How To Clean An Oven Door In Between The Glass

How To Clean An Oven Door In Between The Glass

The Art of Oven Door Maintenance

The oven, a cornerstone of many kitchens, often sees frequent use, especially in households where home-cooked meals are a norm. And while many of us pay attention to cleaning the inside of the oven, the oven door, especially the glass, can sometimes be overlooked. But just how often should you be cleaning your oven door?

Why Clean the Oven Door Regularly?

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: A clean oven door enhances the overall look of your kitchen. Grease and grime can accumulate, making the glass look foggy and unkempt.
  2. Efficiency: When the oven door is clean, especially the glass, it allows you to monitor your food without opening the door, ensuring consistent cooking temperatures.
  3. Hygiene: Over time, food splatters can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Regular cleaning ensures a hygienic cooking environment.

So, How Often Should You Clean It?

  1. Light Usage: If you use your oven occasionally, a thorough cleaning of the oven door once every two to three months should suffice. However, it's a good practice to wipe down the door with a damp cloth after each use to prevent buildup.
  2. Moderate to Heavy Usage: For those who use their oven frequently, it's advisable to clean the oven door at least once a month. This ensures that any accumulated grease or food particles are promptly addressed.
  3. After Messy Cooking Sessions: If you've been baking or roasting and notice significant splatters on the oven door, it's best to clean it as soon as the oven cools down. This prevents the grime from getting baked on further during subsequent uses.

Tips for Effective Cleaning:

  • Always wait for the oven to cool down before cleaning.
  • Use a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar for a natural cleaning solution. This mixture effectively cuts through grease and leaves the glass shining.
  • For stubborn spots, a paste of baking soda and water can be gently scrubbed on the area.

Ditch the Dish Towel: Effortless Steps to Clean Between Oven Door Glass

It's actually pretty easy to clean an oven door in between the glass...let me show you how I cleaned mine and ditched the dish towel that hid the shame...

How to Clean Between the Glass on your Oven Doors


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Hey folks!  Today I want to share one of my most popular posts with you! A couple of years ago, I was trying to photograph my kitchen for an upcoming post, and noticed the grime in between those two glass panels on my oven door.  I did a little research and found out that it wasn't that hard to clean after all! I hope this post will help you get yours clean too!


Two weeks ago I wrote a post on How To Clean Your Ceramic Stovetop, and went crazy viral!  It is now one of my top viewed posts EVER!  I posted it on Hometalk, and somehow, the conversation veered towards getting that space in between the two glass panels on your stove door clean.  I thought, hmmm....I need to figure this out...this is a matter of great importance!  Well, it kind of is, since I have been hanging a tea towel on my stove to hide the gunk that I can't reach in there.  So, I figured it out, and now...I am going to shame myself by showing you the hideousness that is the inside of my stove, but it will be clean by the end of this post, so you may now refer to me as Donna Reed. This is a tutorial on how to clean an oven door in between the glass.
I started by opening the door to my comes the shame part.  It was just gross, like no excuses gross.  This is the part that I could reach all along, but chose not to.  I started with my normal go to...baking soda and a damp scrubbie sponge.  I scrubbed and scrubbed.
This time, baking soda alone just wasn't going to cut it.
I decided it was time to break out my Homemade Orange Degreaser that I use for really nasty messes.  This crazy stuff will cut through anything!
So, I sprayed it down with the Orange Degreaser and gave it a little scrub, and BAM! All clean!
Now for the fun part.  This is the part when you go, "What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is that?"  That my friends is a torx screw.  It looks like a star, and most people do not own the tool to unscrew it.
I bought a set that looks a lot like a Swiss Army Knife for $5 at Lowe's.  It has every size imaginable.  Now. let's get cleaning., not really. If you'd like to purchase your own Torx Kit, you can find it HERE!
Unscrew the two torx screws at the top of the inside of your door.  Have a chair or something handy to rest the door on...once they spring apart, the front feels kind of loose.  Now you can get to the gunk on the inside...lucky you!
Now, it's super easy.  Take a vacuum hose and clean out the inside first.  There were lots of crumbs in mine.  Now take your favorite window cleaner ( HERE is the recipe for my Homemade Window Cleaner) and clean the glass.  You may need to use your scrubber to loosen up some of the particles, but for the most part, this stuff is not cooked on like the gunk on the inside of your oven.  If you have a real mess in there, you can always use the Orange Degreaser on the inside too.  Now, screw it back together, cause you are all finished!  Pretty easy, right?  I wish I had tried this sooner!
I took this photo with the door wide open, me standing over it so you can see how clear the rug below is.  It's not so easy to get a shot of the oven door without tons of glare, so I thought this would work well.
So, are you ready to tackle yours?  Now I need to clean the inside...booo hooo :(

 *Dislaimer*  While this method worked for me, it may not work for everyone.  I suggest before trying, reading your manufacturer's instructions.  Please be very careful when opening the oven door glass, because the spring is very quick.  I am in no way responsible or liable if this method does not work for you.

Tons of Cleaning Tricks and Home Tips from Mom 4 Real

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218 responses to โ€œHow To Clean An Oven Door In Between The Glassโ€

  1. Kim @ Savvy Southern Style says:

    Well, aren't you the smartest. Now, I will have to have hubby take mine apart so I can clean it. Great more work to do.

    • Word of warning. I just tried this following the instructions. Once separated the outer door shattered into 1 million pieces. I don't know what I did wrong but something happened. Not blaming anyone, this was just my experience.

      • That happened to my mother-in-law several years ago. I have since taken my door off the front of the oven, laid it in a flat surface, then took out the screws. Ovens I've had just open the door & lift off the hinges.

