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Monday, February 07, 2005

Egyptian Math History

The history of Egyptian mathematics must be read in modern
base 10 as well as the ancient base 10 number system. This
two-way street situation, which is about to be explained,
provides a 'confirmation' step, one that currently does not
exist in the professional literature.

For example, one-way street translations, discussing an ancient
text in its oldest terminologies, have been offered as 'final' over
the last 120 + years by Peet, Chace and many others. However,
by showing details of remainder arithmetic and Egyptian fractions
as remainders, in both modern and ancient scribal shorthand
(the two way streets) directly proves that the earlier scholarly
translations were incompletely translated into an ancient form of
base 10 (a one way street). Scholars have therefore been shown
to have omitted big chunks of scribal thinking, missing many
important scribal techniques, like remainder arithmetic, points
that may not have been missed had the scholars been required
to fully translate every problem into modern arithmetic beginning
120, 100 or 80 years ago.

These scribal gaps need to be filled. By building two-way streets,
looking at the meaning of the ancient arithmetic, algebra and geometry
in modern terms, and visa versa, following the clues provided by the
scribal mental and explicit shorthand facts, detailing a deeper forms
of Egyptian arithmetic, algebra and geometry.

This is one of the central purposes of this blog, to validate that
two-streets are more than just sometimes possible, they are
almost always a requirement to fairly read scribal mathematics,
as written by Ahmes and other scribes.

One of the clues that has been under valued is the wide use
vulgar fractions, a center piece of scribal mental arithmetic.
Scholars have long suggested that scribal division consisted
of only unit fraction terms, thereby eliminating the need for
modern scholars to consider vulgar fractions in the majority of
ancient text calculations.

For example, RMP # 32 states in modern terms

x + (1/2 + 1/4)x = 2 or

x + 7/12x = 2, or

19/12 x = 2, or

x = 24/19 = 1 + 5/19

Ahmes' mental shorthand notes worked with the 5/19 vulgar fraction.
Noting his 1 + 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/114 + 1/224 answer, it appears that
a generalized, but not optimized, Hultsch-Bruin method did the following:

Find 5/19 by first subtracting 1/12 or

5/19 - 1/12 = (41)/(12*19)

= (38 + 2 + 1)/(12*19)

= 1/6 + 1/114 + 1/224, or

the final answer

1 + 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/114 + 1/224

Ahmes' choice of 1/12 followed the 2/19 2/nth table suggestion,

2/19 = 1/12 + (3 + 2)/(12*19) = 1/12 + 1/76 + 1/114

as also used in 2/95, where 2/19 x 1/5 = 1/5 (1/12 + 1/76 + 1/114)

as Wilbur Knorr and many others have seen, in 1982, as published
in the journal Historia Mathematica.

Had Ahmes 'thought of another number' like 1/4, a more optional
series 1/4 + 1/76 would have been found (as the 400 AD Akhmim
Papyrus, from the Coptic era includes in its n/19 table).

Gillings and other authors like Robins-Shute avoid discussing Ahmes'
shorthand that reveals this class of vulgar fractions fact - fragmentary
facts for sure, but facts that clearly point ONLY in the remainder
direction, then rewriting vulgar fractions as Egyptian fractions.

This blog details a wide range of specific textual ways that scribal
shorthand has been hard to read. I have been lucky in several areas,
assisted by many over the last 18 years, to have corrected several
scholarly oversights that had only reported what scholars could read
of ancient texts. Sadly many gaps are still left in the ancient texts, here,
there and everywhere. As a conseqence, to date, the oldest number
system has not been fairly read by modern language speakers, as the
scribes and archaeological luck, has left for us to read.

Special care needs to be taken when reading heiratic arithmetic
and its scribal shorthand. One new new method to achieve
this goal is documented on this blog. Choose whatever name
that fits in your mind for this new method. For myself, I call it
building two-way streets.

This blog's argument shows that ancient words and numbers
are only snapshots of ancient statements. To fully translate a
snapshot and find the ancient context, the fragmented scribal
shorthand must be read with rigorous methods. Filling in a
scribal gap at one's leisure, skipping ones that are not readily
understood, has commonly left out major segments of the
mathematical texts, one being remainder arithmetic.

To resolve several fragmented aspects, wider translations of the
scribal math shorthand must be developed that covers all the
available data. One technique that is being developed translates
the ancient data into modern base 10 decimals as a bilingual text.
The new method is comparable to the Rosetta Stone's use of
phonetic symbols to link the third language's decoding to the
first two. The new method uses quotients, remainder and common
divisors a central ideas.

Math scholars have often taken only an aspect of a text, and reported
interpretations outside of the original context when mathematics and
metrology were involved. This 'translate what you can' problem has
existed since the 1870's when the RMP was first published. This blog
will focus on clearly up one of the ancient math systems that have been
overlooked, that being the remainder arithmetic cited in the RMP and
other confirmationsal texts.

For example, RMP 65 states that

100/13 = 7 + 2/3 + 1/30

But what does that mean?

