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The Secret Life of an Anonymous Michelin Restaurant Inspector

Updated Oct 24, 2019, 10:54am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

What do you get when you cross the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) with the CIA (Culinary Institute of America)? Anonymous restaurant inspectors for the much-lauded Michelin Guide who fiercely protect their identities—and their reviewing “secrets.”

But there are ways of making them talk.

In advance of the 2020 New York Restaurant Guide, I interviewed an inspector via email about his (or her) methods, criteria, and the occupational hazards of eating ten indulgent meals a week—you know, like the risk of high cholesterol and hypertension. (Apparently, one of the secrets to staying healthy and reasonably slender? Limiting back-to-back foie gras meals.)

How did you decide to be an inspector? Can you explain the circumstances behind your decision? It wasn't a direct decision. I have always loved food, the hospitality industry, and particularly the restaurant world. I've worked in both the back and front of the house of restaurants. I've had an extensive career working in the food and beverage departments of some luxury hotels in New York City. I've always had an awareness of the Michelin Guide and its importance in the culinary community. I learned about the opportunity to become a Michelin inspector through the career services office of the culinary school I attended. It was an amazing opportunity that presented itself and I was compelled to go after it. 

Was there some sort of training before you started your official duties?The training is extensive. Initially, I was paired with the senior inspectors and shadowed them for months of meals. This was an opportunity to understand what I should be observing and evaluating. The training occurred in my home market with the local team, but also included time spent with senior inspectors in France and the UK. Even as an established inspector, I have had the opportunity to work with and learn from my colleagues in Japan. And quite recently I've spent time in Seoul learning about (and experiencing) Korean cuisine. 

How often do you travel? And how many times to you eat out in a week? Inspectors travel up to three weeks in a month and eat out up to 10 meals a week.

Can you talk a little bit about the most important criteria that pushes a restaurant to reach three stars? And in all of the criteria, which is the most important? Will excellent service override food? What kind of thing would cause a demotion? This is a great opportunity to clear up a lot of confusion about the Michelin Guide. Lots of people think the guide is “shrouded in intrigue” or “mysterious.” Perhaps that originates with the inspectors, who have been famously anonymous for about a hundred years. The reason for anonymous inspections is simple: We want to validate the same experience that any other diner will have in the restaurant so that we can provide a trusted opinion for our readers. But the Michelin Guide is transparent about the rating framework, which has focused only on the food on the plate since the very beginning—quality of ingredients; mastery of technique; harmony of flavors; the chef’s unique signature; and consistency over time. If the cuisine does not meet the inspector’s judgment on any one of these criteria, then the restaurant will not receive a star—although the cuisine could deserve a Bib Gourmand or Plate distinction. And don’t forget, every Michelin Guide is a selection, not a phone book. We think it’s a great recognition to be included. Worldwide, the Michelin Guide includes about 15,000 restaurants in 32 selections, but only about 10% are recognized with stars.

How many times do you typically visit a restaurant? And do you visit them during different times of the year? An inspector will visit a restaurant multiple times during a year to validate consistency—consistency up and down the menu and consistency over time. Validating a restaurant at a two- or three-star level usually requires additional visits from other inspectors from other regions, who will bring special expertise to the discussion. We have inspectors who specialize in Korean cuisine, for example. An inspector from Korea may travel to New York to validate the stars for restaurants in this category, and we may also send certain inspectors to Korea to advance their understanding of the local cuisine.

In past years, most of the movement in the New York list falls under the Bib Gourmand or one-star designations. There isn't a whole lot of movement at the top (three stars). Can you tell me what the commonality is between these few restaurants that all the inspectors agree on? Every Michelin Guide has a personality and evolution of its own. Fluctuations among the starred selections is most often the result of changing chefs or a business that closes. Sometimes, unfortunately, the quality of the cuisine slips. The inspectors take every decision concerning a star—whether it’s an award or a suppression—very seriously, because we respect the time and energy that this chef devotes to mastering the craft. But ultimately, we must provide an honest, accurate, and trustworthy opinion to our readers—many of whom rely on the Michelin Guide for decisions about where to spend their money on travel and restaurant experiences. If you follow the guides closely over a period of time, you will see a natural progression of talent that expands in every market—young chefs who excel in two- and three-star restaurants often become chefs for their own one-star and two-star restaurants later. The talent proliferates, for the benefit of the local economy.

How do you decide what to order in each visit? When choosing a meal, inspectors consider several questions: Which menu items best represent what it is that makes the establishment special or unique? Which items are the best expression of the statement the chef is striving to make with their cuisine? Which items make this dining room iconic or legendary? Which items are an authentic representation of the cuisine type? 

What components make a winning dish? What makes for a superb meal? When considering a restaurant for a potential star award, Michelin inspectors are looking out for five key criteria: the quality of the products featured in the meal; the mastery of the culinary technique displayed throughout; the harmony of flavors; the personality of the chef expressed in the cuisine; and consistent excellence experienced between visits among various inspectors. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is widely assumed that no singular inspector can sway a decision—and that all input from inspectors are pooled and then tallied? The star selections are validated through a “collegial” process: A diverse group of inspectors from multiple global regions is responsible for confirming the stars awarded in every edition.

At the expense of sounding inappropriately blunt, how do you balance eating out that often and at that level, while considering your wellness? I imagine that eating multi-course meals ten times a week has some occupational hazards, such as worrying about your liver, or diabetes, or hypertension, or whatnot. That is an absolutely appropriate question. I think many would find it surprising to know that the global inspector team is actually quite slender. But of course, we have to be sure to exercise (walking or taking the stairs when possible is my personal mantra), monitor our alcohol consumption, choose wisely, vary cuisine types (limit the back-to-back foie gras), and try to stay on a schedule. 

What would you consider the most difficult thing about being an inspector? Anonymity is paramount to the employment of a Michelin inspector. And remaining anonymous in a world where people publicly broadcast their every action and interaction is a challenge. 

Favorite pizza in New York? It’s safe to say that my opinions about favorites are listed in the Michelin Guide—so I hope you’ll look it up! But it would be unfair to the chefs and restaurants for me to cite only one.

Favorite zero-star meal in New York? Officially, we describe the Bib Gourmands as “good quality at a good value,” usually an entrée plus dessert or wine for around $40. But there was a time when these gems were described as the places the inspectors liked to visit on their own time and with their own money. I can’t show favoritism for a specific restaurant—but the Bib Gourmands are a good place to start if you want to get close to the inspector’s heart.

I was told that being an inspector is somewhat like being in the CIA—do your parents or significant other know what you do for a living? Yes, some inspectors in the past have described the job like the CIA, but with better food. Of course, inspectors have lives and relationships—so it’s up to them [to decide] as to who they can trust. Personally, my immediate family is aware of what I do.

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