        • @Jeremy sorry to read that the outer door shattered for you and a few other people. Not sure if you all read this article thoroughly, but the author specifically wrote, "Unscrew the two torx screws at the top of the inside of your door. Have a chair or something handy to rest the door onโ€ฆ once they spring apart, the front feels kind of loose." I will be sure to follow this advice, so I don't break the glass on my door. Hopefully, others will as well.

        • Hi B Parker. I'm sorry that happened to you. Maybe try this. If you unhinge the entire door from the stove, then find the hidden door at the bottom you can remove the glass that way and clean it

      • Wow, thanks for letting me know. I was ready to do it with no advice. BTW, I have Refrigerator with no leak shelves... well one leaked with spilled milk. I had to remove to clean (like all other shelves before it) and when I washed it in the sink, it too shattered into a million pieces.... like little diamonds. Still find a piece every now and then... that was 2 years ago.

        • Ha! Tempered glass whatever! Make sure your fridge shelves are room temp before using warm water on them. Hopefully they won't break then. ????

        • Hey I use the cling plastic wrap. I just put it on the shelf. When something spills I take off and throw away. And apply new plastic wrap.

          • Lesley Ferguson says:

            Good idea. Thank you.

      • Oh no! Were they attached with the same screw? Maybe once you popped off the screw, the front panel just fell off? I'd be ill if mine shattered. Thanks for the warning!

      • This just happened to me ????

      • Lori Powers says:

        The exact same thing happened to me! It happened before I even read this. Luckily my husband has found the replacement glass for about $60 and hopefully he can install himself.

      • I was warned by my appliance repair friend to be very careful .. there is usually an inside glass that you don't see as the inner glass is tempered and will shatter very easily

    • Becareful. This could void any warranty on your oven

    • Many doors have more than 2 or 3 layers. Very heavy so strong springs. You can "lock" the hinges to take the door off. Plan on most of the day to clean all the layers.

    • Ladies, a heads up! There is a built-in slot along the bottom of the oven door so you can reach up between the glass to clean. You can also calibrate (tune) your oven temperature up or down so it bakes at the proper temp it is set for.

      • How do you tune the temp. I have complained about this for 8 years I just cook 25 degrees higher.

        • Me too. Iโ€™ve had to up the temp setting on my oven ever since I bought it.

      • What kind of cleaning cloth did you use to get between the glass?

      • What kind of cleaning cloth did you use to get between the glass?

      • I was waiting for someone to mention this handy tidbit of information!!! I hope everyone see's this!! It could save time and money!!โค๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

      • That's the best and safest way!

    • At the bottom of oven doors is a slit along the bottom itโ€™s meant for people to be able to clean their oven windows I just bought a new one and once a week I take a swiffer wet it put it up there move it around to clean window

      • What technique do you use? I have a swifter wet cloth right here!

        • I found another pin that used a fly swatter with Lysol wipe secured with rubber band-it worked PERFECTLY!!!

          • I have double stacking ovens, tried that technique, even bent the fly swatter to conform, just couldnโ€™t get it up far enough to clean the one spot I wanted. Too scared to take my door apart.

      • Where did u get it? Whatโ€™s it called

      • Carolyn Lanier says:

        Thank you so much for this, We have been taking my oven door apart and that is a job especially for us my husband has had 6 back surgeries and I have a bad back too, and it is very hard so now We can just take the door off and I can clean it so much faster and easier, again thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š..

      • Suppose the swifter comes loose and stays there? Warranty problems. If this method is not listed in manual beware!

    • Oh why not learn to do it yourself?

  2. Modern Day Disciple says:

    awesome! thanks.

  3. You have answered an age old question for me. I have always wondered how to clean in between the glass in my oven. Thankyou........kind of......because now I will have to clean my oven ! lol

  4. Miranda @ Pressing On says:

    THANK YOU!! I could not click on this post fast enough. The people we bought this house from had dogs and there is DOG HAIR in between the oven doors...gross!! I'm so doing this tomorrow. I'm so excited. Thanks!


    • Gross!! Never in a million years!! Throw the oven away and get a new one. Now that is not worth it.

      • While I agree that it is gross, in reality, most people can't just throw their oven away because it gets dirty.

        • Teresa Bridges says:

          Agree, you just can not throw out an oven because it gets dirty

      • Oh yeah, I throw away my refrigerator when it gets dirty. And I pull up my toilet and drop a new one when it gets dirty.
        SMH! Clean it ! life is dirty. Deal with it!

        • melanie eads says:

          Not this Melanie!!

      • Hahaha, my toilet needs cleaned can I throw it out too? ;-)

        • Poor orange or lemon Kool Aid in back tank. A great way to clean the dishwasher is Tang. Run it through a cycle, dishes and silverware included, and all come out spotless. I use Peroxide to clean pet stains on my light carpets and it takes out ring and smell. Tang will work on the glass top stove also. If you want your house to always smell like heaven, turn oven on low and put an apple in. We did that in apts and homes we were renting/selling. great smell

  5. heather @ new house, new home, new life says:

    Shut the front door!!!! This is something that has always bugged me and now I can fix it!!!! Pinning this so I won't forget and so that many others can see it. Also linking to my FB page!! Can you tell I'm excited?

    • Angela and Linda says:

      It's always bugged me as well! In fact, I wasted my money so many times on trying different cleaners, thinking something would eventually work. And... I even got charged for a dirty oven after moving out of my last apartment; although, it was like that when I first moved in. Needless, to say I will never have a dirty oven again! And this will save me tons of money. I'm going to share this post on FB as well :)

      • You should always insist on a walk through inspection before renting. That way you can list everything that is dirty or needs repair so that it is not charged back to you when you move. You and landlord both sign it and you get a copy.