The Reisner Papyrus will be shown to have written:

n/10 = Q + R

where Q was a quotient and R was a remainder, first stated as
vulgar fraction, that was easily converted to an Egyptian fraction
series. The Reisner cites:

8/n1 = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/20 = 8/10

48/n2 = 4 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/20 = 4 + 8/10

18/x3 = 1 + 1/2 + 1/10 = 1 + 6/10

64/x4 = 6 + 1/4 + 1/10 + 1/20 = 6 + 4/10

36/x5 = 3 + 1/2 + 1/10 = 3 + 6/10

such that x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = x5 = 10

amid tables of data, as further explained on

That is,

100/13 = 7 + 8/13 or 7 + 2/3 + 1/39

with 7 being a quotient and 8/13 being a remainder
that was converted to 2/3 + 1/39.

Additional proof is provided by the word ro, a term often read
in metrology as 1/320th of a hekat. The word has a broader
meaning, including rest, remainder and related ideas that connect
more to arithmetic than metrology. Ro will be shown to have taken
on several numerical values other than 1/320 (as research has already
found, with the details being published in the near future).

For now, the word ro will be shown to have most often meant
'common divisor' to ancient scribes. Ro was linked to binary fraction
and Egyptian fraction series, a point that modern scholars are slowly
becoming aware. Ro did take on several numerical values. The
different values of ro were needed to exactly scale the Egyptian
fraction series, remainders of Horus-Eye divisions, as needed,
working with hekats, cubits (per Masse & Gewiche, 1994) and
other measures.

Stated in other terms, scholars have often reported the ancient
math data in fragmentary ways since the 1880's. By 1923 scholars
like Peet began to falsely conclude that his work was complete.
Peet conclued that ro only equaled 1/320th of a hekat and, by
implication, could not be re-valued within another context, such as
partitioning a cubit.

Peet's analysis stressed the idea of Egyptian division, as a limiting
factor on how and why the Akhmim Wooden Tablet scribe
partitioned a hekat by 1/3, 1/7, 1/10, 1/11 and 1/13. Peet
did not go into detail to show how the scribe proved his answers
by computing 3/3, 7/7, 10/10, 11/11 and 13/13, respectively. Peet
also did not seek out cubit partitioning methods, as later reported
by Masse and Gewiche, or any other weights and measures context.

Peet was not the only scholar that introduced misconceptions by
skipping over 'unreadable fragments' within a given text, while
attempting to create sweeping conclusions concerning the scope
and content of Egyptian mathematics.

Considering the original text, and sketchy translations of the fraction
based mathematics reported in several texts was straight forward
and often trivial. Interestingly, it will be shown that the math texts
have not been fairly translated from the combined Horus-Eye and
Egyptian fraction data cited in the RMP and other texts. Over 40
examples of binary and Egyptian fraction data have been ignored,
or grossly misread, since the data did not fit the scholarly additive
and subtractive paradigms of Egyptian arithmetic operations, as
detailed on:


This blog will freshly analyze Egyptian division based on reading
the binary and non-binary data reported in single scribal statements
mentioned above.

As a goal, this blog for the first time will attempt to offer complete
translations for a couple of example problems within the RMP and
one other text to modern base 10 fractions. This blog also offers a
rigorous method that creates a new set of abstract facts that can be
easily double checked by qualified experts.

Continuing to step back, scholars, mostly working alone, had
unfairly thought that a rigorous translation to modern base 10 was
not necessary. Frances I. Griffith in 1891 sensed that ro meant
'greatest common measure' within the RMP. Others scholars working
in other texts, Daressy in 1906 with the Akhmim Wooden Tablet
sensed other interesting arithmetic features. Daressy sensed exactness
in all but the 13/13 case, where scribal typographical errors hindered
his work. Yet, nine Daressy examples showed that divisions and
proofs were exact, a clue that was not followed up by Peet and

Interestingly, by 1923 Peet came along and tried to close off debate
related to the highest form of Egyptian division operations by refuting
the 1906 analysis of Daressy. Gee, didn't I get the gist of the math
discussion correctly, Peet might have retorted? Sadly, the majority
of early scholars had tried to stay within a singular view of Middle
Kingdom math texts, often created by themselves, with few or no
auditors, picking out readable aspects from ancient scribal
shorthand, skipping over 'unreadable aspects' (often without
mentioning their oversights).

Oddly, by 1923 scholars tended to agree on an additive aspect of
the mathematical texts. But were all the Egyptian mathematical texts
only additive or subtractive in scope, as David Silverman (and others)
continue to suggest in 1994?

It will be shown that math historians have not completely, and
therefore not fairly, reported important Egyptian mathematical
facts due to the oversight of not completing a rigorous translation
to modern base 10 fractions. This blog wll show that Egyptologists
and math historians have created no formalized methodology that
fairly and generally links the original scribal base 10 to modern
base 10. A fair 'decoding' system is needed such that modern
fraction views of the ancient texts can take into account all the
ancient text's contents. Such a 'decoding system exists in limited
circumstances. The proposed system can be rigorously double
checked in ways that offers great hope for the expansion of the
method to other poorly read mathematical texts.

Correcting oversights may be difficult. A formal methodology has
not been agreed to. However, one will be made available in this blog
that achieves a rigorous decoding key to ancient scribal thinking in
certain situations, the first being a hekat with a divisor of 64 or smaller.
The results of this methodology clearly opens up scribal remainder
arithmetic (a form of abstract math) Therefore, it will be shows that
non-additve or subtractive scribal mathematics did not dominate
Middle Kingdom mathematics, as has been assumed for over 100

Proof lies in several examples, each showing the trivial side of
the discussion, within the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. The
RMP lists several beginning type problems that our modern
4-6th graders would recognize, data that appears additive,
but actually is not. One problem is #83, where three classes
of birds were fed three different amounts, 1/6th of a hekat of
grain for three birds, 1/20th for one bird, and 1/40th for each
of three birds. Ahmes, the RMP scribe, then asks: how much
grain did all seven birds eat in one day?

