A guide to solo living: how to enjoy your own company

As a restaurant that only caters to solo diners is set to open in London, here's how to delight in life on your own

Dining alone: Amsterdam's Eenmaal bills itself as the first restaurant in the world purely for solo diners
Amsterdam's Eenmaal restaurant is always full - and plans to open a sister restaurant in London Credit: Photo: Facebook

After a stressful day at work, sometimes it’s best to spend some quality time with the world’s most important person: yourself.

There’s no need to commit to a lifetime of solitude, but once you’ve finished discussing The Great British Bake Off and collaboratively analysing texts from last night’s date, a moment of peace can be the most relaxing company. The trend for temporary isolation has become so popular that a restaurant which only caters for solo diners is fully booked in Amsterdam and New York, and the owner is planning to open a similar site in London. So, with 17.8m single people in Britain choosing their own company over coupling up, how do you get the best out of socialising solo?

Dining out alone

Even the most independent-minded of introverts has been deterred by a sulky waiter. “Nobody joining you?” is awkward the first time, but it takes true resilience not to be put off by the fifth query. The trick is to behave with aplomb – stop worrying that everyone around is wondering why you’re a loser with no friends and act like the most contended and magnanimous diner in the restaurant. Don’t hide in the corner and avert your gaze but hold your head high and smile with pride: unlike the chattering masses, you have the self-confidence to enjoy your own company. Start somewhere casual if you’re not used to solo dining and choose a café like Le Pain Quotidien, which has large tables specially designed for people who want to eat alone. Hazards include obnoxious neighbours who talk too loudly but there’s plenty of scope for people-watching - bring a magazine to browse and you’ll be fine. Once you’ve realised the joys of solo dining, it won’t be long before you’re treating yourself to tea at Claridge’s. For one.

Passing muster in Paris: Henry Samuel sits at the 'best table’ in Le Georges, according to a waiter

Solo cinema trips

There’s very little point in bringing a friend to the cinema – you’re only going to sit in silence for two and a half hours, so why not do it alone? Avoid Saturday night, when the slobbering couples will put you off the film and make you depressed about human mating rituals, and sunny afternoons, which should not be spent alone in a dark room. But any other rainy day or weeknight is the perfect occasion to enjoy the latest release by yourself. Don’t choose a scary film if you need someone to hold you’re hand and, if you’re painfully anxious about judgement from the ticket office, there are always cinemas with self-service machines. A perfect evening if you're looking to avoid human contact altogether.

Cinema audience: Cinema audiences boom as a way to escape the recession

Holidays for one

You have five weeks' holiday a year so don’t even think about not taking it just because you can’t find a friend to come along. There are dozens of companies that cater to single travellers, so whatever your age or interests, there are party holidays, culture trips and adventure cruises to choose from. But if you don’t fancy making friends and travelling in a group, then follow your heart and organise the holiday of your dreams. AirBnB is a great option for travellers who want to meet locals on their visits, and why not try a cycling trip to enjoy the scenery en route. Best of all would be a beautiful beach, a good book and some peace and quiet… finally.

The lone drinker

Going to a bar by yourself is advanced solo socialising, only for the most practiced lone ranger. If you’re worried about looking like you’ve been stood up – or as though you’re prowling for new conquests – then save drinking alone until you’re more comfortable in your own skin. But if you’ve sampled starters, gone to the cinema and travelled alone quite happily, then why not take the plunge? Make sure you choose the right bar, with plenty of space to sit and relax with your own thoughts, and don’t worry about bringing a book as a prop. Just sit back, relax, and ponder the mysteries of the universe. For example, why do cocktail drinks come with umbrellas?

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