        • Yes this is what you should do but be prepared to document absolutely everything. Check all appliance light bulbs, the floors, etc. You catch my drift. Many management companies do not want to give that money back.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I did not know it could be cleaned! Thanks for sharing.

  7. So glad to know this!!! I have needed to do this forever, but was afraid I would mess up the stove. Yours still works, right? lol
    Thanks for the info!

  8. Our Pinteresting Family says:

    This post is perfect timing. I scrubbed my glass doors with a mix of baking soda and soap forever on Sunday but they are not as clean as I'd like them to be! You answered my question as to why. I can't wait to do this tonight. :) Megan

  9. I love your blog. Thanks for posting all the things you do. I thought you might like to know a trick my dad taught me years ago, for cleaning inside the oven and the door much easier.
    If you open the oven door to the first click, you can easily remove it from the face of the oven. Simply open it and grasp both sides firmly and lift. It may slightly catch, but it will slide right off the hinges and you can clean it easily and reach the inside of the oven easier as well. To replace the door simply realign the slot over the hinges and gently push down. You will feel like a genius and your back won't hurt from straining to reach the back corner of the oven from the side of the door. I have not met an oven this does not work on, but I am sure there is one somewhere. It really is as easy as opening the door and lifting it off the hinges. It even works in my vintage trailers.

    • Anonymous says:

      I'm so glad you added your comment to this great post, because the oven doors do, in fact, come off. I remove mine all the time to clean them when I am cleaning my ovens. I clean them over the sink and it's very convenient this way. Thanks for posting your comment.

    • MdConsumer says:

      Thanks very much for this advice. I followed your instructions and just removed my door (Maytag oven.) It slid off very easily, just like you said. Now I can clean the door over the sink. While the door's off, I'm going to reach inside the oven and wipe it down. Easier to reach, and easier on the back. Great advice!

    • THANK YOU!!! I knew how to clean the inside thanks to my sister but kept saying "there's GOT to be an easier way" and taking the door off is just that!!

      • Denny Hutton says:

        I appreciate your comments and suggestions...I've passed this URL along to all my family and friends - after saying that I have to change the oil in my Jeep - just to keep my masculinity intact. Anyway, my question is:

        How do I clean the glass in my MICROWAVE door?

        • It is not recommended to remove door on a self cleaning oven.

          • The self clean oven doors are removable and it hurts nothing as long as you put it back on it all the time. If it wasn't supposed to be removed, you'd think they would make it permanent...

      • Ann brown says:

        I always took the door off when I had a built in oven. Much easier to clean. Glad I now know how to clean betwee n the glass.

    • OMGosh!!! I just tried this and it works! Your Dad is a genius, lol...

    • Anonymous says:

      Well this sounds like fantastic advice until you try to do it. My oven door doesn't actually click so I kind of had to guess where it was. Now I have an oven door where one of the sizes on the track and the other one is not and I now cannot even open my oven door so that's really so useful. Now I have an oven door that I can't shut all the way and I really hope my kids don't try whaling on it because I have a feeling my oven door will be broken if they try that.

      Your advice absolutely does not work for Whirlpool appliances so beware. The oven door is impossible to get back on. I have a feeling I'm going to have to call the appliance repairman for this. My husband is extremely handy but he cannot figure out the oven door either.

      • for the oven door you can't get back on, go to the local appliance store that carries your brand, and ask to speak to someone in the repair dep't. concerning the door. Likely they can talk you through it. Take them some homemade cookies later and you'll have an appliance repair friend for life. It works!

      • I have a whirlpool stove, I followed a video on YouTube on how to remove the door, when I tried to put it back, I had a bit of trouble, but you have to go to an almost closed position, then carefully open the door, then open it further with more pressure to expose the flipped up hinges, once opened enough the hinges will stick out of the door enough for you to grab them and flip them back down to the locked position.
        Hope this helped.

      • That happened to me once, and I had previously removed oven doors to clean inside easier, many times! I just could not get it to fit right to replace it! Yup, I had to call a repairman! He showed me how to alwaya get it on right, but----I forgot! Gonna try it tomorrow, zfter plugging the oven vent and setting a bowl of ammonia in oven overnight.. That makes cleanup a snap! Also gonna try the "between the glass" cleaning if I find the bottom door slit!

  10. Priscilla says:

    I love it... Desperately need to do the inside of my door. thank you :( Now I don't have an excuse to not do it.

  11. Priscilla says:

    I love it. Thank you so much! but now that means I do not have an excuse, I will need to get in there and clean! :) Catrina

  12. thistlewoodfarm says:


    Did you post this on Hometalk? I am putting together a clipboard of fall cleaning tips and I want to include this!

    You have the best ideas!

  13. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says: have made my day...I have been obsessing over the over door looking so bad and thinking that how can I get that door clean from the inside...You are wonder woman!!!!....

  14. Marybeth Henry says:

    You know I love to clean and I must admit cleaning that glass never crossed my mind. I can't wait for Friday!!! Thanks sis :-)

  15. Athena at Minerva's Garden says:

    This is fantastic--I had no idea how to do this. I pinned this immediately!

  16. Julie says:

    This is a frigin miracle. Unvelievable!!! Great job!! ~ Julie

  17. Some oven doors will have to be removed before removing the inside panel. I found this out a few years ago when I took the door apart on my Kitchen Aid. It was not as easy a job as the door in our last house. It's too bad that the vents can't be located on the sides of these doors so that crumbs and liquids don't get between the door panels. How much you wanna bet it was a guy who designed them? LOL

    • Beverly Cook says:

      LOL I'm sure you're right! :D

  18. Eclectically Vintage says:

    And you thought my Halloween House Tour was scary! This is the stuff of nightmares!

