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Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, this smothered fried chicken with polenta and herb gremolata is perfect for a dinner party. 
Humble ingredients—eggs, pasta, cheese, and pork—combine to create glossy, glorious spaghetti carbonara that’s just as good at dinner as at 2 a.m.
Pancetta, garlic, and jammy slow-cooked tomatoes bring big, concentrated flavor to these brothy clams. 
This lasagna version of carbonara includes mild Fontina, pancetta-studded ricotta, and eggs baked right in, toad-in-the-hole style.
It doesn’t take a lot of ingredients (or a lot of money) to make a classic Bolognese recipe. What it does take, though, is patience!
Kabocha squash is made for purées.
A veg-forward cookbook that puts meat in its place (as a handy way to let vegetables shine).

Sarah Jampel

This satisfying veg-forward dish proves that sometimes the role for meat is as a supporting actor helping to make green things shine.
Malfatti—literally “badly made”—are not as tricky to shape as you think. We’ll walk you through it.
This cut of pork was put here to make up happy.

Alex Delany

Why wouldn't you throw some veggies around your bird while it roasts? You've got a hot pan that's about to be full of sizzling schmaltz just begging to bathe a mosaic of squash and onions with tons of chicken-y flavor.
Shellfish and pork are a power duo. The salty-sweet pancetta soffritto is the backbone of this clam toast (a kitchen favorite during tastings).
Is it necessary to blanch, then shock, the ramp greens? If you want a super-green (not khaki) pesto, it is.
Lemon makes the perfect foil for carbonara’s salty richness. You may never go back.
You can finish this carbonara with other seasonal vegetables, such as shredded brussels sprouts or Napa cabbage. This recipe is from Oberlin, one of the Hot 10, America's Best New Restaurants 2016.
You can omit the pancetta, but it gives the finished dish a meaty depth that’s worth the extra step.
Canned chickpeas are great, especially when served with a side of comfy pants and Law & Order SVU.

Carey Polis

When all else fails, just add toast.
This seafood paella recipe requires organization and slicing and dicing in advance. But once the paella gets going, the process is pretty seamless—and the rewards are huge.
This rave-worthy soup is all about layering powerful flavor-enhancers that you probably already have on hand—tomato paste, herbs, Parm, and, of course, kosher salt.
We’re into the ruffles-on-ruffles look you get from using savoy, but green cabbage is great in its place.
Roasting the pancetta in one large piece renders out most of the fat, making it easy to dice into perfect ¼" pieces.
If you like stuffing with smoked oysters, you’ll like it even more with tart lemons on top.
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