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Indiana University Bloomington

Office of Development & Alumni Relations

Alumni Awards

Mark Cuban Mark Cuban (BS '81)
Distinguished Entrepreneur 1998

Mark Cuban is president and co-founder of AudioNet, an Internet service that delivers live and on-demand multimedia broadcasts. Hundreds of radio stations, corporations, and media companies utilize AudioNet as the multimedia pipeline to reach global audiences.

As president and co-founder of AudioNet, Mr. Cuban provides the visionary leadership to develop the Internet into a broadcast medium on par with traditional radio and television. AudioNet currently ranks 15th of all content sites in terms of reach.

Prior to his co-founding of AudioNet, Mr. Cuban started MicroSoulutions and developed it into one of the leading systems integrations firms in the United States. He sold MicroSolutions to CompuServe in 1990 and later became president of Radical Computing, a venture capital and investment company specializing in high-technology companies.

Mr. Cuban received a BS in management from Indiana University in 1981. He resides in Dallas.