Bye Bye Stress: 9 Steps To The Ultimate Relaxing Bath

Sunday is the best day to recover from a busy week and prepare for a new exciting one. When you’re busy, you must schedule some me-time during your weekends. It helps you to reduce stress and makes you feel good about yourself. A warm bath helps relax tensed nerves and makes you happier! What better way to end your weekend with a long relaxing bath and turn your bathroom into a private spa.

1. Gather all your essentials

Find a nice bath soap, a book or your favorite magazine, some candles, essential oils for your relaxing bath. Transform your bath into a decadent honey moisture bath with foaming bubbles by twirling Laura Mercier’s Creme Brulee under running water.

2.  Add A Scented Oil

Add some scented oil when your bath is halfway full. Lavender or rose oil are great choices because of the relaxing effect. I’m using Coqui Coqui all-natural bathing Created by hotelier and perfumer Nicolas Malleville, the best-selling ‘Orange Blossom’ scent is sweet, dry and unadorned.

3. Right temperature

Dim the lights and make sure your bath is the right temperature. A warm bath is best for relaxing your body. If it’s too hot, you could get dizzy (we don’t want that).

4. Put on relaxing music and light a few candles

Spotify has some great relaxing playlists. It depends on your mood, but try to find something relaxing, calm, and positive. Light a few candles and place them on the edge of the tub.

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5. Bring some snacks

I always love to bring a cup of green or chamomile tea with me. You can even treat yourself to a nice glass of wine, champagne, strawberries, chocolates, etc. Whatever you like, it’s your special time. Place it within easy reach, but far enough away that it will not fall in the bathtub.

6. Put on a face mask and tie your hair up

Tie your hair up and put on a face mask. A face mask can be very relaxing when used while you’re taking a bath. Glam Glow makes some amazing face masks.

7. Fluffy towel and bathrobe

Use some fluffy towels that make you feel warm and comfortable. You can even warm your towel by placing it on a radiator while you’re in the bath. This way, your towel is nice and warm when you come out of your bath. Also, make sure your pj’s are already in the bathroom.

8. Enjoy your bath!

Relax, read a book, and forget everything. This is your time to relax.

9. Relax afterward

Just enjoy some time for yourself. Get a glass of tea and read or listen to music. Heat a towel in the microwave and wrap around your neck and take a deep and well-earned nap. Enjoy!


  1. Enjoyed reading this post! I love lush bath bombs they are the best! I’m about to take a bath and read a book to relax!

  2. I am relaxed just reading the steps! I have been wanting to try Lush products, that bath bomb looks amazing. D

  3. Sundays are always the best days to relax and reward yourself for all the hard work. I like to put rose petals in my bath and if I don’t have any on hand, then I use bubble bath! Loved this post! xx

    A Fabulous Hippie

  4. I love using the bubble bars from lush when I need a relaxing bath! They all smell so gorgeous! Haven’t thought about using oils before I might have to give that a try :)

  5. Really enjoyed this post. Wish I had a bath here at my new place, but I find that taking a long, warm shower relaxes me just as much.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your article, simple reminder of how really easy it is to relax and cut out some ‘me’ time. And I agree, LUSH is the best – I can never walk past their store without buying anything

  7. Ugh, I LOVE this post, and you’re actually just making me want to go rent a hotel room for the night just to have access to a bathtub!! xx

  8. I get relaxed while reading this idea :-) That’s a good start!
    Thx for the relaxing post.


  9. I love snacking in the bath so much! A cup of tea and chocolates are aways perfect.

  10. I LOVE BATHS!! Its like half way to a spa, i just need one of those cast iron tubs now (I’m not hard to please ;) haha).

  11. Great tips! Lush bath bomb is my favorite for a relaxing bath!

    ★ ★

  12. I was all set ready to try this – then I realised I live in private halls with no bath tub just a teeny tiny shower! LOL I’ll still try the warm bathrobe and fluffy towels next Sunday! Lovely post xx

  13. This post is an EPIC buzz kill for Me :( as My place doesn’t had a bath tub, just a shower… *sigh* love the ideas, though
    The Chronic Dreamer

  14. I love baths and your thoughts. Glad to know that I am not only with the snacking. I love the scents of Avon ‘ s bubble bath and it gives lots of bubbles. Can’t wait to try Lush.

  15. My favourite bath bomb is the infused surprise bombs by Miss Envy. Each scent is a surprise (one of three; lemon lime, rosemary lavender, sweet orange) and comes in an adorable heart shape! ‘Hand made with love’, as it says on the inside of the box, they are also infused with 50mg of THC – if you thought baths were relaxing just WAIT until you try a cannabis infused bomb! You can buy these bombs online here:

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