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How Short A Skirt Is Too Short For Work?

Updated May 26, 2015, 10:03am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

Dear Liz,

I get a kick out of your down-to-earth workplace advice. I have a sticky supervisory situation to deal with right now. The worst part is that the employee I have to coach doesn't even work for me! I am the Administration Manager at a law firm. My job is a cross between HR and Office Management, even though we have an HR department.

Our HR folks stick to things like payroll and benefits. They don't get too involved with the staff members.

Our Managing Partner looks to me to take care of issues that come up with staff members. Now that the weather is getting warmer, dress code is becoming an issue. We have two young ladies in our office who push the limit on the clothes they choose for work. We are a law office, and we stick to a fairly traditional mode of dress in the office.

One of our young ladies, Jane, is mostly dressed appropriately but once in a while wears a top with spaghetti straps or something else that isn't really right for our workplace.

I haven't talked with Jane about this issue yet and I probably wouldn't talk to her if her occasional spaghetti straps were the only dress code issue we have to deal with. Now a second young, female employee, Laura, is coming to work in very short skirts. Her skirts are too short for an office. When she sits down, you can almost see her underwear.

My Managing Partner asked me to talk to Laura specifically and also to mention to Jane that if Laura can't wear her short skirts, Jane shouldn't wear spaghetti straps to work either. Do you have any suggestions for me? I anticipate two awkward conversations. How should I start the conversations, and what exactly should I say?

We don't have a formal dress code policy other than a mention in our employee handbook that conservative attire is more suitable for our office than business casual attire. Do I need to list everything that employees can wear and everything they can't?

Thanks in advance for your help, and thanks for everything you do Liz!

A loyal reader in Philadelphia,


Dear Adelle,

I understand your hesitation to speak with Laura and Jane. I will advise you on how to handle your dress-code envelope-pushers, but first we have to pull back the truck and look at what's going on in your office.

Dress code, like so many other sticky human topics, is not a law and order issue. It doesn't fall neatly into a policy or a spreadsheet. It is not a columns-and-rows kind of issue.

If we are honest, a waif in your office could come to work wearing a certain youthfully adorable outfit and look perfectly appropriate, whereas if middle-aged zaftig me showed up in the same ensemble with the same fabrics, cuts and colors, you and your co-workers would ask "What is wrong with that woman? Has she no sense of decorum?"

The appropriateness of an article of clothing or an outfit is inextricably tied to the person wearing it. That's why certain men look great in some suits and ridiculous in others, and why talking about apparel choices is so awkward that most managers take great pains to avoid doing it.

Styles of dress are cultural. We cannot pretend that a dress code is a simple matter of skirt lengths or the width of a shoulder strap. Like modern art and pornography, the honest answer to the question "What constitutes inappropriate attire for work?" is "I know it when I see it."

Most HR policies are written to avoid sticky conversations, because at work we easily devolve into weenies and we don't want to talk about sticky topics. We don't know how to bring up awkward topics. Our tongues get thick in our mouths.

We write more policies hoping that maybe the new policy will ward off the sticky conversations we hate so much.

Detailed, 'stitch-level' dress code policies are insulting and a waste of time. You will never keep your policy up to date with changing styles if you try to list every acceptable and unacceptable mode of dress, and no one will read or follow your policy anyway.  In the end, you are going to have to talk to people about their clothing choices. That's okay -- we all need to grow our sticky-conversation muscles, anyway!

You can make dress code a disciplinary issue and make people feel bad about what they're wearing. That is guaranteed to drive the trust level in your workplace down.

You can build the trust level at work so that even sticky conversations happen easily and without anyone's feelings getting hurt. That, of course, is what I recommend.

The correct person to talk to an employee about his or her clothing choices is the employee's own manager, assuming that the manager and the employee are comfortable with one another. The employee's manager has had the greatest opportunity to build the high trust level with the team member -- Jane or Laura, for instance -- that will make a sticky conversation possible, if not easy.

What is the goal of the proposed dress-code discussion? The goal is not "To get these young women to stop wearing clubwear or beachwear to work." If you accomplished that goal but made Jane or Laura feel bad or resentful, you would have won a battle and lost the war.

If that were the goal, you wouldn't need to have a conversation. You could put a note on each employee's paycheck stub: "NO SPAGHETTI STRAPS!" or leave a note at their desks.

"But that would be so evil and Godzillafied!" you are thinking.

That's true, and sending an Administration Manager who has no special connection to Jane or Laura to do the Managing Partner's dress code dirty work is no better than the note on the desk or the message on the paystub. Dress code decision-making is a human topic. It requires a human touch.