    Can I just pretend I never read that and blissfully go about my everyday life ignoring my dirty stove?

  19. Heather SettingforFour says:

    Great tips Jessica!! I need to clean my oven soon - just the right time for your post! Heather Setting for Four

    • My oven has philips screws on the top of the door torx needed! Thanks for the awesome tip!

  20. So glad you figured it out and shared with all of us out here in blogland. I have been needing to clean mine forever and just have never stopped to take the time to see what could be done about it. Thanks to you, I now know and so I am going to be doing this soon especially since the baking season it upon us.

  21. Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made says:

    WHOA! Never knew you could do that! HAHA -- SO THAT TELLS YOU HOW BAD MY STOVE/OVEN IS! Thanks for sharing this and being so "transparent"...sorry, couldn't resist :)

  22. Patti @ Pandoras Box says:

    I will have to remember this - I went back to read how you clean your stove top. That green scrubby doesn't scratch?? I use a razor blade to scrape up the crap and it works great - then a polish made for the top....I will have to try it your way next time

    • dont use razor blade......baking soda and a bit of vinegaar is less work and safer for the top of the stove

  23. Nice! I had to learn this about 3 Thanksgiving's ago, when my MIL cooked a turkey in my oven and somehow got a big giant blob of turkey fat in between the doors. By the time I figured out how to get at it, the fat had putrefied and then solidified... I almost puked trying to clean it.

    • LOLOLOLOL Thank you for your honesty1 Youโ€™ve made my day. Iโ€™m still laughing.

  24. Wonderful!!!!!! I've hidden this problem with the tea towel for years & now I have this simple solution. Thank you so much.

  25. Anonymous says:

    I have a mess between the glass on my Maytag stove. I read this and went to the kitchen all excited because I thought the answer to my mess was solved. Mine doesn't have this kind of screw :( There are lots of screws around all the door. Can I take all of these out and clean between the glass?
    Thank you....

    • Susie Dougherty says:

      My GE oven has 4 Phillips head screws....2 on each side. I did remove them, and the rest works just as directed. I am so grateful for this tip, as this has bothered me for years. Stupid design!!!

  26. Anonymous says:

    I have a mess between the glass on my Maytag stove. I read this and went to the kitchen all excited because I thought the answer to my mess was solved. Mine doesn't have this kind of screw :( There are lots of screws around all the door. Can I take all of these out and clean between the glass?
    Thank you....

    • MdConsumer says:

      FYI I have Maytag, and it has 9 phillips screws on the door. That's good, because phillips screws are easier than the other ones. Years ago we paid a repairman to take apart the door and clean it. I watched him and it appeared simple, just like Jessica describes above. Now that I've read this blog, I'm going to do it myself. I just now removed the door following Jalet's advice above. It slid off and was very easy, like she said. Now I'm removing the screws. I think it will be as simple as watching the repairman. I have to remember to keep track of where each screw goes when I'm putting the door back together. Good luck to you.

    • Dear Anonymous,
      I also have a Maytag oven and just happened to have removed the door to clean between the glass earlier this week. However, our ovens have several pieces of glass inside and you need to take careful note of how it comes apart. I almost didn't get mine back together again because I thought it would be a simple fix. NOT!! I am happy to say that I finally
      did get it back together (with only one leftover screw!) and am now enjoying a sparkling clean oven door!!

  27. Jacqueline says:

    Genius ....Thank You :)

  28. bluekitty says:

    wow!! awesome!!! ill tell my mom about it!! mine doesnt have a, got any ideas how to clean between two stationary glass doors? they re the balcony doors of my apartment unit, along with 2 sliding glass doors and a sliding screen. even the crevice wand on a vacuum hose doesn t fit between there to clean up dirt and leaves....any ideas, anyone???

    • If you lift up the inside door, you can remove it and clean the glass and then replace in reverse order. Just lift the door up and pull away from the bottom lip to remove. Does that make sense?

  29. Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads says:

    I had no idea you could take the door apart! You are a genius! Now if you will just tell me how to get motivated to clean the whole darn thing!

  30. megan {homemade ginger} says:

    I was just wondering how the heck I could clean the oven I know!
    I would LOVE for you to link this up at my Ginger Jamboree Link Party!!

  31. Wow! Now I have no excuse! Thanks for this great tutorial. I think you may find it goes viral as well (especially since I just saw it featured on Lil Luna).

  32. Danni Baird @ Silo Hill Farm says:

    Genius! I have been wanting to do this forever, but didn't know how! I love you and I don't even know you!!

  33. Karen Albert says:

    Wow thank you so much for this great tip Jessica; as I have needed to do this for so long!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  34. Thank you,thankyou, thankyou! I have the same oven and it drives me crazy every time I walk past it or even use it! I have one streak right down the middle and Now thanks to a wonderful person like you...I can fix it! Shari

  35. Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home} says:

    Why didn't anyone tell me this before? Ha! Many thanks!

  36. OMG! I have been trying to figure this out for 6 years! Thank you so much!

  37. Linda Johnson says:

    I can't believe I just asked my husband if he had a torx screw remover---He DID!! So here we went and took apart the two doors...and yes, by all means, Hold onto that bottom door because it will drop quick! But now I have clean oven doors inside and out and even read your blog about cleaning the ceramic top prior to reading about cleaning the door...So now my stove is spic and span top and bottom ( I cleaned the oven last week) This is def. going in my Pintrest in "Good to know" Thank you. Keep sharing

    • Christine says:

      If it does drop quick how do you get it back together? I'm scared to try it. Witch part drops quick. Can I take the door off then take it apart?

