It's finally time to start prepping for spring, but before you throw open the windows; you have to de-winterize them if you put up some insulation.

"It's starting to warm up now. You can start to take those down. They're no longer going to be very effective for you. In fact, as the temperature starts rising it'll actually heat your house a little too warm because it'll trap that air in there," said Roger Kelly, the Home Depot department supervisor.

Next place to stop on your winter purge is the basement.

"Being that it was a long, hard winter -- there's a lot of dust built up in the house. One of the things we would recommend is changing your furnace filters. You can change them out to a good, better, best, and ultra. If you have allergies, ultra is the way to go."

Ready to head outside? It's never too early to start thinking about your green spaces.

"We have the step-one fertilizers for your lawns, which you can put down as soon as the snow melts off, even if it snows again on top of it, it's not going to hurt it. As for your garden beds -- you can start mulching, getting it cleaned out and raked."

If you used salt this winter, you might want to get a broom out and sweep up any remnants.

"With salt, if you're not expecting rain right away you should go out and start sweeping it up because the longer it sits on the concrete, the more apt it is to etch the concrete, crack it, and cause more problems down the road for you."

If you're feeling really ambitious, then you can break out your air conditioners and fans, to make sure they are in working order and are cleaned for cooling season. And don't forget to prepare your outdoor furniture too.