So you're feeling blue...

Don't book that appointment with a psychiatrist just yet. The occasional bout of sadness is totally normal—and even an indication that you're tuned into important emotions. But normal bouts of the blues can also morph into something much less healthy, especially among women: We experience twice the rate of depression as men, with estimates suggesting that one out of every eight women will struggle with major depression at some point in her life.

If you're consistently grappling with symptoms of depression, like a wonky appetite, tepid energy levels, or feelings of hopelessness, consult a professional. But if you're in a temporary lull, it might be time to re-evaluate how you cope with it. Plenty of us turn to mechanisms that are far from healthy—which can cause way more problems than they solve. So whatever your coping style, there's a healthier way to deal.

Click through to ID your sadness style—and learn healthier ways to deal.

If you hit the fridge…

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A grueling day at work makes that glass of wine or that bowl of mac-and-cheese (or, hey, both!) taste way better. But if you're swilling an entire bottle of cabernet with your Tuesday-night Friends rerurns or forking up half the casserole dish after dinner, you're leaning too heavily on booze and food.
Try this instead…
Physical activity, plain and simple, says Jessica LeRoy, MA, MFT, founder of the Center for Psychology of Women. “Before you get home from work, or whenever you feel an urge to open the fridge, take a walk first,” she suggests. Many of the body's feel-good chemicals that are triggered by food and alcohol—including serotonin and dopamine—are also stimulated by exercise. Physical activity also curbs levels of the hormone ghrelin, which causes hunger to surge. “Food and alcohol numbs us, short-term,” LeRoy says. “But longterm, both make us feel worse physically and emotionally. Exercise offers short and long-term rewards.”

MORE: 13 Foods That Fight Stress

If you're a fighting femme…
Your husband put an empty milk container back in the fridge. Annoying? Absolutely. Justification for a screaming match? Hardly. If you pick fights when you're bummed—with loved ones, coworkers, or the chick counting pennies to pay for her cappuccino—it's time to for a new strategy.
Try this instead…
By all means, channel your aggression. Key word, though? Channel. “Pick a fight with something that can't fight back,” LeRoy says. That might mean a boxing class, a pillow fight where you pretend the bedroom wall is your opponent, or a rabid writing session that's you against the journal. Another strategy? Call your best friend. A vent-fest can be invaluable, says LeRoy, but avoid venting to pals who'll bolster your negativity. “Call friends who offer positivity, instead of reinforcing your bad attitude,” she suggests. (To figure out your anger style, see What Kind Of Angry Are You? for tips on how to blow off steam without blowing a gasket.)

If you bury yourself in work…
The occasional 14-hour workday is par-for-the-course for career women, but there's nothing constructive about taking on every undesirable assignment, snagging files from your colleague's desk, and offering to clean the office fridge.
Try this instead…
Put your energy to good use outside your job. Find a volunteer activity you're passionate about—serve dinner to the homeless, walk stray dogs—and dedicate some of the after-hours time you might have spent at the office to this activity instead. “It's a way for you to stay busy,” says Laurie Ferguson, PsyD, a psychologist in Atascadero, CA. “And volunteering gives you a sense of reward that's different from what the workplace can offer.”

If you go for retail therapy…

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A new pair of pumps will give you a temporary lift, sure. But research shows that the thrills you get from shopping for things—as opposed to spending your money on experiences—tend to fizzle fast. They can also put a dent in your checking account, only to languish unworn in the back of your closet.
Try this instead…
If you tend to spend money during a funk, dole it out on projects rather than stuff. Consider buying supplies to compile a scrapbook in honor of your sister's 40th birthday, a chic stationary set to compose letters to old friends, or a vegetarian cookbook to mix up your household's meat-free Mondays. The bottom line? “Try to spend on something you can bring home that'll help give back to others,” LeRoy suggests. “Instead of just putting it on a clothes hanger.”

If you're a lone ranger…
Some solo time is key to preserving your sanity. But when sadness strikes, do you inevitably cancel a week's worth of dinner dates, skip important work functions, and stock up on Ryan Gosling's entire filmography? If so, your isolationist tendencies might be doing more harm than good.
Try this instead…
There's no need to try to bust your blues with a night of party-hopping. “If you're in a funk, too much socializing will only make it worse,” LeRoy says. Instead, aim for some low-key social interaction: Run an errand, get a pedicure with a friend, or pick up some groceries. “You don't need to engage much with other people in these settings,” LeRoy says. “But even a few sentences and a change of scenery can help get you out of your head.”

MORE: 10 Proven Ways To Worry Less And Feel Happier Now

Katie Drummond

Katie Drummond is the News Editor at Previously, she has covered national defense, health and science for Wired's Danger Room, The Daily and AOL News, and written for New York Magazine, Marie Claire, Popular Science, Forbes and other outlets. She lives in Brooklyn and likes her boyfriend, cats and competitive stair-climbing.

Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm

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