  38. Anonymous says:

    Random Helpful tip that is considerably less toxic than using Greased Lightning for the next time you don't have vinegar. Use Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking soda to form a goopy paste. Wipe the paste over the entire inside of your oven, everywhere that needs to be cleaned. Let it sit. it works best if you allow it to dry completely. This seems to work best if coated with a medium thickness and allowed to sit for at least a half hour. Then scrub to your little hearts content. Elbow grease and its gone. You may need a second application for the really nasty stuff. I like this solution because both ingredients are cheap, easy on your hands and don't leave anything toxic for those of us with kids and pets. If you missed some, or didn't wipe it all the way off, when you heat the stove it doesn't smell horribly. Also another side note. This mix will also take the nasty off your cookie pans, and the bottoms of pots and pans. <3

  39. Anonymous says:

    omg don't do this if you have a Fridgidaire oven, unless you have another human being present to assist. I had to remove a buch of scews, the over door fell off, glass almost broke and the handle of the oven fell off. It's sitting in pieces until my husband get's home and in the mean while I've got to keep 2 monkey toddlers away from it...oh, and Thanksgiving is tomorrow. LOL

  40. Leslie Stewart @ House on the Way says:

    Wow! The gunk between the glass on my oven has always been an eyesore for me! Thanks so much for this tutorial! You rock!

  41. Michele Alger says:

    I found you on pinterest and was so excited that somebody had discovered how to clean my uncleanable oven door! It's a bummer when you have the whole kitchen gleaming (which doesn't happen very often) but you still have ugly drips reminding you that you still have something to clean...but can't! LOL---THANK YOU!!

  42. Laura @ Our Prairie Home says:

    HOLY COW!!! So glad I saw this on your side bar! I just cleaned my stove the other day and was ticked that I couldn't get in between the glass. The inside was all bright and shiney... The glass door looks like someone threw up in it. HA HA HA! Now I know what to do! YAY!!!!! Thanks, Jess!

  43. I saw this on the sidebar too and it's exactly what I needed! My oven door is disgusting and I've been wondering how to clean it. Now I just need to get motivated...

    Thanks for the tip!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for this post. I can not wait until I can see through and not get grossed out. Your site is AWESOME!

  45. Anonymous says:

    First remove the door from the range. Cleaning it as described, is likely to sping the door hinges, that is a safety hazard for gas ovens.

  46. Lynda Ereshan says:

    This is most likely a dumb question, but here goes: What is "Greased Lightening"???

  47. Lynda Ereshan says:

    This is most likely a dumb question, but here goes: What is "Greased Lightening"?

  48. Anonymous says:

    I have did this two or three times. A plain old phillips screwdriver will also work in these screws.

  49. MdConsumer says:

    Best advice Iโ€™ve received in years! @Jalet: I've already removed the door; it did slide right off. My Maytag has 9 phillips screws; I'm starting on them now. Maytag's vents and double glass door always look dirty. Too many openings, vents, and seals in the wrong places. Steam and grease get inside but you canโ€™t clean. The self-clean cycle works in the oven itself, but outside where everyone can see, it looks dirtier on the door, vents, and seals after self-cleaning. Definately a non-cook mustโ€™ve designed this!

  50. MdConsumer says:

    Best advice Iโ€™ve received in years!! I've already removed the door; @Jalet thanks, this does work. My Maytag door has 9 phillips screws & I'm working on them now. The Maytag door always looks dirty. The entire unit has too many openings, vents, & seals in the wrong places. Steam, grease, & gunk get in but you canโ€™t get in to wipe clean. Even after self-cleaning, the outside-where everyone can see-is visibly gunky dirty around the door, seals, & vents. Definately a non-cook must've designed it.

  51. Anonymous says:

    Thanks!!!!!!!I never thought it was possible to do this

  52. Anonymous says:

    I'm so excited!! Finally a way to get that crud out of the oven door and I don't even want to tell how many stoves I have owned!! Needless to say, I'm no spring chicken and it only took almost 50 years for me to find this out!! LOL!! Thanks!!!

  53. Anonymous says:

    I found the original post on how to clean the glass and I could not believe I did not know how!!! I didn't realize there was goop inside the door until I cleaned the oven side...Thank you so much!!!

  54. Anonymous says:

    This is great but one other thing - what's "Greased Lightening" and where can you find it? Sounds like something that I would love to have on hand! Please add this to one of your posts as I am really curious. Thanks for all the great info!

    • Jessica Kielman says:

      Greased Lightening is a degreasing product...they sell it at most grocery stores, and I love it. It basically breaks up hard to clean grease and makes it easy to wipe away...hope this is helpful!

  55. Well, be very careful however you clean your oven door door shattered into thousands of shards right into my lap and all over me (I was sitting in the floor while cleaning the glass). Just out of the clear blue. It does not break like tempered glass pieces either. When I went to look for replacement glass (two days before Thanksgiving), I found that Maytag no longer makes black replacement glass for my model. I also found that oven glass shattering is not that rare - found several reports online. Next project: new almond glass door being changed to black with high temp spray paint and primer. Keep your fingers crossed for me (and a prayer too, please).

  56. Thanks for linking back to this in today's post! I have struggled to figure out how to clean the inside of the oven door since we bought our house this summer. How does that space get so gross????

  57. Tina @ The Primitive Junkie says:

    OMG ... I hate to omit it, but my stove is in desperate need of cleaning and I also never knew how to clean in between the glass. I guess I never really tried :) But, I am so glad you posted about this. I think I'll give it a whirl this weekend!

  58. Most ovens you can also remove to oven door from the stove this makes a world easier for cleaning your oven also. Simply open oven door and pull out.