A modern discussion of this trivial problem requires the
addition of 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/20, 1/40, 1/40 and 1/40,
Note that an easy to reach common multiple (1/120) is
required to solve this problem if no modification in procedure
is introduced. Today, kids might improve the ease of working
the ancient problem by first adding the three 1/6 fractions,
obtaining 1/2. Then they could add 1/20 and 3/40. In this
manner only (1/40) is required to be used as a common divisor.
This is a basic form of modern logic overlay (a bilingual text, to
refer to a cryptanalysis standard) can be restated several ways.

A closely related arithmetic form states, that by adding:
1/2, 1/20 and 3/40 using the common divisor 1/40, or

(20 + 2 + 3)/40 = 5/8th of a hekat of grain, as Ahmes

the requested to know, how much did seven birds eat in one

Ahmes performed this same arithmetical task, but chose another
interesting value for his common divisor, 1/320. Ahmes wrote his
fractional divisors of a hekat, his feeding rates, in terms of a larger
one that he named ro, one that was commonly seen in several
additional RMP problems, #35-38, 47, and 81.

To understand Ahmes' reason for selected 1/320th for a class of
problems, any one of which could have used a smaller common
divisor, let us examine Ahmes used of the word ro.

Stated in terms of ro (common divisor) units, Ahmes
first added up 53 1/3ro, 53 1/3 ro, 53 1/3 ro, reaching
160 ro. Ahmes then added 16 ro, 8 ro, 8 ro and 8 ro,
reaching 200 ro, or 200/320 = 5/8th of hekat. Trivial

At this point in this discussion includes a few non-trivial points.
Why did Ahmes apparently chose only only one common divisor,
1/320th to be specific? One clue is given by, no other common
divisor was needed for any divisor n, where n was not greater
than 64, when that common divisor is multiplied by the Egyptian
fraction series associated with it.

Let me say that again. The trivial side of the modern discussion
shows that several common divisors can come into play to solve
this seven bird eating grain problem. In Ahmes' case all of his
common divisors were large, all multiples of 1/320. This multiple
of 1/320 fact was repeated in several other hekat division
problems, as it will be shown in five Akhmim Wooden Tablet
cases. There were 29 additional cases in the RMP, written in
terms of the hin unit, so there is adequate data to discuss this
issue, in depth.

This blog, and one other, will clearly report that Ahmes was
using remainder arithmetic to exactly partition a hekat, a volume
unit, adding remainder corrections that scribes nameed ro. This
none trivial statement needs to proven in a rigorous manner.

Remainder arithmetic used the Horus-Eye series as its quotient,
with the Egyptian fraction series including the 1/320th common
divisor (multiple) as its remainder term. That is, whenever a hekat
unity, 64/64, was divided by any relatively prime number, 3, 7,
11, 13 and so forth, a remainder term was created, one that
included 1/320th, the Egyptian word ro. Why did ro appear in
every relatively prime division answer, when the divisor was no
greater than 64?

Ahmes and his mentor writing in the Akhmim Wooden Tablets,
or an earlier unreported text, substituted the fraction 5/320 for
a 1/64th fraction that always appeared in the remainder
arithmetic statement:

(64/64)/n = Q/64 + R/(n*64)

such that Ahmes remainder arithmetic statement looked like this

(64/64)/n = Q/64 + (5*R/n)* ro

Further, it will be shown that for n > 64 another form of remainder
common divisor was used, with ro being excluded. Ro certainly
was not used in the medical texts, as the Papyrus Ebers and other
texts, when several divisor greater than 64 were in use, but why?
A definitive discussion will take place on this subject at a later time.

To limit our discussion to the n > 64, as RMP # 47 implies, an
increase in the size of the hekat unit numerator, from 64/64 to
256/64, 320/64 or even 640/640 was made to allow the Q term
to contain a value > 0. Until this addition info is published, this
blog will continue to be updated, reporting bits and pieces of
the search for additional proof to detail the scope and depth of
ancient scriibal solution. The ancient Horus-Eye problem was
solved not larter than 2,000 BC, as reported by the volume
measure system, using large and small unit divisors.

How early was it solved, in a manner that birthed the Egyptian
fraction system itslef, as required to scale the remainder term,
with or without ro?

Milo Gardner

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Egyptian Mathematics

The history of Egyptian fractions, a major aspect
of Middle Kingdom mathematics, has been shown by
many scholars to have been under reported by
Egyptologists and math and science historians for
over 100 years. Members of certain disciplines
may complain when reading about the details of this
paper's analysis as well as its listed set of contexts
that this discussion touches. Hopefully one or two
scholars will take the time to chime in on few of
the following points, stating their positions,
pro or con, in clear terms. It is hoped that future
dialogues will begin to formally correct three
interconnected Egyptian fraction subjects:

(1) what was Middle Kingdom scribal thinking about,
beginning with its Egyptian fraction writings?
Was it birthed from finding the missing 1/64th
hekat unit, and replacing it for a complete hekat
(AWT based), or were earlier division methods that
converted remainders to Egyptian fraction series
a central caustive force?

