10 Edible Flowers Almost Too Pretty to Eat

Make your seasonal dishes sing.

Spring and summer are jam-packed with delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables to harvest. What many people don't know, though, is that lots of the beautiful blooms we see in our front yards can make its way to our plates. For hundreds of years, edible flowers have served as a way to both beautify and enhance the flavors of a kitchen creation, whether it's an entrée, a dessert, or even a drink. Flower blossoms can be used as a main ingredient, in ice cubes, or as a garnish, like in these Mini Confetti Cakes.

Mini Confetti Cakes

Antonis Achilleos; Food Styling: Torie Cox; Prop Styling: Kay E. Clarke

You've probably eaten a flower whether you realize it or not. Pastry chef, food stylist, and co-owner of OWL Bakery in Asheville, North Carolina, Nancy Hughes, reminisces on how she first fell in love with edible flowers: "Like most Southern kids, picking honeysuckle and drinking the nectar." Hughes incorporates fresh edible flowers constantly in her culinary masterpieces. "When using edible flowers, you experience flavors ranging from spicy to bitter to floral. Flowers are almost their own version of spices," she says. "Incorporating flowers, whether it's in an infusion or for decoration, adds a layer of whimsy that really pleases a crowd."

Ready to jump in and make your seasonal dishes sing? Take a look below for some inspiration.


Top view of Rose petals kept in a Glass jar with added Sugar for a Recipe called Gulkand.
Uma Shankar sharma / Getty Images

Use one of the most well-known flowers in the world (Rosa spp.) to add a fruity essence to your teas and jams this spring. If you're using rosewater as opposed to real rose petals, use a light touch—a little goes a long way. Rose essence is a key ingredient in this recipe for Mango-Rose Fruit Salad.


Edible Marigold Flowers
Tagetes sp. (Marigold), flowers, dried petals, muslin cloth, glass bowl containing marigold extract. Clive Streeter/Getty Images

Both French (Tagetes patula) and African (T. erecta) marigolds are edible. These gorgeous orange and yellow blossoms pull double-duty: Hughes recommends lining your vegetable garden with them. "They'll keep pests away," she says, "and deliver a flavor both bitter and sweet." Pull the stems from the blooms to enjoy—they're particularly delicious in a dish that features a pickled vegetable. Mexican mint marigold (T. lucida) has an anise scent and is sometimes used as a substitute for tarragon.

Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop Flowers
Photo: Alice Day / Getty Images

Tiny, delicate, and soft purple, these dreamy little blooms make a statement. Their licorice flavor adds a layer of complexity, and (bonus!) bees love anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum), which makes growing it good for the planet and your tastebuds. Sprinkle on top of ice cream, salads, or tuck these tiny flowers into the cascading folds of meringue on top of a tart, like this one.

Squash Blossoms

Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms


ingwervanille / Getty Images

It's impossible to forget your first fried zucchini blossom. Lush, juicy, and so delicious, these yellow flowers appear in zucchini and squash plants (Cucurbita pepo). You can also stuff the blossoms with a very soft cheese; for a Southern take, try this recipe for Pimiento-Stuffed Summer Squash. For best results, clip the flowers in the morning when they first open, cutting the stem about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the bloom. Just make sure to leave the female blossoms on your plants—you can identify them by the tiny fruits at the base of the flowers.

Butterfly Pea

Close-up view of Butterfly Pea Flower and Stevia on a glass jar
Karl Tapales / Getty Images

Yielding a vibrant, rich purple color, this flower functions as a dye and a flavor enhancer. Looking to create a striking icing? Boil butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) and strain out the plant matter to get a vivid purple color ideal for cakes or for infusing teas without resorting to artificial food colorings.

Violas And Pansies

John Kernick

Look for their white and purple blooms and heart-shaped petals. Violas, historically sugared and placed in and around desserts, have recently come back into the zeitgeist in boutique chocolateries and modern bakeries. Take a trip to the Victorian era and give candied violets a try, or use their natural perfume to make a warm-weather drink instantly aromatic. The earthy, sometimes minty flavor of pansies also packs the perfect punch when sprinkled over a spring salad.


Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is a great highlighter for hair. Photodisc for Getty Images

We're all familiar with the soothing properties of a cup of chamomile tea. You can steep chamomile flowers (Matricaria chamomilla) from your own garden to make a cup. Harvest the flowers when they are about to fully bloom and use them immediately, steeping for about five minutes, or dry them indoors to save for later. The apple-scented, daisy-like flowers also make a beautiful groundcover in sunny gardens.


Lavender-Plum Shrub

Photo: Hector Manuel Sanchez; Prop Styling: Mary Clayton Carl; Food Styling: Torie Cox

Lavender isn't just for potpourri. You can add a sweet perfume to baked goods or teas by mixing edible lavender flowers into the batter or tea bag. English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is most often used for culinary purposes as it has a less soapy flavor. Savor the floral flavor of these Lavender Shortbread Cookies or try our recipe for Lavender Glaze, which pairs well with lemony cakes and cookies. Lavender can also be used to infuse honeys and syrups. Our Lavender-Plum Shrub recipe makes a wonderful base for cocktails and summer spritzers.


Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Calendula (Calendula officinalis).

krblokhin / Getty Images

Also called pot marigold, Calendula officinalis has a slightly medicinal, peppery taste. Once called the "poor man's saffron," the petals of this plant impart a golden color to food. You can use calendula in teas, syrups, vinegars, egg dishes, and as a garnish on salads and desserts. If you will be eating the flowers, use the petals only and discard the bitter flower centers.


Nasturtium (Tropaeolum)
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum).

zzayko / Getty Images

Nasturtium flowers (Tropaeolum majus) make a gorgeous salad garnish that tastes much like radish microgreens. You can also use the blooms to impart a golden hue and peppery after-bite to an infused vinegar. Blend the petals into butter for your baguette or pickle the green seeds to approximate a spicy caper.

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