  59. I always look at the oven and think I really need to find a way to clean that. Thank you so much for figuring it out :-)
    I am a follower of and I cant live without that wonderful site. Again thanks for the post love it. :-)

  60. Shannon @Fox Hollow Cottage says:

    Psst... come do mine ;)

  61. Christine@DecorumDIYer says:

    Oh my, my husband and I were contemplating this past weekend on this exact problem.

  62. AC Carter says:

    THANK YOU!!!!! I want to get my house ready to sell and I need to do this!! Thank you for posting this!

  63. Took me an hour start to finish, but it's done. It was easy, and I can't believe how clean it came out. Mine actually had three panels of glass. I had to unscrew a glass panel in between the two outer panels, but the work was well worth it. It's like brand new. You have no idea how it bothered me that I couldn't get that clean. Thank you oh wise one!!!

  64. Julia Kendrick says:

    Genius!!! I just did mine and my oven handle is attached with the screws too so it made it a little harder to put back together but It looks amazing!!!

    • I just saw this post and just did mine to. It has been bugging me for a long time, just didn't know how to clean it. When I took my two screws out my handle fell off too, I thought I was screwed when I shut the oven door part all the way since I didn't have a way to open it, but it was easy to open. This worked awesome will definately be using it again!!!

  65. Thank you! I just finished and those annoying streaks are now gone. Hardest part was putting the door back on because of the springs on the hinges. A quick trip to YouTube and a couple of nails later and we got it back on!

  66. Joni Taylor Klarman says:

    Wow. Thanks. I can't even see inside the oven anymore because of that.

  67. I have GOT to do this. Thanks for telling me how. laurie

  68. WOW!!! who knew?!?!? Thank you so much for the tutorial... I spilled turkey drippings in between mine during my first Thanksgiving in my house (embarrassed to say 14.5 years ago!! Whoops!) ...yes, you can spill stuff in between those two layers of glass if you are trying to save your too heavy turkey from falling, while trying not to burn yourself!!!! I can't wait to try this...for years I have been saying to my husband "there has got to be a way to open that up" and he would always say "nope, they don't even sell a tool for that"-- Well guess what he is going to be doing!!?? : )

  69. Do you have the ability to see into my house? Just kidding. Just cleaned my oven two days ago and noticed those spots between the glass with wondering...Saw this on Facebook. Those spots will soon be gone. Thank you!

  70. LINDA JOHNSON says:


  71. I suggest doing a search on Google before disassembling doors. If your oven is in warranty, this is usually covered (door disassembly). If you DIY, you void the warranty. Not all oven doors are the same, so while this one was a breeze, there are others that aren't. You won't know until it's too late, though. Maybe it'd be better to do the first time via service call and watch to see if it's something you can reasonably do. I'm not sure if I dare take ous apart or not after reading some less successful attempts folks have made.

  72. I have been wondering if I could clean the inside of the oven window, thanks so much for the 411. I am doing this now.

  73. Very, very helpful! I recently used the baking soda method to clean my horribly dirty oven (as in, never-been-cleaned-in-ten-years dirty) and had pretty good success (letting it sit overnight) but a combination of water and baking soda seeped to the other side of the window. It looks absolutely horrible. I eyed those screws, and guessed that we probably do have the appropriate tool, but wondered if it was safe. You've done the research for me! I guess there is no wiring or anything else in between the two sides of the door, so now I am feeling emboldened to try it myself.

  74. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I hadn't had my stove long before some batter dripped and fell sideways or something into the oven door BEHIND the glass. I've been fussin' about it for a couple of years now!

  75. The post to end all cleaning tip posts! Can't thank you and the tip-leavers out there enough.

  76. Mary Beth @ Cupcakes and Crinoline says:

    Such great tips and I just realized you included one of mine on your board....thank you so much, Jessica!

  77. I just checked this out... Went in the kitchen took mine apart and cleaned between the glass. Thank you so much for this. It was easy to take apart and put back together as my husband watched tv thinking I couldn't do it.

  78. Thank you!! I managed to accidentally bump into the oven door when it was on with a knife that had butter on it. Yes...a small dab of butter found it's way inside the door and I had no idea how to get it out of there!

  79. Was checking out Greased-Lightning on their website and it says not to use it on continuous cleaning ovens...what is the difference between a self- cleaning oven and a continuous cleaning oven....have never heard of a continuous cleaning oven....

    • Linnea Lahlum says:

      I don't think they make them anymore. I had one 2 ovens ago. It's a special texture on the inside surface that is supposed to break up dirt and allow it to burn off at normal oven temperatures. No special cleaning cycle is needed. You are not supposed to use any chemicals on those, I think because it's porous and you could never get it rinsed off. .

      It was a nice idea in theory. In practice, it didn't work for any actual spills: only for the fine mist of dirt you get from things like broiling. It just meant the oven looked dirty all the time we had it. That's why I don't think it is made anymore.

      Regular ovens have enamel inside that is slick and shiny. Continuous cleaning enamel looks matte. If you touch it you can feel a very slight texture, like extremely fine sandpaper.

  80. lisa bivona says:

    I had luck with washing soda, (not baking soda), it cut through my stove grease pretty quick.
    and thanks for the how to, I just may try it. If, if I don't keep hiding it behind a towel.

  81. My stove has regular Phillips screws. Yay

  82. Do NOT do this unless you know how your oven is put together! It is not as simple as she makes it seem. On my oven, I removed the top screws and the handle and guards all fell apart! Then the glass broke! If you are going to clean the inside glass, take the door OFF the hinges and lay it on a flat surface. You should make an edit on this post so people don't break their oven doors!

  83. I have the the screwdriver already so I'm ready to clean it, never knew you could clean between the doors, very happy I can, thank you!

