How To: Produce An Independent Film
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How To: Produce An Independent Film

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Find the right director
Once you have a great script, the director you hire will either make or break your film. Join local film organizations to get to know directors. Check out short film screening events at local bars or clubs and meet the directors who made the best short films. Choose a competent director whose work you admire. Look for a director who can tell a story visually and get great performances out of actors.

You and the director can then seek out three key crew people:
    1- Director of Photography (DP): Operates the camera and is responsible for the visual look of the movie.
    2- Assistant Director (AD): Breaks down your script and comes up with a realistic shooting schedule.
    3- Unit Production Manager (UPM): Works out a detailed shooting budget and hires crew members.

Hook a rich investor
Use other people's money to finance your film — preferably someone rich who won't miss the money if the film doesn't make a profit.

Getting someone to finance your first film is not an easy task. To help your cause, put together a business plan, including a professional looking prospectus highlighting the elements of your project and a document detailing the financial structure of the project.

A typical low-budget financial arrangement is one in which, after the investor recoups, profits are split 50/50 between investor and producer. The producer usually pays any agreed upon deferments to actors and the crew out of his cut.

Remember that friends and relatives are more likely to invest than people who don't know who you are. Use your own money or credit cards at your own risk and as a last resort only.

Phase 2: Pre-production

Put together a good crew
Prepare your plan of action and get ready to start shooting. I don't recommend using your friends, as they might not take the job seriously. Film students or professional crew people with limited experience are ideal, as long as they are competent and hard working.

You won't have to pay much, but you should pay everyone something to get them to show up every day. A day rate of $25 is a good place to start with film students, with up to $100 for the most experienced crewmembers. Plan for a shooting schedule of 6-day weeks with one day off, for 3 to 4 weeks in total.

Scout suitable locations for filming
Avoid paying for locations, if possible. Secure the best locations by having the owner sign a location release contract.

Get your equipment
Find the best deals for film equipment you will need to rent, such as a camera and lighting packages. The best way to keep your budget low is to shoot your film on Digital Video (DV) instead of 16mm or 35mm film.

DV has emerged as an accepted movie format in the film industry. You'll avoid paying for expensive film and costly film processing. And you can buy a DV camera for roughly the price of renting a film camera for a week.

It's time to audition actors and find a hot as hell actress