Volume 69, Issue 8 p. 793-804

The Sisters of Mindfulness

Debra Rosenzweig

Corresponding Author

Debra Rosenzweig

Teachers College, Columbia University

Please address correspondence to: Debra Rosenzweig, 380 Lafayette St., 2nd floor, New York, NY 10003. E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
First published: 17 June 2013
Citations: 23


This article introduces the issue of Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session entitled “Beyond Meditation: Mindfulness-Related Clinical Practices.” In the article, I describe how the “sisters of mindfulness”–forgiveness, gratitude, loving-kindness, compassion, acceptance, and best-self visualization–are each interconnected and important forms of mindfulness as well as tenets of Buddhist psychology. Each of these practices reflect mental strengths that are being integrated into the brain's neuroplastic development as a function of modern day psychotherapy.

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