  84. Well i did as you said but my oven has a extra peice of glass that I do not want to remove because its very complicated but your trick got my oven 90% clean thats Good enough for me :)

    • Good call, Jen! I would be very careful if there is an extra piece! I'm glad it mostly worked for you :)

  85. Corinne Smith says:

    My comments are last year I bought a new flat top range self clean .My daughter first time I cooked on it she spill t Gravy all down the front and in between the glass in tell just now I had know idea how to clean it...Silly the answer seems so simple.I never even checked for screws...On the ring in the toilet try a pumis stone it should work just fine.

  86. Fantastic idea! I will definitely try it this weekend.

  87. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! I have always wondered how the heck to clean that part of the oven and you my dear
    are a freak'n genius! :)

  88. Wow thank u .... I asked hubby if we could clean inside and he said "oh that's a big job" lol can't wait to see his face when I show him it got cleaned lol x x

  89. Thank you. Have something in between the glass. This will help. U rock. Thanks again

  90. On most of these new ovens you can take to bottom draw out and there are 3 holes it you take a bent coat hanger and ruubber band a cleaning towel around the coat hanger yu can clean the oven door and not take it apart. I clean mine regularly (oven door) and I dont't have that build up.

    • Seriously, thank you so much for this tip! I was a little nervous about taking apart the whole door, but using a coat hanger, rubber band, and dishcloth I was able to get up inside and wipe the drips. So happy my oven looks clean again! Thank you!

  91. Jessica, what a wonderful discovery. Thanks for letting all of us gals know too! I'm going to get my hubby to help me too.

  92. Jessica, Wow, thanks for letting us in on the big secret. I'm going to get my hubby to help me too! I'm messy.Thanks for the big tip!

  93. Jeannie Moore says:

    Loved reading this article on cleaning my oven glass. I would like to see your other
    articles when you have them posted . Where can I get them on ?

  94. Linda Halcomb Jones says:

    If you partially open the door & pull up it will come off. Much easier to clean & to reach inside

  95. I just loved it!!! I crossed my fingers to see if it works with my oven!!!!

  96. My Amana oven door is different ..........Anyone else have ideas??

    • Lisa Davenport says:

      I would Google it. There will be videos on you tube or a website for Amana. I love Google. Good luck.

  97. Thank you for your help now i can clean my glass window

  98. Love this site! I've been trying to figure out how to clean that glass for years! I guess it helps if you open the oven and look around lol....

  99. says:

    Great tip, will be trying this since nothing else is getting in totally clean.

  100. PERFECT!!! That was a 15 minute project and I have a clean oven! The best part besides the oven glass being sparkly- all they had was this big torx screw driver set- I didn't want anything that big so the guy sold me the big set for $3 dollars instead of $15 because I only need one! Good people in this world! Im a happy camper! Thanks!

  101. I am soooo excited! I just followed your instructions and finally cleaned the window of my oven. It came out so clean, it looks like a new oven. I never noticed those screws on the door before and already had that screwdriver tip in the house so I was ready to go. It looks great! Thank you so much for this tip.

  102. I so need to do this. I'm sure I'll find all sorts of gross goodies in between there. Thanks for sharing your tutorial. Pinned.

  103. Please BECAREFUL! Not all ovens are the same. I did this a few years ago and broke side plastic that held glass apart. And had very difficult time getting back together. Also grease lightening is dangerous. It will ruin wood I know for sure.

  104. Mitzi Ouderkerken says:

    Has anyone out there tried this on a GE Profile? I am kind of afraid to. Its sounds GREAT but my drop came when my oven was less then a month old we were making a turkey and it dropped on the vent in between the glass the design is so dumb that it can get right in there. I called the place where i purchased it and they said it is a bummer and they would not come out and fix it so i could clean it, they said it does not go back together well so they do not guarantee it.. so i wondered if anyone has tried it on this make?

  105. Hey there! I've been reading your website for some time now and finally
    got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from
    Huffman Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic work!

  106. ann carlile says:

    awesome is the best cleaner i have found for everything

  107. Sylvia Webster says:

    How to clean the oven door. This also works here in Cyprus although the ovens here are manufactured in Greece, not British or American made as they are in the UK. Thanks for that and it looks back to new, No more tea towels hanging on the handle. Sylvia.

  108. Kaky McPeak says:

    I've used cleaning vinegar (bought it at Ollie's), used a steam bullet and a lint free cloth, took about half an hour but got as many sides of the double glass doors as I could reach without taking the whole thing apart. Hope this helps.

  109. I have a built in JennAire. UGH! I went so long with the spidery-hairy things/dust in between mine!

    The JennAire has 3 phillips screws at the top. The front will come off if you are not careful. What is just to clean one glass on some is not as simple on the JennAire. There are actually 3 pieces of glass--1 on the inside of the door, 1 on the outside and then a glass insert with the black framing around it. Mine was mostly dirty in between the inner glass and the middle. There are only 4 screws holding the brackets to the middle glass. You will need a nut driver for those. Be very careful as the brackets you are unscrewing do slide off. I would hate for someone to break their glass! I can clean both from and back of the middle glass then. It wasn't too difficult to get everything put back together again and now I have a clean door!

    Thanks for the tips!

  110. I agree Sue, side vents would make so much sense - my hubby took the oven door apart for me today, so the entire stove would look clean (new kitchen cupboards are coming in another few weeks!!) Now I'm looking for hints to prevent the whole mess from happening again, surely there must be a way to prevent the grime from getting between the glass in the first place; I will keep looking, and hope someone gets the message, that the design just isn't working the way doors are built right now!

  111. Greased Lighting is a DEGREASER spray cleaner. I have found it at Home Depot.

    • Greased Lightening --it's a solvent based cleaner, like what they use to clean car parts! I would not use it anywhere food was prepared. DO NOT let it contact your skin. Benzine causes cancer.