(2) how can the practical side of Egyptian fractions
be separated from its abstract side? Can this be done
by studying the method that or methods that were used
to find the missing Horus-Eye 1/64th unit, 1/64, adding
it back to compute a full hekat? Or, are other reseach
tools needed to resolve the origins of Egyptian fractions

(3) And, are there modern philosophical issues that ancient
Egyptian scribes intuitively used when they worked within
Egyptian fraction arithmetic? That is, have the arithmetic
operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division been garbled in 'the modern academic presses',
since ancient scribes did have a grasp on essential working
tools of number theory, prime numbers, divisibility of numbers,
and ideas like LCM and GCD, facts that modernists have seen
but not reported in the ancient texts, for one reason or another?

To outline a wide ranging discussion, modern scholars apparently
have under valued Egyptian fractions, thinking it was a minor
historical chapter. For example, scholars have fairly read only
22 of the EMLR's 26 lines of information. The scholary oversights
of the math historians and Egyptologists sometimes have taken on
unintended blinders or other well known rhetorical and pedagogical
points of view.

Crest of the Peacock, George Gheverghese Joseph, for example, has
tried to fairly report a paradigm shift, that Egyptian math
contained a higher form of mathematics than previously assumed.
Joseph and several others have been working in mainstream Academia
for about 20 years, have looked beyond the Greeks and long
assumed Classical foundations of Western mathematics and
found that interesting information has been under reported. In
summary, world-wide mathematical foundations need not rely
on Western paradigms and Western views of math history,
stressing the Greeks or any period of European math
history , to produce a realistic view of the world's major math
discoveries, Joseph might suggest.

Ancient mathematical texts sometimes provide interesting sources
within fragmentarily clues to the foundations of ancient and modern
mathematics. It is critical to insure than untended blinders from any
particular cultural era are not worn. Therefore open minded analyses,
looking for hints of Egyptian mathematics and its big sister world-wide
mathematics can occur, at the same time, when monitored and directed
by broadly based interdisciplinary teams.

To fairly read any ancient text, its first reading should be an
independent one, independent from any culture, even its own, if
possible. Math as an abstract subject is filled with special
patterns allowing it to be decoded in on several levels. Special
care must be taken into consideration, opening alternative ways
to read any text, and then and only then, attempts can be made to
connect readings by diffusion, or texts from the same culture,
at approximately the same time.

Concerning reading the Egyptian mathematical texts, several texts
have arguably been under read for over 100 years (AWT, EMLR,
RMP), by Egyptologists. Egyptology is a well intentioned language
based discipline that tends to conclude that hieratic writing, in all
its forms, was only cursive hieroglyphic writing (and based only on
hieroglyphic mathematics). This type of reading is, of course, an
incomplete statement and therefore an inaccurate assertion. A wider
view of mathematical statements must be considered, outside of
hieratic or hieroglyphic implications.

It is true that Egyptian mathematics was first built upon the
hieroglyphic foundation of Horus-Eye fractions. The history of
change in Egypt is difficult to report, since so few texts are
available, that would have had to opportunity to report change.
One change is clearly proposed, by all the Middle Kingdom
documents citing Egyptian fractions, that Egyptian fractions
superceded Horus-Eye for the higher mathematical computations,
even though certain duplation artifacts of the Old Kingdom were
retained in the problem solving phase of the MMP, AWT, RMP
and other texts.

To not consider the wider view, that Horus-Eye was very likely
superceded, sometime before the beginning of the Middle Kingdom,
as often NOT stressed within the Egyptology community may mean
one of several things.

1. Egyptologists like to think in terms of hieroglyphics and the
issues of the Old Kingdom, since solving those issues seem
more important than the Middle Kingdom or later period issues.

2. The Middle Kingdom has often been reported as containing a form
of degraded mathematics, as implied by non-Egyptian math textual
sources. One is the Old Testament, an issue that should not be
accepted as a reliable source, since Hebrews did not like Egyptians
and their mathematics, having been required to use it for trade
and work purposes for the majority of their history in the ANE.

3. Mathematical scholars like Otto Neugebauer, Exact Science in
Antiquity, have also picked up the intellectual decline proposed
view of Egyptian fractions, and reported it as fact. Neugebauer's
analysis includes only the minimal number of Egyptian facts, a
few from the 2/nth table, none of which he understood at all. Seeing
none of the patterns that modern computers and others since the
time of Hultsch, have reported in the 2/p series since 1895, and
for sure he did not see the A = (p + 1) pattern in 2/pq series,
the Neugebauer's of the history of math and science can simply
be seen as naysayers, people that wish to discuss other subjects.

Considering only the cursive view of hieratic math, it is clear that
several misleading assertions have been made by the naysayers.
Peet, Gillings, Robins-Shute and others include naysaying comments.
A few of the historians do acknowledge the existence of two Egyptian
numeration systems, almost most always stressing the hieroglyphic
as more important than the hieratic. But what did each system
consist of? To begin to directly view the data, each Egyptian system
will be briefly outlined, after first mentioning a closely related
Babylonian numeration point.

As an important background issue, nearby Babylonian numeration
will be contrasted to Egyptian numeration. This discussion shows
that both cultures thought along closely related unit fraction system
lines. Each culture used 'decimal fractions'. Babylonians and
Egyptian scribes apparently worked to develop the most accurate
numeration system, thereby attempting to gain a business or
scientific edge for its respective culture.

