
Your Style Problems, Solved: How To Keep Your Flats Fresh All Summer

Reader Shannie prefaces her question by saying, "Sorry if this is weird or gross..." but truth be told, it's a reality lots of people have to deal with when summer rolls around. "I work in a place where I can't wear open toe shoes, so I wear flats pretty much everyday," she writes. "I love flats in every way except for one... they always end up smelling terribly. I never wear socks with them, especially not in the summer, so that's probably why. I just feel like I look stupid if I wear socks with flats. That all being said, is there something I can put in them or use in general to keep my nice flats from smelling so bad that I have to throw them away?"

Reader Shannie prefaces her question by saying, "Sorry if this is weird or gross..." but truth be told, it's a reality lots of people have to deal with when summer rolls around. "I work in a place where I can't wear open toe shoes, so I wear flats pretty much everyday," she writes. "I love flats in every way except for one... they always end up smelling terribly. I never wear socks with them, especially not in the summer, so that's probably why. I just feel like I look stupid if I wear socks with flats. That all being said, is there something I can put in them or use in general to keep my nice flats from smelling so bad that I have to throw them away?"

Not the sexiest of topics, but there are a ton of easy (and cheap!) ways to combat your problem. The first thing you need to do is get rid of the existing odor in your shoes, which is probably caused by bacteria. If the insoles are removable, take them out and wash them with antibacterial soap and warm water, then leave them to hang dry overnight. If you can't take the insoles out, spray the whole interior of the shoe down with Lysol, sprinkle the insides with baking soda, and leave them overnight. Some people also swear that sticking your shoes in the freezer for 24 hours, then thawing them outside in the sun will help kill bacteria--I haven't tried that one, but you never know...

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Once your flats are back to fresh, keep them that way by using an odor-absorbing insole (you can trim them down to customize to the size of your shoe) or sprinkling baby powder or baking soda into your shoes each day before you put them on. It also helps if you don't wear the same pair every day--alternating a couple of different pairs will definitely help keep them fresh longer. On days when it's really warm and you know you'll be sweating, rub your feet with a little bit of solid antiperspirant! And finally, I'd recommend giving your flats a spritz with possibly the best odor-control product out there, Fresh Wave, when you take them off each night.

If all of that fails and you're still alienating your co-workers, I'd suggest investing in some no-show cotton liner socks--they dip down low enough that nobody will see them, but they'll still create a nice absorbent protective barrier between you and your shoes!

Do any of you ladies have a fabulous tip for keeping your shoes fresh? How do you combat summer sweat when it comes to your flats? Share! And don't forget...if you've got a style problem that need solving, we're here to help. Leave your question in the comments below, or upload it to the STF contact form!


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Photo: Newport News

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