Your real goal is not to stop Jane and Laura from making dicey dress code choices but to raise the trust level in your office so that formerly-sticky conversations happen easily and no one gets upset. A conversation about dress code can be a warm and encouraging interaction that makes any Jane or Laura feel better about themselves, rather than worse.

The message from your company to each employee must be "We care about you, Jane and Laura, and this dress code thing is not important to us apart from its value as an opportunity for us to mentor you in the professional world you are stepping into."

That's why the best person to talk with Laura and Jane about clothing is probably not you, but the person or people on your staff who knows each employee best and can talk with each of them most naturally.

I have never heard of a situation where a firm has an HR department but somebody else maintains the employee handbook. I encourage you to sit down with your HR chief and figure out who is going to do what with respect to your culture and employee communication. These are the two most important parts of HR.

You can easily outsource the payroll and benefits. You cannot outsource the trust level in your office!

Don't make the dress code issue a big deal, like a school kid's trip to the principal's office.

Your designated dress-code-coach or coaches should grab Jane or Laura in the moment and pull them into the nearest empty office or conference room for a one-minute friendly chat.

Years ago we would say that only a woman should talk to another woman about dress, but I know tons of gay guys and straight guys who would do a better job at a dress-code coaching conversation with a young recruit than most women could. Whoever the coach is, the key is to stay friendly and non-judgmental.

Here's how the conversation with Jane could go:

Coach: Jane! I'm glad I ran into you. Do you have one second?

Jane: Sure, what's up?

Coach: Here, let's go in Sam's office - he's  in court. (Jane and her coach walk into Sam's office and shut the door).

Jane: Geez, what's the story?

Coach: It's nothing, I just didn't want to forget. You look great today, and every day, but you just have to wear a little sweater or something if your top has spaghetti straps.

Jane: Alright, but who told you to talk to me?

Coach: I just noticed that your straps don't cover your bra straps and so I figured I'd mention it. You know you do a great job --  it's nothing, just a reminder.

Jane: If you say so. I don't want the partners whispering about me.

Coach: If they are, they're whispering "Jane rules and it's a good thing we hired her."

Jane: You are so sweet!

Now it's Laura's turn:

Coach: Laura! Do you have a second?

Laura: Sure, why?

Coach: Here, let's talk in Sam's office.

Laura: What's up?

Coach: A tiny thing. Can I give you a two-second pro tip?

Laura: Do I need one?

Coach: You look great today -- you always do. I'm  not sure about that skirt, although it looks great on you. It's really short. If the same skirt were four inches longer, I'd say "Wear that skirt all the time! It looks amazing!" It's just that the length is not quite office-ready. That would be a great skirt to wear to a party, though.

Laura: Oh my God. Did someone say something about my clothes?

Coach: You know what, a lot of our new employees can get confused about that and it's not a big deal at all. That's why I always like to point it out so people know. You just came from college. You dressed differently there, and it takes a little adjustment.

Laura: Is there a specific skirt length I'm supposed to stick with?

Coach: Not officially, but when you sit down you shouldn't have to tug at your skirt to get it to cover your thighs. If your skirt grazes the top of your knee it's perfect.

Laura: Ewwwww! That's so long!

Coach: Yeah, that's the legal profession. You could wear slacks if you don't like wearing skirts that long.

Laura: Slacks? Like my mom wears?

Coach: Business trousers. Some of them are cute. I'm going to send you a link to an online site I like.

Laura: No offense, but I would never dress like you.

Coach: I understand. You do such a great job here, it would be a shame for people to get the impression that you don't know how to dress for business just because you wear a few short skirts. That's why we're talking today. I want to make sure that you err on the side of caution. Have you ever heard that expression  before?

Laura: I don't think so.

Coach: It means "When in doubt, choose the more conservative course of action." If you're not sure about a particular skirt, don't wear it to work. If you're going out after work, you can stick the short skirt in your briefcase and wear a longer skirt to work.

Laura: I don't have any longer skirts.

Coach: Where do you live?

Laura: By Poplar and Central.

Coach: There's a Salvation Army store on Poplar and Main. They have cute things and they're inexpensive. It's a resale shop. They have great stuff.

Laura: Okay. I guess I need a new wardrobe for work!

Coach: Yep, I think so. It's hard to make your college clothes work for a career job like this one. That's okay. You could buy three or four skirts and just rotate them.

Laura: Thank you so much for talking with me about this. I'm embarrassed.

Coach: Don't be silly! It's my pleasure. If you have any questions about anything, Laura, find me and let me know. This is your first job. There's a lot of new information to take in.

Laura: You can say that again!