Why You'll Change Friend Groups at Least 3 Times in Your Life

(And why that's OK.)
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Photo by Hans Feurer

We always think that the friends we make will be our friends forever—so much so that we've basically trademarked terms like BFF, BFFL, BFFAE, 3FF, and so on. But as you grow up and come into your own, you inevitability change; it's only natural that who you hang out with changes too.

The not-always-so-obvious truth is that you're not meant to take the same path in life as all your friends. You'll swap friend groups plenty of times over the years—and that's totally OK.

One of the first times you'll notice a significant shift in your crew is during the transition from high school to college. The going-away-to-school milestone provides a natural break for many packs of pals, but it's also extra emotional thanks to the fact that you're leaving home (and your family and everything else you're familiar with) too.

But that doesn't mean your college friends will (or should!) stay static—it's super common to come out of school with a different set of friends than you left freshman year with. Don't regret cutting ties with someone you met in first-year English or the kids from your hall; just because these relationships were short-lived doesn't mean they didn't matter. Every friend serves a purpose, no matter how long they're in your life.

Another time you'll notice a considerable adjustment is after you graduate. You'll become a master juggler of the work-life balance (we swear!), which means coming to terms with a schedule that can make it difficult to see certain people. Your college group will likely get edited down, and it's likely you'll gravitate towards those who are on your same path as you. Don't feel bad about that! Plus, when you trade your classes for a job and sorority sisters for cube mates, you'll be pleasantly surprised how quickly friendships can form when you're dealing with the pressures of the workplace together.

Something wonderful about making friends later on in life is the level of maturity the relationships are based on. Friendships that blossom when you're older are often easier and deeper because you both know who you are, even though you'll still change (albeit less dramatically) for decades to come. And while it's normal to reflect back on friendships that went by the wayside and miss your old buds, in the end, making new friends and not keeping the old is really, truly, completely fine. We promise.