  112. I have taken an empty paper towel roll and attached it to the vacuum hose with a rubber band to get in tight spots. It collapses smaller than the crevice tool.

    • Lisa Davenport says:

      Great hack! Thanks

  113. Denny Hutton says:

    Thanks! Also, I really need help on cleaning between my microwave door glass! Help!


    • Patsy Walker says:

      I called the repair service to come and clean mine; it was still under warranty. The repairman told me to NEVER EVER clean it myself. H said the glass was razor sharp and that it was capable of slicing a finger right off one's hand. I hate that glass door; it should never be manufactured that way.

      • I agree! Can't they make a window that SEALS COMPLETELY and just CANNOT get crap inside of it? SIGH.

      • I work in a manufacturing plant that makes oven windows. We do not install them in the doors, we just make the window assembly. We have a lot of customers from Maytag up to Wolf and I can tell you that the glass is not razor sharp on the edges. Not unless you break off a sliver. If you drop it and it breaks, it crumbles into many pebbles of glass. Not shards.

  115. I was able to do the part that you suggested with the two torque screws but unfortunately my oven door has 3 panes of glass so there was still an "in between two" that I wasn't able to get to. :(

    • Oh goodness, 3? That's a real bummer! Wish I could help with that one! ~Jess

  116. I have this exact ge model, so thanks to the photo tutorial, this looks super easy. Not sure how I managed to drip batter in between the glass but I'm so glad to know I don't have to live with it forever. Thank you!

  117. WOW! Thanks so much!!!! I was looking at mine the other day and thinking how the hell do I clean that? So I googled that today and your article came up! I have 4 cats and there is CAT HAIR in-between that glass that is bugging the crap out of me. As soon as work is done today, I'm going to baking soda the hell out of the inside of my oven and then tackle the oven door! Again, thanks so much. :)

    • You are so welcome...I know, the animal hair gets everywhere! Be careful to watch for the door springing open :) and...Good luck!

  118. OMG... Thank YOU! There has been a dead moth between my glass for a year and a half. Seriously.

  119. Dorothy Stanton says:

    Cleaning my oven was my biggest nightmare, exactly because I had no idea how to clean in between the glass of it's door, All the scrubbing and the shiny inside of the oven was nothing because the glass was so dirty. Your tips are genius and so easy. Thank you for sharing your experience. Nice to read from you :)

  120. Carolyn Spence says:

    I cleaned my door over a year ago, and the next day my outer door busted as if it was shot. I could not believe it busted and my oven door was not that dirty. I later learned from the internet that this is a common occurrence with GE brand stoves. Please be careful.

  121. Have taken apart an oven door to clean before; however, I now have a self-cleaning oven. Do I dare take this one apart??? It has what looks like a"scrubby" thing around the edge of window inside the door.

  122. I was all excited to do this. My oven has three panes of glass. It wasn't a total loss though, I never knew the door could lift right off. The latter being appreciated by my 4 ft 8 inch size . All in all very helpful hints.

  123. Noreene Fleischer says:

    Thanks for a wonderful way to clean between the oven's glass. For years I have been taking the whole door apart just to do this. However, is there a way to clean the gasket around the window without shredding it?

  124. Pauline Micheal says:

    Thanks to you I had the courage to unscrew the glass section on the oven door!!!! Its coming up lovely. I have been living with marks between the glass for a long time now trying to reach them with different things.

  125. I've cleaned mine like that and it worked but I'd love to know how to prevent it from happening.

    • So glad it worked for you...I wish I could figure out how to prevent it for sure...I must be the world's messiest cook!

  126. I have a Maytag Gemini and it has three panes of glass. No way that I could see to remove the bottom two. I used a coat hanger with a washclothes soaked in Vinegar Windex. I used the hanger to put the cloth inside the 2 panes of glass and then with both ends pulled it back and forth to clean it. Got most of it off then used the hanger and paper towels with the windex to get the lint off. I somehow came up short a screw even though I'd put them all in a bowl. Thank God my husband has "collected" screw for decades!

  127. Thank you so much for this information. Those stains were driving me crazy and it was such a simple solution. I needed a second set of hands because the oven door handle was fixed to the same screws, but boy does it look better! Thanks again.

  128. An alternative cleaning method to taking the oven door apart: take out the drawer on the bottom on the stove and feel along the bottom of the oven door. You should feel some openings across the bottom. If you have these openings, take a glass cleaning wipe, store bought or home made and attach it to the end of a wire coat hanger. Slide it up each hole on the bottom of the door and wipe away the debris. Do this with each opening and a new wipe. You will have to move, bend and turn the coat hanger to get some pressure on the wipe to clean both pieces of glass and it takes a bit longer than opening the door, but it does work.

  129. That home made orange degreaser appears is awesome. A little gem amongst a fantastic little how to guide.

    An yes, us dads do also clean from time to time ;)

  130. This is a long and about way to clean the glasses which form the front door of an oven. The way I do ours is I remove the plastic securing strips which hold the inner glass in place and remove the inner glass for cleaning. This gives me excess to the inside of the outer glass and I clean it in situ. With all glasses cleaned I return the inner glass and reinstall the securing strips. Job finished!

  131. Thanks for sharing this info. After looking at a couple of drips between the glass doorfront of my oven, we followed your recommended steps and I can finally walk into my kitchen and not be discouraged by the look of my oven door. Took only about 15 minutes and it looks like a new oven! Thanks again,

  132. CAUTION! Another not so great attempt: the metal on the front and sides of my oven that surround the front glass is now bent and it doesn't look like everything is fitting properly now that I've put the screws back on.

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