Remedies: Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Tony Cenicola/The New York Times What alternative remedies belong in your home medicine cabinet?

More than a third of American adults use some form of complementary or alternative medicine, according to a government report. Natural remedies have an obvious appeal, but how do you know which ones to choose and whether the claims are backed by science? In this occasional series, Anahad O’Connor, the New York Times “Really?” columnist, explores the claims and the science behind alternative remedies that you may want to consider for your family medicine cabinet.

The Remedy: Tea tree oil.

The Claim: It fights acne.

The Science: Acne can be one of the most embarrassing and stressful skin conditions for both teenagers and adults.

Most over-the-counter creams and gels for the condition employ benzoyl peroxide, a compound developed decades ago that helps slough off dead skin cells and reduce inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide works for many people, but for those who find it ineffective or want an alternative, some experts recommend tea tree oil. The pleasant-smelling essential oil is extracted from the leaves of a tree native to Australia, Melaleuca alternifolia, and has been shown to have both antibacterial and cosmetic properties.

A small number of studies have found it particularly effective against mild to moderate acne. One study carried out by researchers at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Australia, for example, involved 124 acne patients. Some were assigned to apply a 5 percent tea tree oil treatment daily, and others used a 5 percent benzoyl peroxide solution. Both treatments, the researchers found, “had a significant effect in ameliorating the patients’ acne by reducing the number of inflamed and noninflamed lesions.” The tea tree oil worked more slowly than the benzoyl peroxide, they concluded, but it also produced fewer side effects.

A smaller, randomized study published in 2007 involved 60 patients with mild to moderate cases of acne. The patients were randomly divided into two groups, one treated with a gel containing 5 percent tea tree oil and the other given placebo for 45 days. The scientists found the tea tree oil worked far better than placebo in reducing the number and severity of acne lesions. And a study published in The British Journal of Dermatology in 2002 involving 27 subjects reached a similar conclusion on tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory effects.

The Risks: Tea tree oil should be used only topically because it can have severe side effects if swallowed. It is generally safe when applied to the skin in moderate amounts, but according to the Mayo Clinic, some people may develop allergic rash, blistering or itching. People with eczema and other sensitive skin conditions should be particularly cautious.

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I knew this from personal experience.

PLEASE PLEASE do a column like this on the use of Tea Tree oil against MRSA and other hard-to-fight bacteria!

There is too much conflicting information “out there”.


Use Aleppo Soap (Olive and Laurel Oils) for acne.

I’ve been using it for more than a year and seldom break out anymore.

It’s not easy to find in stores, but if you Google it, you’ll find something.

Though the last sentence of the article advises those with eczema to be “particularly cautious,” I wanted to offer my personal anecdotal evidence that tea tree oil has helped me quite a bit with eczema that didn’t respond at all to conventional treatment. (I also use it for small cuts or scrapes to decrease inflammation.)

I can attest to this. Tea Tree Oil works wonders on all stages of pimples – especially those painful, subdermal ones that take their sweet time developing into a full-fledged whitehead.

Rub a Q-tip covered in Tea Tree Oil on that sucker before you go to bed, and wake up beautifully fresh faced. Seriously amazing.

And what about tea tree oil for toe nail fungus?

The problem here is that the actual concentration of the tea tree oil seen on the shelves at your local pharmacy can vary tremendously. It is extremely difficult to know exactly what you are getting. The smell alone is no guarantee of potency. The various distributors may put 1% or 20% of the stuff in a bottle and fill up the rest with an inert oil. It will smell the same.

This accounts for the varying degrees of results reported. It also accounts for the reported problems with rashes and other problems. Straight tea tree oil-if you can find it-should not be used directly on the face or other sensitive tissues.

Instead-use something like a 1:4 mixture with something like almond or olive oil. It will still work, but the chance of irritation will be much less.

Please use products with tea tree oil judiciously, especially with young males.

Tea tree oil is a known endocrine disruptor that has effects similar to estrogen even at the low levels used in soaps and shampoos. It is associated with abnormal breast growth in young boys.

See for example:


I have not heard of tea tree oil as an acne treatment. What exactly is the method – dab pure oil on affected spots, or something more complicated? Interesting that tea tree oil shampoo was recommended to my 14 year old as a treatment for dry scalp.

What about people who are allergic to tree nuts, both when ingested or simply touched?

Is tea tree oil safe for them to try because it is extracted from the leaves of the tree and not the nuts?

I really appreciate articles such as this. It provides alternatives for people which are research based.

It may work very well for some people, but it doesn’t work for everyone. I am one of the people who is very sensitive to it. I tried TTO for acne and ended up with horrible contact dermatitis wherever it touched my skin (my hands and my face).

David Chowes, New York City January 27, 2011 · 3:21 pm


It’s simple: conduct rigorous double-blind well designed scientifically based studies and replicate, replicate, replicate…

People with cats should be very careful about using tea tree oil. It is very poisonous to them.

David Chowes, New York City January 27, 2011 · 4:28 pm

[Addition to Comment #12]

As experiments are conducted, monitor for potential side effects — both negative and positive.

Also, at some time, you can vary the potency of treatment.

#7 Jordan.

