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How To Mentally Prepare Yourself To Give The Performance Of Your Life

Updated Aug 22, 2014, 04:10pm EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

In part one of my interview with sport psychologist Martin Turner, he shared the reasons why some people thrive under pressure, while others seem to crumble. This week, he’s sharing his tips about how to perform optimally when you’re faced with a challenge. According to Turner, we all have the ability to learn psychological strategies to help us perform at our peak in high pressure situations .

Whether you’re about to give a speech to a crowded room, or you’ve only got five minutes to close the biggest deal of your career, your performance depends greatly on how you’re feeling when you enter into the situation. Turner, who is an expert in human performance under pressure, explains that we won’t perform optimally unless we get into ‘the challenge state.’ As Tuner explained last week, a challenge state enhances our performance while a threat state interferes with our abilities.

Mo Farah at the 2010 LYG Hall of Fame and Awards Evening (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The All Important Mental Game

Mental preparation is one of the most important aspects of peak performance under pressure. In both sports and business, high pressure situations place many demands on us. When we’re in a challenge state, we’re able to meet those demands. “To get into a challenge state, the key is to increase levels of self-confidence, perceptions of control, and focus on success,” explains Turner.

Turner says the only way to meet the demands of a high pressure situation is to have “the resources.” The resources include a variety of skills that can greatly enhance performance under pressure. Here are just a few resources people use to get themselves mentally prepared:

1. Imagery – Sometimes, before a big event, we imagine ourselves failing miserably. We picture the worst-case scenarios and visualize embarrassing ourselves beyond recovery. Of course, focusing on a terrible outcome during the days, hours and minutes leading up to your “big moment” isn’t helpful. In fact, doing so can be very detrimental to your performance.

So instead of imaging negative outcomes, Turner recommends using imagery (or visualization) in a positive manner. He suggests recreating past performances or rehearsing future performances in your head. The imagery should be made as realistic as possibly by including sights, sounds, feelings, and even smells. Visualize yourself performing well in an upcoming presentation, interview or pitch over and over again. Visualizing a successful performance instills confidence in your ability to perform at your best .

2. Self-Talk – The conversations you have with yourself leading up to and during your performance will influence how you behave. If a speaker spends the five minutes before he goes on stage thinking, “I’m going to fail,” and “People are going to see how nervous I am,” he’ll increase his anxiety and his body will respond accordingly. A racing heart and sweaty palms certainly won’t make his speech any better. And if he’s still repeating those things to himself during the speech, he’ll have less brain power available to focus on his presentation.

To enhance your performance, Turner suggests structuring your self-talk in a way that will help you enter the situation feeling more positive. For example, an athlete may use three key phrases - “be strong,” “focus on success,” and “give everything,” prior to a competition – so she can get herself mentally prepared for the challenge. These phrases can help her stay focused on success while also staving off negative thoughts of potential failure.

3. Pre-Performance Routines – The way you spend your time right before a big performance will influence your chance of success. If you choose to spend your time pacing around the room nervously you may increase your anxiety level to the point that it threatens your ability to perform optimally, for example. Creating a routine that will get your head in the game helps you to be better prepared.

Pre-performance routines condition the mind to react well to pressure ,” explains Turner. Olympic Gold medal winner Mo Farah, for example, listens to music, sleeps, drinks coffee, and then gets himself psyched up for the race prior to his performances. This routine helps him to stay in control of his mental state.

Although I had initially set out to interview Turner for one article, he’s got so many pearls of wisdom that I decided to turn it into two articles. Well, now I’ve decided to bring him back one more week – and next week he’s talking about the tips elite athletes use to bounce back after failure.

In the meantime, you can follow Martin Turner on Twitter at @DrMJTurner or for more tips, check out the book he’s co-authored with fellow psychologist Jamie Barker titled, What Business Leaders Can Learn from Sport Psychology: Ten Lessons for Peak Professional Performance.

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and the author of forthcoming book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.