If you're like a lot of people, the last time you hopped out of bed with a spring in your step was Christmas morning when you were five—and you were probably tired then, too. Whether it's your nutty schedule, a cat who won't let you sleep for more than five consecutive minutes, or plain old stress, it's usually pretty easy to see why you're dragging. Except when it's not: New research warns that feeling fatigued too often can be a sign of some eye-opening problems. 

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a mysterious condition characterized by ongoing feelings of sleepiness that aren’t alleviated with more rest, and don’t seem linked to other health problems. And while researchers have yet to nail down the cause of CFS, a new study, published in the Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, suggests that chronic inflammation might actually be behind the problem.

So how can you figure out whether your tiredness is CFS? Keep tabs on how often you suffer from daytime lulls, says CFS expert Leonard Jason, PhD, director of the Center for Community Research at DePaul University. Fatigue for short periods of time is normal, whereas fatigue that lasts for days or weeks is not.

“If you take a vacation from work, or spend a weekend catching up on sleep, you should feel better,” he says. If that doesn’t help, then the issue may be more serious, he says. 

MORE: 9 Tricks To Fight Fatigue

Ask yourself this: Do you feel fatigued an hour after getting out of bed, feel worse after exercise, or feel like your memory or concentration are lagging? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” and persists for at least six months, then CFS may be to blame, Jason says. “It’s like having the flu all the time,” he explains. 

For cases of normal fatigue, people can take steps to relieve their symptoms, Jason says. Follow his recommendations to get your sleepiness in check before it gets worse:

Make sleep a priority The amount needed varies from person to person, but most of us require at least seven hours of deep, restful sleep each night to feel our best, Jason says. An afternoon rest session can also help: Even if you don’t sleep, closing your eyes for 10 or 20 minutes while listening to quiet music or meditating can reduce stress and recharge the batteries. (For our best shut-eye tips, check out these 20 Ways To Sleep Better.)

Improve your daily habits Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day, which can help curb inflammation, Jason advises. Trim your workload or list of responsibilities, and avoid alcohol or stimulants like tobacco or caffeine in the evening. Sure, these changes are easier said than done, but the question is, how long can we afford not to make them?

Headshot of Markham Heid
Markham Heid

Markham Heid is an experienced health reporter and writer, has contributed to outlets like TIME, Men’s Health, and Everyday Health, and has received reporting awards from the Society of Professional Journalists and the Maryland, Delaware, and D.C. Press Association.