Why You Should Use After-Shave In Your Skin Care Routine
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Why You Should Use After-Shave In Your Skin Care Routine
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Why You Should Use After-Shave In Your Skin Care Routine

If You're Not Using An After-Shave, You're Crazy -- Here's Why

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We shave our faces all the time not realizing the irritation and damage we are causing; we’re literally wiping our faces with razor blades — what did you think would happen? But shaving doesn’t have to cause redness, breakouts and an overall lack of fresh, sweet, smoothness; that’s why after-shave was created. But what is it, what does it do, which one should we use, and how do we use it properly? We spoke to some industry experts to find out.

What is after-shave? 
Miami-based dermatologist and founder of Miami Skin Institute Dr. S. Manjula Jegasothy gives us a brief rundown: “After-shave is a liquid, lotion, or gel designed to be applied after a gentleman shaves his face to soothe chafed skin. After-shave products have been used historically to prevent infections that arise from any possible minor nicks/cuts on the face after shaving.”

LAB SERIES Executive Director of Product Development Justina Mejia expands on this: 

“After-shave locks in moisture and helps defends skin by keeping the unwanted elements out. When skin is not in peak condition, it can exacerbate the look of aging; to combat this, it’s so important to prep your skin before your shave and to treat it after you shave.”

What's it made of? 
Mark Herro of Sharpologist and the Sharpologist YouTube tutorial channel separates after-shaves into two broad categories: balms and splashes. “Balms are heavier-feeling on the skin and typically provide more irritation relief and moisturization to the skin — particularly in cold or dry climates. Splashes are more watery feeling and generally contain a combination of toners, astringents, and hydrosols to cleanse and provide a degree of antiseptic or antibacterial protection to the skin.”

Dollar Shave Club Senior VP of Product Development Fadi Mourad discusses what a good after-shave is made of, including “conditioning agents (natural oils and butters) for immediate moisturization; humectants (like glycerin) that help draw moisture from the environment into skin throughout the day; antioxidants (like Vitamins A, C, and E) to help protect against the environment; and extracts and proteins (like prickly pear and sweet almond protein) to help soothe and repair shaved skin.

Miami Skin Institute’s Dr. S. Manjula Jegasothy has some further insight: in cheaper formulations, the predominant ingredient is alcohol, which can dry out the skin and even irritate sensitive skin. Better quality after-shave formulations are made predominantly with witch hazel, which is a mild antiseptic/astringent.

Why should you use it? 
Dollar Shave Club’s Fadi Mourad believes that a good after-shave will help soothe and repair irritated skin. If you don’t use it, “skin will feel very tight, red, and irritated which can lead to ingrown hair and razor bumps. Continuous skin irritation is proven to be a leading cause of skin aging, including uneven skin tone and sagging skin. A good after-shave replenishes the moisture lost during shaving and leaves a protective layer to combat shaving irritations like razor bumps, razor burns and ingrown hairs.”

How should you use it?
Mark Herro says, “The answer to that depends partly on what kind of skin you have. How do you know what type of skin you have?  Here are some guidelines:

  • Dry skin appears rough, dull or cracked with lines and wrinkles, and prone to peeling. A moisturizing shave balm would work well. Using a moisturizer just before bed might be useful too. Be sure to use a gentle face wash and if you use a facial scrub, use it only once a week.
  • Oily skin looks shiny (particularly on the forehead, nose and chin) and feels oily to the touch. The skin appears to have large or open pores and is prone to blackheads, whiteheads, spots and pimples. An after-shave splash with a toner would probably be your best bet. Oily skin attracts dust and dirt so it might also be useful to use a facial cleanser twice daily, a facial scrub 2-3 times a week and an oil-free moisturizer.
  • Sensitive skin will itch, sting or break out in a rash when you use certain shaving and skincare products. Use products specifically made for sensitive skin.
  • Combination skin will have a central greasy area around the forehead, nose and chin, but dry around the cheeks. It’s also prone to blackheads — especially around the nose. The best way to deal with this is either to use products designed specifically for combination skin, or to simply apply the correct products to the relevant area of your face; dry skin products for the dry areas, and oil-free products for the oily areas.
  • Normal skin appears evenly-textured, smooth, clear and healthy, with barely visible pores and without blemishes or spots. You can likely use any mild splash or balm. To maintain clear skin, be sure to use a good quality facial wash with a facial scrub one or two times a week.

Mark goes on to tell us the best way to apply after-shave: “Your face and hands should be moist (but not dripping wet); that way you may need less product and it will cover more evenly. Apply a few drops to the palm of your hand, rub hands briefly, then massage into face. If you're applying multiple products, apply the thinnest product first, followed by thicker products.