The Different Reasons Why Children Become Hyperactive

While many people are quick to suggest ADHD when they see a hyperactive kid, ADHD is just one potential cause of hyperactivity. Learn what can cause hyperactivity.

Hyperactivity is a state of being abnormally excited and displaying considerable activity. While some kids are content coloring for hours or playing quietly with blocks for half the day, others can’t seem to sit still for even two minutes. These kids may instead fidget, jump, bounce, or literally climb the walls most of the time.

Many will be quick to suggest that an energetic, hyperactive child has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—it has "hyperactivity" in the name, after all. But ADHD isn't the only reason why a child may be hyperactive. Read on to learn about the different causes of hyperactivity in kids.

Energetic young child standing on a chair with arms raised
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The Link Between ADHD and Hyperactivity

Approximately 11.4% of children aged 3 to 17 in the US have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

ADHD is a neurobiological condition that causes symptoms such as impulsivity, impaired focus, and increased activity. Hyperactivity-related symptoms of ADHD described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM) include:

  • Difficulty sitting still; continually squirming and moving feet and hands, or standing up and moving when others are seated
  • Running or climbing at inappropriate times
  • Rarely taking part in play activities quietly
  • Talking constantly, which can cause problems at school and in social settings
  • Difficulty taking turns
  • Interrupting other people

ADHD and Hyperactivity in Boys vs. Girls

The hyperactivity associated with ADHD is more commonly observed in children assigned male at birth, making those children more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than their female counterparts. Children assigned female at birth who have ADHD, on the other hand, are more likely to experience inattentiveness than hyperactivity, which can leave their condition overlooked and undiagnosed.

Talk to a health care provider if you think your child may have ADHD. While there is no one test that can definitively diagnose ADHD, health care providers can conduct an assessment and refer your child for further evaluation if necessary. If ADHD is diagnosed, treatment is available.

It is also recommended for parents to check in with their child's teacher to see if hyperactivity symptoms are also present in the classroom. One of the requirements of an ADHD diagnosis is that symptoms must be present in more than one setting—for example, at home and at school. While it is helpful to consult a medical professional for further recommendations (and a referral for a comprehensive assessment if necessary), parents should also check in with their child's teachers to confirm whether hyperactivity symptoms are also exhibited in the classroom.

Non-ADHD Causes of Hyperactivity in Kids

Not every busy, wiggly child has ADHD. Sometimes, other causes underlie a child's high activity level.


Whether it’s permanent chaos or a short-term schedule change, children often become hyperactive when they're experiencing a stressful life event. Even positive changes, like a new sibling or moving to a better neighborhood, can create a lot of stress for a child.

Before you decide your child couldn’t possibly be affected by financial problems or relationship issues, remember that kids pick up on their parents’ stress. If you’re stressed out, there’s a good chance your child is stressed out too.

Make sure your child has a consistent and predictable routine. If you’re experiencing stressful life events, give your child extra reassurance and support.

Emotional or mental health problems

Emotional issues often look like behavior disorders in children. For example, a child with an anxiety disorder may struggle to sit still while a child who has been traumatized by a scary event may not be able to concentrate.

If you suspect your child's hyperactivity may stem from an emotional issue, seek professional help. Treatment can reduce a wide range of symptoms, including hyperactivity.

Medical conditions

There are some physical health problems that cause hyperactivity. An overactive thyroid, for example, can cause a wide range of symptoms, including anxiety and hyperactivity. There are also other genetic issues that may lead to increased activity in kids.

Talk to a health care provider about your child’s symptoms. Keeping a detailed list of your concerns could help a doctor identify potential health problems that may be at the root of the issue.

Lack of exercise

Children are supposed to be active and energetic. Without enough exercise, they will struggle to sit still. Unfortunately, some hyperactive children get punished by losing their recess privileges at school. But not having an opportunity to run around and play makes hyperactivity worse.

Encourage your child to get frequent bouts of exercise every day. Playing on a playground, riding a bike, and running give your child an opportunity to channel their energy into productive activities.

Lack of sleep

While adults tend to grow sluggish when they’re tired, children often become hyperactive. Whether it’s a missed nap or a late bedtime, a sleepy child may seem more animated than ever. When a child doesn’t get enough rest, their body responds by making more cortisol and adrenaline so they can stay awake. As a result, they will have more energy.

Make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep. If you have difficulty ensuring that your child is getting enough rest, talk to a health care provider about strategies that could help.

Hyperactivity vs. Developmentally-Appropriate Behavior

While it's normal for young children to have plenty of energy, hyperactivity can interfere with their lives. Kids need to be able to sit still long enough to learn, for example. But it's important to make sure you have realistic expectations of your child. Thinking your preschooler should play quietly in their room while you work from home, for example, could lead you to think your child is hyperactive when their behavior is actually developmentally appropriate.

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  1. Data and Statistics on ADHD. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2024.

  2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2024.

  3. Assessment and diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 2000.

  4. Stresses in childhood. Medline Plus, National Library of Medicine. 2022.

  5. Hyperthyroidism. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. n.d.

  6. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment. The Guilford Press. 2018.

  7. Cortisol secretion and change in sleep problems in early childhood: moderation by maternal overcontrolBiol Psychol. 2015.

  8. Tips for better rest. Stanford Children’s Health. n.d.

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