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Duncan Scott/  A group of friends meet for breakfast March 14, as they do every Friday at Ruko's Family Restaurant in Mentor. The retirees share a common love of cars. From left is Joe Tomba, Jim Puskas, Mike Grum, Lenny Hull and Mike Jankovich. Also at the table, but obscured, are Chuck Cutrone, Jim Bertram, Bob Bytheway and Don Richmond.
Duncan Scott/ A group of friends meet for breakfast March 14, as they do every Friday at Ruko’s Family Restaurant in Mentor. The retirees share a common love of cars. From left is Joe Tomba, Jim Puskas, Mike Grum, Lenny Hull and Mike Jankovich. Also at the table, but obscured, are Chuck Cutrone, Jim Bertram, Bob Bytheway and Don Richmond.

You’ve seen them around.

A group of retired men or women, or a mix of both, who meet regularly for breakfast, often at the same time and same place.

What you may not have realized is just how significant these casual gatherings are.

Because the chance to chat with fellow employees around the water cooler no longer exists, a source of socialization has gone by the wayside.

‘If you’re not heading to an office or getting out and about each day, you may be missing out on important social interaction that you need to stay sharp, healthy, and maybe even ward off dementia,’ according to information from St. Joseph Health in Sonoma County, Calif.

‘Research has shown that social interaction offers older adults many benefits. Staying socially active and maintaining interpersonal relationships can help you maintain good physical and emotional health and cognitive function.’

Though it’s unlikely that the group of men gathering on Friday mornings at various Lake County restaurants think about the serious benefits they’re gaining as they joke, tell stories and freely dole out advice, they do admit to looking forward to the weekly meetings.

‘It just feels good to be around guys with common interests,’ said Don Richmond who lives in Mentor-on-the-Lake. ‘It give me something to do since I’m retired – being with old friends and meeting new ones. It’s cool.’

What started out as a few guys meeting for breakfast at the former Cruisin 50’s Diner on Mentor Avenue has expanded to a dozen or more over the past three years.

Since the eatery’s closure a few months ago they’ve been trying out other places in an attempt to find somewhere they feel comfortable.

Recently, they’ve been meeting at Ruko’s Restaurant in Mentor.

With a passion for cars serving as a common link, Jim Puskas of Chardon Township said if the group had its own moniker, ‘The Piston Heads’ would work well.

‘Everyone has involvement with cars whether it was their livelihood or a hobby,’ Puskas explained.

Many of them raced hot rods in their younger days, before the sport shifted gears to the current muscle car mania, according to Mike Jankovich of Mentor.

Though cars dominate their two- to three-hour conversations, sometimes other topics drive in.

The weather, current events and women occasionally serve as discussion fodder said Jim Bertram of Wickliffe, a former truck driver. He added that staying away from ‘heavy stuff’ that could lead to somewhat controversial dialogue is an unstated rule.

Another group of retirees has been getting together most weekdays for more than a decade. Tom Fitzgerald, a former Euclid Police Department detective who lives in Mentor, is among them, meeting at Panera Bread in Mentor’s Points East Plaza.

Unlike the car-focused crew, Fitzgerald said no particular topic takes precedence.

Following a group prayer, talk veers toward sports, family or any number of subjects.

‘I think basically for me it’s to get out of the house,’ Fitzgerald said. ‘To socialize, to talk, discuss the old days, old neighborhoods, what we did growing up, current events, cars, football, baseball – just to keep your mind functioning. It makes me feel good.’

On any given day four to 10 friends ranging in age from 65 to 91 can be found sipping a cup of joe and socializing.

Sometimes former Cleveland Browns coach Sam Rutigliano, who lives in Lake County, joins in and banters with them about the hometown football team.

Fitzgerald said at times their relationships move outside the Panera Bread locale where staffers are both familiar and friendly with the group of ‘regulars.’

Visits to those in the hospital, a helping hand with a house project, a ride when needed are part and parcel of the bond they’ve created.

‘I couldn’t function, probably, if I didn’t come down here,’ Fitzgerald said, adding that the camaraderie has significantly enhanced his retirement years.

Bagel Buddies in Euclid is the regular meeting place for Bob Pollutro of Mentor and a group of pals who meet there two or three times a week. He also meets with the Euclid Alumni Class of 1961 once a month.

‘You have to stay active or you just dry up,’ Pollutro said. ‘And these guys are absolutely the best. They’re all very supportive. You can talk just about anything. Every once in a while there’s a hot political topic but no one holds a grudge.’

Though families may supply an outlet, the need for socialization and support often extends beyond familiar boundaries.

After seeing the need for more interaction among women in the Camarillo, Calif., area, Jenica Polakow, senior support manager for the city’s health care district, initiated the Friendship Connection in 2012.

‘Seniors want their own relationships and independence,’ Polakow said in an article in the Camarillo Acorn. ‘They don’t want to rely on their family members for everything and don’t want to burden them with all their worries and needs.’

She noted that the group has grown, and like others, has expanded from regular meetings to include other activities.

Women who regularly exercise at Contours Express in Mentor have grown their acquaintances at the gym to friendships which are nurtured at Panera Bread in Mentor’s Creekside Commons where they meet each month.

Barbara Louis of Concord Township said they’ve been meeting after workouts for about three or four years.

‘I look forward to it,’ Louis said. ‘My husband calls it our therapy group. It’s just kinda neat and a fun thing.’

Cars and sports are not on their list of high priorities. Instead, the women discuss recipes, crafts, television shows and trips.

Louis said after having surgery she was unable to exercise but made it a point to meet the group at the coffee shop.

‘I find if very fulfilling,’ she said. ‘I think it’s very important – absolutely.’

Mark Beach, communications director for AARP in California, summed up the importance of seeking social connections once retired from a lifetime of working.

‘It’s obvious that staying connected with loved ones and others really shapes your quality of life as you age,’ Beach said. Benefits of being social

* Potentially reduced risk for cardiovascular problems, some cancers, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis

* Potentially reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease

* Lower blood pressure

* Reduced risk for mental health issues such as depression Keeping connections strong

Start by staying in touch with friends and family, and try to visit with them regularly. Here are other ways you can maintain a high level of social interaction:

* Volunteer in your community.

* Visit a senior center and participate in offered activities with other seniors-this is a great way to make new friends.

* Join a group focused on activities you enjoy, such as playing cards or a book club.

* Try taking a class-learn a new language or a new style of cooking or experiment with a new hobby.

* Join a gym or fitness center to stay physically fit and engage with others.

* Find ways to stay young at heart, stimulated, busy-and out of the house. Schedule regular visits with grandkids or volunteer at a school or children’s organization to enjoy time with little ones and absorb some of their youthful energy.

* Although staying in touch in person is important, phone calls, snail mail, and e-mail can keep you connected, too. If you’re not yet comfortable with computers, ask a young relative to help you.

* Staying socially active and maintaining your relationships are an important part of healthy aging. Reach out to your loved ones-neighbors, friends, family members-and stay as vibrant, active, and social as you’ve always been. – Information from St. Joseph Health – Sonoma County