Considering Egyptian fractions, it can be easily shown that
information written in hieratic fractions was apparrently confined
to a finite system, as the RMP 2/nth table and the EMLR clearly
detail (though long hidden in fragmented texts). The finite system
may have considered only the exact aspect of rational numbers,
written in concise unit fraction series, as first created from
the remainders created in Egyptian division. It also can easily
shown that Horus-Eye data was easily merged into the exact
remainder partition method, using ro = 5/320, as the Akhmim
Wooden Tablet cites.

To scan the overlooked aspects of Egyptian division, as applied
to exactly dividing a hekat by 3, 7, 10, 11 and 13, and then
adding back the missing 1/64th unit to the Horus-Eye system
63/64 + 1/64 = 1/1, log onto:

with 38 data point summarized on;

The facts that surround the structure and scope of hieratic
fractions are reported in the MMP, EMLR, RMPand fragments
of several other Middle Kingdom doments. This information
is approaching proto-number theory, given that proto-modular
arithmetic has been found in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet and
the RMP over 40 times.

Taken as a page in a body of knowlege, each document provides
a piece of proto-number theory. One document stresses prime
numbers and their manipulations (2/nth table), the next the
divisibility of numbers of 1/p and 1/pq problems (EMLR),
and Egyptian division, listing Egyptian fractions as a
qualifier to common divisors, like 1/320 (Akhmim Wooden).

Given a slowly emerging 'big picture' Egyptian fractions,
found in several abstraction definitions and practical applications
raise three questions:

(1) what were the hieratic fractions series all about (same as above),

(2) why did Ahmes list his 2/nth table first, as an introduction to
solving his 84 RMP problems (practical versus abstract begins
to emerge), and

(3) noting the RMP worked its problems by duplation rather by the
methods inherent in the 2/nth table's construction, why did this
gap exist?

Modern number theorists have worked with the Egyptian
fraction problem, using algorithms as an analytical tool.
Proponents have only been able to solve simple problems,
creating massive unit fraction series using the 'greedy algorithm'
to try to crack the complex problems. Personally, I have tried
the algorithm approach many times, looking for GCD and other
recursive forms. However, the abstract arithmetic present in the
EMLR and RMP 2/nth table has not been (parsed) understood
by the 'greedy algorithm' or any of the other higher forms of
modern number theory. David Eppstein published a Mathematiical
Intelligencer article in the 1990's on this point of view, as have
Bleicher, Rees, Wagon and others, that have published elsewhere.
A hundred years easlier, 1891, J.J. Sylvester may be have been
the first modern scholar to use this approach, after a vulgar fractions
paper from 1882 produced only contrived insights (when considering
2004 understandings).

Egyptians and Classical Greeks, specificially Euclid, extensively
used algebraic identities. This historical method outlines several
additional aspects of the three basic questions touched by this
paper. Howard Eves, for example, mentioned this point in Coptic
texts, generally solved n/pq = 1/pr + 1/qr, where r = (p + q)/n.
However, algebraic identities is a much older mathematical form.

As every math historian knows, algorithms are a way of thought, and
did not formally appear, as we know it, until Islamic mathematicians
worked on it, about 3,000 years after Egyptian fractions entered the
Ancient Near East mathematicians' tool kit. Considering this point alone,
I wonder why Sylvester suggested the Fibonacci's 'greedy' algorithm
to propose to explain a feature of Egyptian fraction thinking? The
approach reports nothing directly related to Egyptian thinking.

Infinite and finite systems use different number theory building blocks.
Concerning Egypt, Hieroglyphic Horus-Eye fractions followed an infinite
system, that rounded off after 6-terms (throwing away 1/64) or 12-terms
(throwing away only 1/4096), if Egyptians followed their neighbors,
the Babylonians. The Akhmim Wooden Tablet shows by its ro unit that
Egyptians may not have following Babylonians and their method of
adding another 6-units of significant digits.

Interestingly by Middle Kingdom (maybe the 12th Dynasty) an exact
form of Horus-Eye weights and measures system emerged, documented
by the ro unit. Ro was recorded as 5ro = 1/64th of a hekat, and
was used to exactly compute partitions of the 1/64th unit by any
prime number by using ro = 320 and other connections to the Egyptian
fraction system of exact fractions, upto a given divisor, maybe 160.
The Akhmim Wooden Tablet reports this methodology, partitioning
the 'rounded off' 1/64th unit by 1/3, 1/7, 1/10, 1/11 and 1/13
(and by implication 1/p), though ro itself needs to be increased
for divisors above 320. Two of the examples were practiced multiple
times. (I have posted a blog on this topic, though it should not
ve complete until the spring of 2005). Then a followup question might
need to be asked, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Was the
system of Egyptian fractions born from exactly finding unit fraction
series for Egyptian division's remainders, or was the search for
the exact finding of the smallest hekat unit the birth-mother?

Babylonian numeration, long thought to be more accurate than
its Egyptian neighbor's arithmetic, contained a major flaw.
Superficially base 60 2-term statements could only throw away
as little as 1/3600th of a unit, and 3-term statements might throw
away as little as 1/216,000th of a unit. However, when writing
inverse prime numbers, like 1/13, to unit fraction series, rounding
off would always occur, made to the closest multiple of 2,3 or 5.
In the 1/13th case, round off was often listed as 7/90, or adding
an error of .000854, creating a minor inaccuracy. In the case of
1/7, round off was best listed as 13/90, creating a major error
of .0015873. Babylonians, over its 3,000 year history, never
corrected this inverse prime (1/p) type of error.

