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How to Make Your Teachers Like You

Aug 25, 2017

Back to school time means a new year and a fresh start, especially if you’re going to a new school. If you’re someone who strives for good grades, it’s important to make a great first impression on your teachers. While they may not admit it, some teachers judge students right off the bat - and one wrong move could put you in their bad books

Teacher's Pet isn't always a bad thing!Teacher's Pet isn't always a bad thing!

The Do’s and Don'ts for Students

Think about what teachers look for in a good student. They want students who behave, participate, complete assignments on time, and put effort into their work. They don’t like Chatty Cathy’s—students who talk during class, even while the teacher is instructing. They don’t respect students who sleep on their desks, or text message during class. And they don’t like rudeness. If you get detention on your first day, you know you’ve got a problem.

Participation vs Class Clown

Teachers love students who participate. And a lot of them give participation marks. So if you know the answer, volunteer. But remember, there’s a difference between participating, and being obnoxious. Most teacher’s don’t appreciate the Class Clowns, who often speak up but only to make their classmates laugh.

It's a treat for your teach if you get involved in the discussion!It's a treat for your teach if you get involved in the discussion!

Complete Your Work

It’s simple and obvious, but it’s often overlooked. Completing your work on time shows the teacher that you are organized, trustworthy and that you have a great work ethic. Make your work neat, and keep your binder organized for brownie points. Putting extra effort into your work also doesn’t hurt. If you can get an A+ instead of an A, why wouldn’t you?

Teacher’s Pet

Not every teacher appreciates students who suck up. Most can see through that. Your best bet is to be nice, do what the teacher asks of you and smile. Positivity can go a long way!

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