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The Skill That's Paving The Way For Freelancers To Make $500K Or More

Updated Oct 24, 2016, 02:59pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

Lin Gang Xuan finds his 40-hour workweeks quite fulfilling. Since he’s tackling new projects each day, work is “never boring,” and he gets to meet and collaborate with people from all around the world. Another perk: his job is location independent, so he travels more than he ever has before—around Portugal and to Brazil, China and soon Thailand. And the large paychecks, of course, are pretty sweet, too.

Xuan is a freelance software developer who works from his home and sometimes in a coworking space in Portugal. Each day, he logs onto Gigster, an online job marketplace centered around a skill that’s in high demand—coding. The site helps businesses across all industries secure top developers, designers and product managers to build apps and software. Through the platform, Xuan finds a steady stream of work. While he hasn’t disclosed his earnings, he says it’s “about two to three times the salary I would make if I took a day job in a startup.”

Thanks to an explosion of apps across all walks of consumer and corporate culture, coding is a hot skill right now. Glassdoor recently named computer science the major with the highest starting salary, with a median base salary of $70,000. But that’s small compared to Gigster’s track record: “If you’re producing a huge amount of high-quality code, you could easily make upwards of $500,000,” says a company spokesperson. In addition to high income, Gigster also offers freelancers the option to buy into a fund to support their retirement.

New Survey Says Freelance Economy Shows Rapid Growth:

Gigster’s CEO Roger Dickey believes that by 2020, 40% of America’s workforce will be freelancers. His assumption is backed up by Intuit’s 2020 Report, but based on anecdotal evidence, he’s also fairly certain that by 2025, at least half of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing, either entirely or as a side job.

“We’ve had developers on track to make over $1 million a year before, as well as salespeople making over $1 million a year,” Dickey says. The site also taps into artificial intelligence to match talent with ideal projects. For example, a Gigster project recently surfaced regarding a dating app described as a “Tinder for Muslims,” which prompted a search for a Muslim project manager and a team of developers in the appropriate time zone. Individuals were also assessed based on their past work performance on other Gigster projects.

In addition to Gigster, there’s a barrage of sites connecting freelance software developers with jobs. These include Freelancer, Upwork and Toptal. But unlike other sites, Gigster is invite-only, and while professionals can apply online, the site only accepts 1% of applicants. Gigster currently has more than 400 developers, 200 product managers and 100 designers. It connects talent with more than 1,000 clients, including Airbus, World Bank, MasterCard and IBM.

Xuan says he was drawn to coding as a child because he loved to play games. “I decided to take computer science classes so I could make my own games,” he says. Today, he’s extremely happy with the choice he has made. “I would strongly advise everyone to have at least a little bit of coding skills,” he says. “For anyone who wants to make coding their primary job…they’ve made an excellent choice.”

As for Xuan’s future, he says he has no plans to take a day job anytime soon.