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No -- I Won't Recommend You For A Job In My Company

Updated Nov 15, 2016, 06:01pm EST
This article is more than 7 years old.

Dear Liz,

I have a problem. My best friend and former roommate, "Dan," keeps seeing job ads posted by the company I work for. It's a web design and digital marketing agency that is growing fast.

I have referred two people  into the company and I got paid five hundred bucks for each of them. Dan knows both of those people and now he wants me to refer him for a job with my agency, too.

Dan wants me to bring his resume to the HR people at my agency and help him get a job there, but he doesn't know a thing about web design or digital marketing. Dan is a guy I've known since high school and a fantastic person, but his work history is a mess.

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I understand that it takes people a while at first to figure out what they want to do. Dan is really creative, but I've never seen him keep a job for more than eight or ten months. Honestly, I'm not sure he is a good employee, but he is a great friend.

There's no way I could refer Dan into my company. They would think I was nuts. I could take his resume and tell him I brought it to my HR department when I actually threw it in the trash but I would feel terrible doing that.

I've told Dan that my company is looking for people with really specific experience. I had to apply twice to get my job and I already had a year of digital marketing experience.

Dan won't take no for an answer. He keeps asking me "What's the story with getting me a job at your company?" and I don't know what to say. Your advice is very much appreciated!



Dear Austin,

You are going to tell Dan forthrightly that it's not a good match. You can do it compassionately. You can't keep avoiding the subject forever. Here's how your conversation might go:

Dan: So Austin, what's the story with you getting me a job interview at your company?

You: I would do anything for you Dan, but I can't get you an interview at my job. They would never interview you. They're looking for people with very specific skills that you don't have.

Dan: Oh, come on -- I'm sure they'll give me an interview, because I'm your friend.

You: No, they won't, and they won't look at your resume and they'll ask me why I'm wasting their time, because you just don't have the kind of background they want. That doesn't take anything away from you. You're a smart guy, but they need people who have done this kind of work before. They don't train people to do it.

Dan: They trained you.

You: Actually, no. I worked in another agency for a year before I got this job. Like I said Dan, I'll do anything for you but I can't get you an interview at my company. I can help you with your job search if you want.

Dan: Dude, I thought you were my friend.

You: I am your friend, and that's why I'm telling you the truth.

A lot of people mistakenly think their friends can get them interviews or job offers just because they are such good friends. You know that's not true.

You will add a critical dose of realness to your relationship with Dan when you level with him. It's not that cool of Dan to keep pressuring you to get him an interview.

We all understand need and want and desperation, but Dan is a grown person. He needs to take control of his job search, and by extension, his career.

You can take Dan out to lunch or dinner and tell him how you got your first digital marketing job and what you learned in that job.

You can open the curtain for Dan and show him how people move their careers forward by sharing your story.

Dan may not know how to get a job and how to grow muscles in the job. He may not see a vision for himself in his career. These are the areas in which you can help Dan.

The rest is up to him. I'm sure you will be standing by ready to support Dan if he wants your help (not introductions) during his job hunt.

You will be standing by, but you are only a coach -- like me! Dan is the athlete. He's got to pick up the weights and start lifting them by himself.

All the best to you,


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