Classic homemade sugar cookies with a fun marbled twist for Valentineโ€™s Day. A festive treat for the entire family!

Something I never considered before having kids was the major increase in germs Iโ€™d be exposed to. Once they go to daycare or school, youโ€™re not safe. Thereโ€™s no avoiding the germs. There is a commercial Iโ€™ve seen that depicts things pretty accurately. What they touch, comes home with them. And no matter how much teachers may sanitize or encourage hand washing, sickness is inevitable. Thankfully we got through this last bout of sickness quickly. A 24 hour stomach bug that only hit one kiddo. It was a true miracle no one else go sick. But chances are good he got the bug at schoolโ€ฆwhich means thereโ€™s still a chance it could come home again. Iโ€™m keeping my fingers crossed tightly it stays far far away. And wishing again Spring gets here sooner than later.

Iโ€™m not really sure whyโ€ฆIโ€™ve never looked into the details of it all, but come springtime, everyone always seems to get healthier again. Maybe itโ€™s the fresh air and ability to run around outside more oftenโ€ฆnot stuck inside with stuffy and sometimes germ-y air.

I canโ€™t tell you how much Iโ€™m looking forward to cracking the windows open. I wanted to so badly when he came home from school sick the other day, but knew better. The first 50 degree day when I donโ€™t have sick kids at home, Iโ€™m cracking the windows wide open to air this place out. Iโ€™ll love it. And I know the cats will too. So itโ€™s a big bonus.

2/3 of my kids have their Valentineโ€™s already addressed and ready to goโ€ฆ as of a week ago. Theyโ€™re just a wee bit excited. Ahh to be a kid againโ€ฆ the excitement over random holidays and class parties. Giving out cute hand written notes and fun treats. It seems forever ago I was doing that very same thing. I wish that childhood joy for holidays would always continue, but my practical side kicked in at some point. Boring, I know. It happens to the best of us.

I fully believe there are different groups people can fall into when talking about Valentineโ€™s day. You either full blown love it or arenโ€™t that into it. In my eyes, this one is definitely a โ€œHallmark holiday.โ€ The prices for everything are majorly jacked up. The flowersโ€ฆ the candyโ€ฆ the dinnersโ€ฆthe babysitters. Itโ€™s totally unnecessary.

I do believe itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to make a fun family dinner or festive treats together. Iโ€™m absolutely team homemade. And baking makes me happy.

These cookies made me happy. Iโ€™d been dreaming about making them for a while, so when the time finally came to create themโ€ฆ I had so much fun. I felt like a kid again. Cookie dough does that to me. Itโ€™s like adult Play-Doh, but this is acceptable to eat, which makes it so much better.

I used my absolute favorite homemade sugar cookie dough recipe for these fun Valentine cookies. The bright pink color, marbled in with the regular dough makes for a super fun and festive affect.

Classic homemade sugar cookies with a fun marbled twist for Valentineโ€™s Day! A festive treat, perfect for the entire family! Whip these cookies up for your Valentine celebrations!

5 from 1 rating

Marbled Valentine Sugar Cookies

Prep Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Yield: 22
Classic homemade sugar cookies with a fun marbled twist for Valentine's Day. A festive treat for the entire family!


  • 1/2 C unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 C granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 C all purpose flour
  • Gel food coloring



  • In a large bowl or stand mixer, beat together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in egg and vanilla, followed by salt and baking powder. Scrape the bowl as needed. Gradually mix in flour, increasing speed as needed until dough is fully combined and no streaks remain. 
  • Divide dough in half, transferring half to a clean bowl, set aside. Add a small amount of dark pink gel food color to the remaining dough. Beat until fully tinted and no streaks remain. 
  • Pinch off golfball sized portions of dough, rolling into balls. Create a pattern of alternate colored balls of dough on your work station. Gently, knead all dough together until swirls of color are visible. Do not over mix. 
  • Shape into a disc and wrap in plastic. Chill for 30-60 minutes. 
  • Preheat oven to 350ยฐF. Prepare a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper. 
  • Roll out dough to 1/4-inch thick, on a lightly floured surface. Cut out desired shapes. Space 2-inches apart prepared baking sheet. Freeze cookies for 15 minutes. Press together remaining dough and scraps, rewrapping in plastic and keeping chilled until ready to roll and cut again. 
  • Bake at 350ยฐF for 12 minutes. Allow cookies to rest on the pan for 2 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. 
  • Store cookies in an airtight container for up to a week. 


Recipe yields roughly 2 dozen cookies. This will vary depending on the size of the cookie cutter used and thickness of the dough.
An original recipe from Baked by Rachel


Calories: 100kcal, Carbohydrates: 13g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 5g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Trans Fat: 0.2g, Cholesterol: 19mg, Sodium: 40mg, Potassium: 17mg, Fiber: 0.3g, Sugar: 5g, Vitamin A: 140IU, Calcium: 9mg, Iron: 1mg
Nutritional information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. Nutrition information can vary for a variety of reasons. For the most accurate data, use your preferred nutrition calculator with the actual ingredients you used to make this recipe.
Did you make this recipe?I'd love to see it! Snap a picture and tag @bakedbyrachel on Instagram!
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keywords: Cookie, Valentine's Day

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Marbled Valentine sugar cookie recipe from @bakedbyrachel