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10 Easy Ways to Winterize Your Home

Put in the work and save money all season long.

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The nights are getting longer, and it's time to prepare your home for winter. Frigid temps, arctic winds, snow, sleet, and ice are right around the corner.

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Winterize your home now and you'll not only stay cozy all winter long, but you'll also save on energy costs and slash your heating bill. Here are 10 quick and affordable ways to prep your home right now.


Add Attic Insulation

winterization of home, winter energy saving tips 2020, work composed of mineral wool insulation in the floor, floor heating insulation , warm house, eco friendly insulation, a builder at work
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The most effective use of insulation is in the attic.

Unfortunately, most homes have either no insulation or too little insulation in the attic. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, attics should have a minimum of R-38 insulation, which is typically between 10 and 14 inches deep.

Dive Deeper: What Lies Beneath (Fiberglass Insulation)

A properly insulated attic floor will prevent heated air in the rooms below from flowing into the attic. It's equally important to caulk all ceiling penetrations—holes around pipes, ducts, and wires—and to place an insulated cover over the attic hatchway or stairway.

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Change Furnace Filters

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Change your furnace's air filter every two months throughout the winter season. A clogged, dirty filter will impede airflow and dramatically reduce the efficiency of the furnace.

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And while you're at it, consider replacing a cheap disposable filter with a reusable electrostatic model. Also, be sure to have your furnace tuned up annually by a licensed HVAC contractor.


Caulk Cracks

man applying caulking around window frame
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One of the simplest—and most effective—ways to stop cold-air infiltration is to plug up holes, cracks, and open seams around the exterior of your house.

Read More Here: Winterize Your Pipes and Prevent a Frozen Disaster

Use a high-quality acrylic-latex caulk or expanding-foam sealant and fill any and all air-leaking gaps. Pay particular attention to the areas around the outside of windows, doors, hose faucets, and where the siding overlaps the foundation.

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Install Electrical Outlet Gaskets

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It doesn't seem possible, but a surprising amount of cold air blows in around electrical outlets. And since even a modest-size home has dozens of outlets, the heat loss is significant.

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An easy, affordable way to seal up drafty outlets is with foam-rubber outlet gaskets. Simply remove the outlet cover plate, press the gasket over the electrical outlet, then replace the cover.


Install Storm Windows

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If your home doesn't have insulated-glass windows, then you should install storm windows. Old single-pane windows are terribly inefficient and can make rooms feel uncomfortably cold and drafty.

Check This Out: Window Theory: Seal Windows for a More Efficient Home

Storm windows mount to the exterior of existing windows and provide an extra layer of protection against cold weather, including snow, wind, and rain. Come spring, the storm units can be removed and stored away until next winter.


Install a Programmable Thermostat

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If your family keeps a regular schedule, meaning you come and go at somewhat regular times each day, install a programmable thermostat, which can be adjusted to suit your lifestyle.

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For example, you can preset it to automatically turn on the heat in the morning as everyone is getting up for work and school, and then lower the heat once everyone has left the house. And you can program the heat to come back on just before everyone gets home later in the day, and then shut it back down at bedtime. Most programmable thermostats also have weekend and vacation settings.

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And if you buy a smart programmable thermostat, you'll be able to control it from anywhere in the world using your phone or tablet.

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Replace Door Weather Stripping

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Inspect the weather stripping around all exterior doors to ensure that it's in good shape and not ripped, crushed, or missing. Then, close the door and check for air-leaking gaps around all four edges of the door. Take a peek under the door. If you see sunlight shining through, you'll need to either raise the threshold or install a door sweep.

Dive Deeper: How to Winterize Drafty Windows

To detect drafts, try this trick: Take a smoldering stick of incense and slowly pass it around the door. Even the slightest breeze will make the smoke stream dance, indicating where air is leaking in.


Hang Insulated Window Treatments

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Even the best, tightest-sealing windows feel a bit cold in winter. To make rooms feel warmer, cover windows with insulated blinds or thick, quilted drapes.

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Reverse Ceiling Fans

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Think ceiling fans are only useful in summer? Think again. Most fans have a switch—either on the motor housing or remote control—that allows you to reverse the fan-blade rotation.

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In summer, the blades rotate counterclockwise to blow down cooling breezes. But in winter, reverse the blade rotation so they blow up. That way, the fan will force warm air trapped at the ceiling down into the room.

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Insulate Hot-Water Pipes

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Reduce heat loss and save energy—and money—by insulating all of your hot-water pipes. The insulation will help keep the water hot inside the pipe, so your boiler or water heater won't have to work so hard. Also, you won't have to waste as much time or water waiting for hot water to flow out of the faucet or shower-head.

Dive Deeper: Here's How Your Water Heater Works

Pipe insulation comes in two basic types: foam-rubber sleeves that you slip onto the pipe, and insulated wraps that you wind around the pipe.

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Headshot of Joseph Truini
Joseph Truini

Joe Truini is a former carpenter and cabinetmaker who writes extensively about remodeling, woodworking, and tool techniques. He's the author of eight DIY books and is a long-time contributing editor to Popular Mechanics.

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