However, Egyptians did work to correct its Horus-Eye inaccuracies,
especially with respect to exactly stating 1/p, 2/p, 1/pq and 2/pq
unit fraction series. Hieratic fractions, in contrast, exactly and
concisely wrote (converted) rational numbers (to unit fraction
series), almost always using fewer unit fraction terms than
Horus-Eye would have selected for the same rational number
conversion. This was done because Ahmes apparently was stating
an ideal numeration system, a system that contained zero error.
To a historian, either an older duplation numeration system computed
the 2/nth table, or a straight forward algebraic identities
computation method was used. This reseacher notes that not all RMP
problems were solved exactly, so not all problems followed the
idealized algebraic identity method suggested to have been used to
calculate all of the EMLR and 2/nth table entries.

One RMP problem attempted to find the area of a circle, and therefore
it was required to use an approximation of pi. However, for all the
other RMP and later Greek problems, an ideal (mental) arithmetic
can be seen as an implied proof. This implied two part relationship
was arguable true, even though Pythagoras added irrational numbers
to the Egyptian fraction system, to some modern eyes destroying a
great deal. However, by the time of Eudoxus and Archimedes, per
Archimedes' Lemma, the conflict between Egyptian rational numbers
and Greek rational and irrational numbers had been explicitly solved.
Archimedes' Lemma first calculated the area of a parabola by using
a 1/4th geometric series, and then proved the answer by using an
Egyptian fraction method. (Archimedes' two part infinite and finite
numeration relationship is documented by Dijksterhuis in his biography
of Archimedes.)

Returning to ancient Egypt, it is well known to Egyptologists
and math historians that the rounded off Horus-Eye fractions
were written in an infinite structure, a form of base two,
expressed in base 10, structured along the lines of the weights
and measures used in its balance beam. Note that Horus-Eye
was structured very differently than the hieratic, it being a
mixture of base 2 and base 10, often using doubling processes.

Hieratic was base 10 but it did not draw upon base 2, except
in its multiplication operation. Therefore, it can easily be shown
that hieratic fractions could never have been only written simply
as cursive hieroglyphic(fractions), and could have been based
on a much simplier form of thinking than was used in the Old Kingdom.

These factual conflicts should mean that Egyptologists
are intellectually required to create a clear exception
to their cursive rule for hieratic fractions. Hopefully
Egyptologists, that now are unwilling or uninterested to
consider such a correction effort, may not continue to provide
the implicit excuse that math historians should be first to
venture into the arena of apologies.

I realize that this paper's stated positions may seem harsh.
But the intellectual facts are clear, ones that linguists, math
historians and history of science scholars should begin to
acknowledge by working within better informed interdisciplinary
teams. The actual contents of Middle Kingdom proto-number
theory was first identified by Hultsch in 1895 and confirmed 50
years later (per E.M. Bruins). There were several odd reasons
why this theory of number approach, using several alternative
building blocks, was not worked on after Bruin's publication.

One reason is contained in a second counter argument to the
incomplete lingust position which has ended up causing
the exact statements of hieratic fractions not to be
independently studied by their profession. Boyer reported
the ciphered nature of all hieratic numerals, a notation that
was not available in the Old Kingdom. An aspect of the
unique depth of hieratic fractions was hinted at by Alan
Gardner, when he called them cardinal numbers. However,
Alan Gardner's early effort, sensing ancient number theory,
without finding specifics seems to have been totally left off
the Egyptology community's radar screen, decades ago,
retaining no memory of the encounter.

So what readable information is hidden in hieratic fractions,
that is encoded in the RMP, EMLR and about a dozen Middle
Kingdom mathematical fragments? Note that Classical Greece
and several other texts,1,000 - 3,000 years older used the same
hieratic numeration system, that taken togther, confirm that the Old
Kingdom's awkward hieroglyphic fractions apparently was surpassed,
and written into a numeration system that lasted a very long time
(3,500 years is one estimate).

Jumping to the math historians, they apparently under read or
totally misread hieratic fractions, de facto taking a position that
agreed with the Egyptology community. One often seen math historian
conclusion is based on 1910's and 1920's suggestions. W.W. Ball
in 1912 studied the Greek side of the issue, asking the source of
their theory of numbers. Ball mentioned Phoenicans as a strong
possible source, but discounted it. Next, Ball studied Egyptian
sources, noting that Egyptian fraction forms lasted until 600 AD,
but discounted it as a source. Ball concluded that Egyptian sources
provided only geometry to Greece. Egyptians seemed not to have
provided Greeks their theory of numbers, per the eyes of Ball.

Another researcher, Otto Neugebauer in 1926 (as he later spelled
out in Exact Sciences in Antiquity) apparently followed Ball or
others that concluded that Greek theory of numbers was independently
developed. To Neugebauer, the unit fraction patterns that looked
Greek in form, yet detailed in the Middle Kingdom texts,
RMP, EMLR, and several more could not make sense. Only
Greek theory of numbers made sense to him. Therefore Egyptian
theory of numbers must have been muddled in the Middle Kingdom,
and to Neugebauer this may have been his basis for stating Egyptian
fractions's poorly documented intellectual decline.

