12 Major Artists Who Got Their Start on YouTube

From a baby Bieber to an anonymous Weeknd.
Image may contain Musical Instrument Guitar Leisure Activities Bass Guitar Human Person and Justin Bieber
Photo: Courtesy of YouTube

YouTube is nothing new, but it has impacted our generation so much that even some of the biggest stars owe their careers to it. Whether you’re dropping original singles or covers, the billions of views the site racks up monthly amounts to a pretty powerful potential audience. You really never know who could end up watching your video.

Tori Kelly and James Bay are proof positive. The artists both made it big on YouTube, and were paired up for a special duet at the Grammys this year. These artists may be super talented, but not too long ago, they were just like anyone else fighting to make their dreams come true. Watch the humbling throwback videos below and see how far your favorite singers have come — we guarantee you’ll love them that much more!

1. 5 Seconds of Summer

5 Seconds of Summer developed their following organically on Facebook and Twitter, but it was their YouTube that got them signed. This led to the bromance that changed their lives: a tour with One Direction (sigh, back when there were still five members of the group). Louis even backed them up with a simple but sweet tweet.

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2. Carly Rae Jepsen

Remember when you had “Call Me Maybe” on repeat? Apparently so did Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Carly released the song on September 2011 in Canada. A few months later Justin found it, made a lip syncing video, and tweeted it out to his fans. Aside from the song going insanely viral, Scooter Braun couldn’t resist the strong recommendation from Justin and signed Carly right away. Solid proof that all it takes is one amazing video to help launch a career.

3. Tori Kelly

Despite the strong criticism Tori Kelly took on American Idol, she didn’t let the negativity get her down. Instead she did her own thing, and in true YouTube fashion, began making music right in her bedroom. Her viral videos eventually reached none other than Scooter Braun. Now she’s performing at the Grammys and playing ping pong with the Biebs himself.

4. Shawn Mendes

Can you believe there was a time when Shawn was entering cover contests?! He’s won so many hearts in the short time since then. The singer’s OG fans really lived on Vine, where he’d nab up to 10,000 likes in just one day. He also opened for fellow YouTuber Austin Mahone and then eventually joined the T-Swift tour squad on her 1989 tour.

5. James Bay

James is a low-key artist, but there’s no denying the strong impact of his music. Before getting signed, he was your average musician playing gigs 5 to 6 nights a week. With his modest social media following, it’s clear that he was never about anything else but his music. This raw passion is definitely what got him to where he is today.

6. Alessia Cara

Though she kept it to herself for a while, Alessia’s after-school activities consisted of posting stripped-down, acoustic covers of her favorite songs. EP Entertainment’s founder was shown an Alessia video by his daughter. It led to the opportunity for her to record demos, so her entire senior year was entirely focused on her music. Now with her chart-topping debut album, it’s refreshing to see that not much has changed. The way she lights her official music videos are still reminiscent of how she staged it nearly 4 years ago.

7. Justin Bieber

Undoubtedly the most famous YouTube star of all time, even Justin had to start somewhere. This was the very “So Sick” video of Justin in a local singing competition that Scooter Braun accidentally clicked on. Thus, “Bieber Fever” was born. To this day, there’s no questioning Justin’s bond between his first Beliebers, Scooter and Usher.

8. Charlie Puth

This very video led to Ellen’s discovery of Charlie and rightfully so. Taking on Adele is no easy feat! Prior to releasing Nine Track Mind, the singer-songwriter was your typical college kid...sort of. He studied at the prestigious Berklee College of Music, which naturally put him in tip top shape for YouTube video making.

9. The Weeknd

The Weeknd’s name and music were an enigma at first — only static images were featured throughout all of his music videos in his earlier days. (His account is still named “xoxxxoooxo.”) Meanwhile he was still able to develop impressive following, proving that his infamous climb up the charts was based solely on his signature voice. He totally earned it.

10. Austin Mahone

If Justin could make it, we should’ve known Austin was on to something with his Biebed-out look and swag. This cover must’ve made his first Mahomies swoon and we bet some of you still have it saved in your queue.

11. Pentatonix

Pentatonix’s beyond creative mashups are total game changers. Their arrangements of hit singles makes music that’s already so special even better. With two Grammys under their belt, the group has made it clear that this genre of music isn’t going anywhere.

12. Ed Sheeran

All Ed did was try to be the most relatable musician ever. Both his backyard and bedroom covers are an inspiration to all aspiring artists.

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