Thanks to you for your exposing us to this aspect of Tea Tree Oil and it’s effects upon young males. Part of the reason that I peruse this blog is for that rare occasion that someone like you points us towards contrary and /or enlightening information (I did read the linked article… thanks).

Perhaps you’ve read the article on this blog titled “Son’s Of Divorce Fare Worse Than Daughters”,

I hope that you don’t mind me, somewhat satirically, mentioning the following Re TTO:

“Carol Gilligan, professor of gender studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education, writes of the problem of ‘boys’ masculinity … in a patriarchal social order. Gilligan states that “The introduction of daily dousings of these fidgeting boys with Tea Tree Oil is having a positive effect upon the de-masculinity process. We call it Eunuch Oil”.

One day, TTO will be part of a “therapy” regimen for boys… to address the “masculinity problem”.

There is a German (?) anti-acne product out there called Therakos. It saved my teenage.

Tara please get your facts right. Tea Tree is native to New Zealand not Australia. Captain Cook used it in 1769 to make a ‘tea’ brew and treat scurvey for his crew. It is now foubd in some parts of Australia but it not native.

As a certified Aromatherapist, I have to caution that Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) has a very high chemical constituent called 1,8 cineole, which could be quite caustic to the skin. Also “tea tree” has great antibacterial properties however most companies that sell this oil, bottle it improperly causing increased oxidation which can cause skin irritation. Quality brands of essential oils use dark bottles (which prevent excess UV radiation to penetrate the oil). As a consumer, It is also best to keep the cap on the bottles when the oil isn’t being used to also cut down on the possibility of oxidation.

The misunderstanding of skin health by most is that one must excessively clean and scrub facial skin. Over exfoliating and using too many drying products will only make the skin produce more oil. It seems contraindicated, but using products that are high in squalene is the key. Natural squalene, like that found in argan oil helps the skin regulate its sebum (oil) production.

With natural skin health in mind, I have co-founded a company that synergistically combines the best quality essential oils within a base of argan oil. The product that we specifically created for acne is our Restorative Elixir.

Arganica //

Tea tree also works wonders for you women! If you have a yeast infection: soak a tampon in olive oil, and douse a little of tea tree oil on it. Bop it in, voila! For mild to moderate, it will take care of it.

On a second note…D-Mannose for UTI’s. Works WONDERS instead on taking antibiotics.

I tried everything to get rid of toenail fungus, but tea tree oil was the only thing that worked. A few drops in a couple quarts of warm water as a 15-minute daily foot soak for a month or so did the trick.

I totally agree about the use of tea tree oil on fungus. Years ago I had a fungus on a finger. The doctor prescribed a drug that would have cost about $400. I headed to Whole Foods and an employee suggested tea tree oil. I used it twice a day for about two months and the fungus vanished.

#19 Katherine

Thanks for sharing your yeast infection diaries with all. My girlfriend read it and thought that it was a bit… tampon specific.

Any info Re your experience with suppositories?

I concur from my own experience that tea oil is efficacious in the treatment of acne. I would recommend it highly if products with Benzoyl Peroxide (2%-10% concentrations) were not having any effect or were causing side effects. I would caution that excessive use (the old “if a little is good, more must be better” approach) or the use of the product on open acne lesions should be vigorously avoided. I was encouraged to do both by a herbal practitioner and the outcome, including rash, painful itching and prolonged healing was far worse than the acne problem. The other problem was that with no regulatory oversight there was no way to know the tea oil purity or concentration in a given product. Endgame: it works well if used in a discretionary manner.

This is amazing. Where does one find this tea tree oil? I have battled with acne quite a bit over the past five years or so. when i was in high school, I was on the medicine acutane twice. Acutane is terrible for your body, bu I ws desperate. Before each refill at the pharmacy I had to get bloodwork taken and I had to complete and pass a quiz online before they would refill my prescription. It is more harmful for women because if you get pregnant while you are using acutane, your baby will more than likely be deformed. Acutane can also cause such symptoms as being bi polar or having suicide thoughts. Luckily, I didnt have anything like that, and it does work, but to be honest, it comes back. It doesn’t keep your skin clear forever, acne is just something people have to unfortunatly grow out of. I really enjoyed this post because it offers up a natural remedy for those sufffering from acne. I’d say if you want to control it, do it the natural way. don’t submit your body to bad side effects like I did. Also atay away from accutane. Again, great post!

#17 Jim Carter

“Tara please get your facts right. Tea Tree is native to New Zealand not Australia. Captain Cook used it in 1769 to make a ‘tea’ brew and treat scurvey for his crew. It is now foubd in some parts of Australia but it not native.”

Not so. “Tea Tree” is a common name for more than one species.

The “Tea Tree” plant that Cook encountered in NZ and used to make tea was most likely Leptospermum scoparium. (See J. T. Salmon, The Native Trees of New Zealand, Reed, 1973. ISBN 0-589-01340-8)

In Australia, there is a different species of “Tea Tree” plant, that also belongs to the Leptospermum genus, Leptospermum laevigatum.

But the “Tea Tree” plant that is used to make “Tea Tree” oil is neither of the two former species. It belongs not to the Leptospermum species but to the Melaleuca genus. It is Melaleuca alternifolia.

For more on Melaleuca alternifolia’s taxonomy, see //