A better question might be, where is the explicit decline in
hieratic fractions that Neugebauer was speaking of, compared to
hieroglyphic fractions, defined by any predetermined academic
standard? Was Neugebauer simply saying that he did not wish to
persue proto-number theory in the Egyptian fractions context,
having had already accepted Greek theory of numbers as superior?
Or, was Neugbauer saying that the recursive form of Hieroglyphic
and Babylonian numeration has the standard for the region, and
that hieratic was written differently, so it had to be a degraded
form of arithmetic?

Let's put a few additional 3,500 + year old facts on the
table, and see if we can discover a few bright lights
to the glories of the past, facts that go beyond Ball and
Neugebauer, contradicting their points of view.

To this researcher, the once disjointed efforts to read Middle
Kingdom documents can now be unified by seeing Ahmes and other
scribes developing and applying proto-number theory, as later
passed down to the Greeks. Western researchers have accepted that
Egyptian geometry found its way to Greece, so why are exceptions
being made for the theory of numbers? Are not numbers required
to write and solve geometry problems? So where did the Greeks
obtain their numbers to pirate Egyptian geometry?

I, for one, see no reason for making an exception for number theory.
Ancient ways of writing numbers is an important subject to consider.
It is an mathematical metaphor that should be studied inside,
alongside, and outside of its siblings, algebra and geometry.

For sure, the jury may be out on certain aspects of this question,
such as the extent that Egyptians found and used all the working
features of number theory. However, the Egyptian and Greek
texts should be allowed to speak for themselves, reporting
the details of the story, chapter by chapter, citing one property
of the theory of numbers after another.

For example, a range of number theory math properties have been
found in Greek texts. One major piece, GCD's has been found in
Euclid, in the recursive continuing fractions context of finding
approximations to irrational and higher order numbers. So is the
fact that Greeks reported one property of GCD stated in a recursive
form (and not an algorithm, that Egyptians apparently did not know),
and a few other number theory properties (i.e. primes, LCMs that
Egyptians did know) sufficient to uplift the Greeks to a special status?

I would say no. Egyptians may have taught Greeks the idea of GCD
as well. That part of the historical record may just be missing.

Before discussing another specific connected to Neuebauer and
his apparent incomplete analysis of the RMP and its 2/nth table,
and the EMLR, and a vivid pre-number theory point of view, let's
look at the EMLR and the RMP and two definitive suggestions.

Here are two that I have personally confirmed.

The first one I found myself, linking the EMLR and four rational
number conversions to the algebraic identity

1/pq = 1/A x A/pq (A = 4, 5, 7, 25)

The form links to 21 of 24 RMP 2/pq series, where A = (p + 1)
in the algebraic identity context:

2/pq = 2/A x A/pq

The second one, and more important than my 'pattern based analysis'
is that Hultsch in 1895 proved that the RMP 2/nth table could be
partially explained by looking at its 2/p series, stated as a
generalized algebraic identity, meaning:

2/p - 1/A = (2A -p)/Ap


2/p = 1/A + (2A -p)/Ap

Friday, July 16, 2004


This blog page summarizes my personal information. I was
born to Rea and Pansy Gardner on 3/18/1938 in Gridley,
CA, the 10th child of a 7 boy 3 girl family. Both of my
parents were high school grads, with my father attending
some college, but poor financing killed a dream of graduating.
As a farm boy, my serious work was not required until age ten.
From that point on I dreamed of another life, not enjoying
dairy, custom hay cutting, drying, chopping, and blowing
into barns, at 50% the cost of baled hay. My father also grew
row crops and rice his 90 acres and 200 acres of rented land.
Revenue and segmented costs per acre dominated discussions.
Many hours were spent driving tractors, plowing, and
discing, sometimes all night, to avoid the heat of the day.

Reading came early. Prince Valiant and the comics
began reading before school. School added westerns
and local myths of the gold rush, native Americans
like Ishi (that had stayed in nearby Oroville for awhile).
My social conscience developed early in labor and
interpersonal areas. Gridley was the home of a migrant
labor camp. Weekly new "Okies" would come to school,
often with chips on their shoulders. To make friends a
playground/recess fight of some sort would often take
place. Winning the majority of those fights, I made
many friends, almost never fighting with that person
again. School administrators allowed the fighting,
as well as allowing insensitive teachers to discriminate
against the poorly dressed and otherwise often
unpresentable kids in ways that made my heart
and conscience cry.

Sports were an early passion. Grammar school
championships in football, basketball and softball,
was great fun. I once broke a leg at half-time of
a high school football game, playing tackle football
in the end zone. My cheerleader sister was surprised
to see an ambulance carrying off her 8th grade
brother. High school was also sports filled,
improving on 880 and 1320 times (though no
where near one of my brothers who once held a
national class B record in the 1320). Basketball
was played four years, with D, C, B, and A teams,
as was the case in the weight/height/age based
teams of that era, winning D and C championships.
Baseball and track were played two years, and
football one year, winning a couple of southern
league 880 championships. During all times of the year
there were many pick up games on local sports fields,
especially basketball and baseball.

Movie going was enjoyed frequently, usually
twice a week. Friday nights and Saturday
matinees opened my eyes to fantasy worlds,
as well as news of the world, and US sports.
Gridley had one theatre, it being the main
entertainment for the whole town. I was
often first in line. Once an older brother
shook me hard after I emulated Gentleman Jim
Corbett's boxing skills, a little too long
(at age 5 or 6) This act showed his lack of
appreciation of fantasy that youth often need
to set high standards and goals in life.

