
The white and red color mix is elegant and chic and the green emphasizes both shades
Traditional wedding table
Use succulents instead of flowers for a more original type of décor
Traditional wedding table
Summer flowers make great choices both from a financial and aesthetic point of view
Traditional wedding table
Opt for a non-white tablecloth and choose a coordinating color to go with it
Traditional wedding table
Small table centerpieces are more suited for outdoor weddings
Traditional wedding table
A very elegant color palette based on yellows, white and green
Traditional wedding table
Choose an all-white table décor and break the monotony with colorful centerpieces

You can also go for something a little more casual and decorate with stunning fruit. The multitude of colors available also presents a challenge. So if you decide to focus on flowers and plants, you still need to decide on a color palette.

Traditional wedding table
A beach-themed wedding featuring coral-inspired centerpieces
Traditional wedding table
Play with different shades of the same color for a cohesive yet dynamic décor
Traditional wedding table
A more casual approach could go well with an outdoor wedding
Traditional wedding table
A very elegant and stylish table centerpiece with a minimalist and transparent design
Traditional wedding table
A more rustic approach in the shade of a big old tree
Traditional wedding table
An imposing and practical centerpiece design that doesn’t obstruct the view
Traditional wedding table
A tall table centerpiece that bursts at the top is perfect as it leaves the table free of clutter
Traditional wedding table
For an outdoor wedding, consider having umbrellas for shade
Traditional wedding table
A beautiful mix of bolds colors and a green design with a fake grass table runner
Traditional wedding table
Transform your garden into an elegant wedding décor with sparkling lights
Traditional wedding table
Pink themed wedding table
Traditional wedding table
Take advantage of everything summer has to offer and create an imposing floral arrangement
Traditional wedding table
Simple and casual yet elegant and stylish, a great option for summer weddings
Traditional wedding table
If you can’t decide between flowers and sweets, use them both
Traditional wedding table
If you have a bold pink table, then use less vibrant shades for the centerpieces
Traditional wedding table
A very nice and colorful mix of seasonal flowers can really make the tables pop
Traditional wedding table
A more classical approach with a bright color palette can turn out to be perfect for you
Traditional wedding table
A mix of floral arrangements and candles in matching designs
Traditional wedding table
Decorate the wedding tent with bunting in pastel shades for w whimsical look
Traditional wedding table
The rich colors at this outdoor summer wedding definitely create a unique atmosphere
Traditional wedding table
Handmade decorations and simple decors can make a wedding feel more personal
Traditional wedding table
Use a range of different colors in small amounts for a beautiful visual impact
Traditional wedding table
Green and purple is a very nice color combination for all seasons
Traditional wedding table
Dare to impress with rich colors but don’t use more than two
Traditional wedding table
A green wedding table décor featuring plants, flowers, moss and a range of elegant colors

Another option would be to choose succulents and to display them in nice transparent glass containers. If you plan an outdoor wedding, then you can also use the landscape and the colors around you to create a balanced décor and you can play with everything nature has to offer. Hopefully, the examples we’ve presented here today can offer you some inspiration for a unique and dreamy summer wedding.

Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.