
How to Make a Belt

Learn how to make stylish belts, perfect for accessorizing!

Hi! I’m Rach from Family Ever After! Are you looking for a way to add a fun splash of color to your summer wardrobe? Check out my new belts! They were “sew easy” to make, and I can’t wait to show you how to make a belt.

This belt is fun because you can add flowers and other embellishments!

Use cotton webbing and lace for a cute belt.

This belt took about 5 minutes to make.

Use Jacquard Ribbon for a quick, easy, cute belt.

How to Make a Belt Supplies

Supplies to make both the belts.

Jacquard Ribbon Belt:

2 yards Jacquard Ribbon
2 1.5 inch D rings
sewing machine


Jacquard Ribbon and D Rings.

Due to the nature of the woven ribbon, you’ll need to protect the threads on the back. You could either use heat and bond, or do what I did and…

Two yards of Jacquard Ribbon fold in half.

fold the belt directly in half. Slide the D rings to the middle of the ribbon. I used 2 yards, and now my belt is one yard in length. You might want to increase or decrease the amount you order, depending on your waist measurement.

Fold the Jacquard Ribbon in half and slip D Rings to the center.

Now you’ll sew the entire perimeter of the ribbon, starting here, to enclose the D rings. Backstitch, sew, and pivot at the edge of the ribbon.

Sew to close in the D Rings.

Continue sewing at the very edge of the ribbon.

Continue sewing along the edge.

When you get to end of the ribbon, fold the raw edges over twice. Pivot, and sew down. Now sew up the other long side, backstitch, and you are done!

Fold the ribbon over twice, sew it down and continue along the other edge.

Wear in your belt loops or over your favorite dress/cardigan.

Jacquard Ribbon Belt all finished and ready to wear.

Webbing Lace Belt:

Supplies for the Cotton Webbing & Lace belt.

1 yard cotton webbing
1 1/4 yards lace
2 1.5-inch D rings
1 tooth (Belt Tips)
sewing machine


You’ll want to line up the lace over the webbing. Cut off excess lace and save for later.

Line up your lace over the cotton webbing.

Using a zig zag stitch wide a long stitch length, sew it onto your belt, on both sides.

Using a zig zag stitch, sew the lace onto the cotton webbing.

Here’s what it will look like. Trim your threads.

Trim your threads.

I zig zag stitched the end of my belt to secure any threads from the webbing from fraying.

Zig Zag stitch over the ends to prevent fraying.

Then I took a hammer and pounded on the metal end piece. It was easy.

Hammer the belt tips onto the cotton webbing ends.

Next, I slid the D rings onto the other end of the belt.

Slide the D Rings onto the other end of the belt.

Then I sewed them down. I just used a straight stitch, but a zig zag stitch would be good too, to enclose the ends of the webbing. If I had brown thread, I would have done that. But I only had white thread on hand, and thought it would have looked messy. Something I can go back a fix when I remember to buy brown thread!

Fold over the end and sew down.

So here’s what it will look like on the opposite side. You will want to sew enough lace to the back of the belt so that when you’re wearing it, you won’t be able to see this part hanging. I ran out of lace to do this, so I will need to order more.

The other side, add lace on the other side.

Here’s the final picture to show you what I mean. I should have lace sewn on both sides so the zig zags won’t show when the belt is folded over. I will fix that!

Cotton Webbing & Lace belt all done.

So that is all! Sew easy, right?

Your new belts will make you…

You’ll be thinking…

Then you’ll scream at the top of your lungs…

I Love The Ribbon Retreat!

Come visit me at Family Ever After!

You can join the family on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest too 🙂

I have lots of new sewing stuff coming up on the blog!

Here are some of my favorite projects!

Full Coverage Nursing Shawl with Sewn-in Boning

Ballet Birthday Party

Christmas Advent

Thank you so much Rach!

You can also use these tutorials to make fun kids belts!
Use fun ribbon on the cotton webbing or our fun Jacquard Ribbon perfect for kids.

Rach has the most fun blog at Family Ever After. Her personality is awesome and her blog totally reflects that. She knows what she is talking about and her tutorials show the best way to make things. Check out Family Ever After and say HI! from The Ribbon Retreat!

The Ribbon Retreat’s Jacquard Ribbon and Cotton Webbing are high quality and there is tons to choose from. Our prices are low and our customer service and shipping are awesome! Also check out the other items listed in the tutorial by clicking their links.

If you have great tutorials and a fun idea you would like to share on The Ribbon Retreat Blog,
please submit a project.

Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Posted June 5, 2012 at 5:26 pm | Permalink

    Super cute belts. I’m loving these! I’m featuring this at

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted June 5, 2012 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

      Thanks so much Michelle! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 – Shirley

  2. misty
    Posted July 25, 2012 at 12:16 pm | Permalink

    What size rjacquard ribbon do you use for the belts?

  3. lori
    Posted December 13, 2015 at 11:39 am | Permalink

    I love your idea. Made a few for Christmas presents, but I can’t find the belt end you call “teeth.” Any ideas were I could find them?

    • The Ribbon Retreat
      Posted December 24, 2015 at 9:00 am | Permalink

      Hi Lori! Thank you so much for your question. You can find the Belt Tips…”teeth” right HERE! Thank you again and have a wonderful day! Michelle 🙂

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