During the summer, when not working, swimming
was big. Behind my home was a canal, where
the kids from south end of Gridley swam. There
were two other major canal based swimming
holes in Gridley, places that all kids visited
from time to time, on our bicycles in the early
years. The town had a regular swimming pool,
that we visited as well, playing tennis on the
connected courts.

Math became a special high school interest,
as well as Spanish, chess and the science side
of life. History was also fun, but my school offered
only US history. Taking college entrance exams,
achieving a low 50 percentile score, and being
under financed, I decided to work a while before
going to college.

A summer AT&SF railroad fireman job in hot Needles,
and Barstow, CA, following my mother's family trade,
further focused my attention onto other practical
matters. Work for work's sake was again a bore, so
I dreamed of going to Europe, via the US Army.

Three years were spent in the US Army. Being processed
in at the Oakland Army Terminal. A meningitis outbreak
at Fort Ord, ended a two week stay, riding the train to rainy
Ft. Lewis, WA for basic. We all worried about Quemoy,
Matsu and the revolt in Hungary, all spots that we thought a
few of us would end up. Eight months were then spent in
the Boston area, Ft. Devens, seeing professional sports for
the first time, at Fenway (Ted Williams +) and the Boston
Garden (Bill Russell, Bob Cousy +). Finishing 3rd in my class,
barely beaten by two college grads, I became a cryptanalyst.
I had also qualified for the Army Language School, in Monterey,
that would have brought me home for Christmas. But code
breaking was for me. It applied my chess, math and language
interests the best. Code breaking continues to allow an outside
to inside view of life, often providing an enjoyable and productive
perspective to several classes of unsolved problems.

Earning the desired European assignment, two
years were spent in Bavaria, between Munich and
Salzburg, Austria. Three of us GI's owned a 1938
Opel which was used to travel as far away as the
French Rivieria, Switzerland and Vienna. Our
favorite spot was Salzburg, a neutral country where
military uniforms were not allowed. We felt like
civilians almost every weekend. Train trips to Italy,
Paris, and Holland during tulip time were enjoyed. A
two month side trip to Lebanon, thanks to Pres.
Eisenhower, widened my interests to include Arabic,
and cultures of the Middle East. Tent cities were
first set up in biblical-like olive orchards, then
happily on the beach outside of Beirut. Swimming
in the Mediterrean was relaxing. But my time away
from California soon ended.

Before going home, a couple words on my European sports
activities might be of interest. I played company level
basketball and fast pitch softball. The softball proved
to be championship teams, beating Special Forces and all
neary by military units (we had a guy that threw in the
90mph range), I often being his catcher. Three of us tried
out for the all ASA European baseball team, to play in the
larger military baseball league. One of our guys made the
Frankfurt tryouts. I only enjoyed the week's stay there,
one of my many ad hoc vacations.

Obtaining a much desired discharge, after a boat ride across the
Atlantic, ending up at the Oakland Army Terminal, I soon earned a
90 percentile college entrance score. An undergrad math degree
was picked up allowing apply electives to study a second interest,
the history of economic thought from ancient, European and US
points of view.

Work began in aerospace, Vandenburg and missile range issues,
learning NASA definitions of mathematical astronomy. Marriage
took place during the first year, to a girl friend of four years.
Bertha and I enjoyed southern California for five years,
especially the beaches, Disneyland and Dodger and Angels baseball
games, after going to work for Rockwell in Anaheim/Fullerton, and
attending evening grad school.

Completing an MBA, a career change took place, with
a move to northern Califoria, to also be near our families.
I then enjoyed public health, the medical field and public
service, and later my wife's family restaurant business.

By this time, my wife Bertha, the oldest girl of a 9
boy, 5 girl family, also raised in Gridley, we had
two children, Tommy and Michelle. In 1971 our last
child was born, Missy. Raising the kids was great fun.
Sports were a great part of that, baseball for Tommy,
softball and basketball for Michelle and softball,
basketball and volleyball for Missy. We loved softball
going to three national tournaments, finishing 2nd, 5th
and 9th. Missy played at Cal Poly, making all tournament
in the NCAA Western Regionals, ending her college sports
career. Missy soon began a business career as a civil engineer.
Michelle is a corp. tax collector for the State of California.

In 1987 Tommy died in a tragic accident. Since that
time, half-time work has allowed free time to be spent
in local libraries studying issues, beginning with the
history of zero. Several under reported topics were
contempted in college, with formal and informal projects
developing in the 1990's. The history of math continues
to present under valued or unsolved issues to study,with
cryptanalytics often being brought in as a tool. At times,
a project ends up suggesting an upgrade to an ancient form of
math, so professional publications are pursued in those cases.

Today, our family has grown to five grand children. Michelle
has three boys, and Missy has two girls. The oldest boy, Chris
earned a karate black belt, and is a paid karate instructor - when
he is not traveling California and the USA attending tournaments.
Chris is an A student, and will be starting college during his senior
year in high school. Erik loves football, playing middle linebacker
and fullback. Rugby may be his next sport, highly competitive in
Sacramento for 20 years. His father played on the first teams in the
area. The other three grandchildren are small, so their sports careers
and other interests will be made known years from now. Family and
sports still fill my time with joy, leaving adequate time for several