Trying to enjoy passed hors d'oeuvres while also holding a glass of red wine and a clutch is all but impossible, but don't even think about tucking your handbag under your arm to free up one of your hands.

Etiquette expert Myka Meier considers that to be quite the party faux pas. In a recent Instagram post, the founder of Beaumont Etiquette outlined her top handbag etiquette rules, which range from why you should never call it a purse to the proper way to hold a clutch.

Read them all below:

1. Always call it a handbag or a "clutch,"—a purse is for loose change.

2. Hold a clutch either in front of you with both hands and fingers together facing downward or with one hand to your side.

3. Never put a small handbag or clutch underneath the pit of your arm.

4. Handbags are never placed on the floor.

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Meier is the founder of the Plaza Hotel Finishing Program with Beaumont Etiquette, which recently launched group courses for kids and teens this spring.

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Caroline Hallemann
Digital Director

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects