Lithuanian Studies

Intensive Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer and Winter Courses


Each summer the University offers an intensive (4 weeks) Lithuanian Language and Culture Summer (July – August) and Winter (January) Courses. During the summer course students are offered an intensive program consisting of lectures, workshops and discussions, sightseeing tours and excursions to learn the Lithuanian language and deepen the knowledge about Lithuanian lifestyle. Read more.

“Survival Lithuanian”


VMU offers an intensive and short (1 weeks) Lithuanian Language course before the beginning of semester for those who want to learn very basic of Lithuanian Language. Aim of the course is to introduce students to a very basic knowledge of Lithuanian that would help them to “survive” in Lithuania. In this intensive course students will learn to introduce themselves, to provide basic biographical information, to ask for the prices while shopping, to ask for directions, basic information at the university, to order food, as well as other useful everyday phrases in Lithuanian. This intensive course is structured around the sociocultural knowledge of Lithuanian Language.

Semester long courses

The new (online) non-formal education programme at Vytautas Magnus University “Lithuanian Language and Culture Studies for Lithuanian Diaspora and Foreigners“!

The programme is designed for people of Lithuanian descent and foreigners who are not only interested in the Lithuanian language, history and culture but also seek to make Lithuania a part of their life project.

“We believe that our diaspora youth need an education centre, which, in addition to universal and modern education, could help revive Lithuanian identity. This programme, as well as other projects of  VMU World Lithuanian University expresses our wish to bring together all scattered Lithuanians. This is an opportunity to encourage and enable our diaspora to keep tight bonds with the motherland and to acquaint them with historical and contemporary Lithuania,“ says the Head of the Lithuanian Emigration Institute Prof. Egidijus Aleksandravičius.

The programme is adapted to everyone: the students who have prior knowledge of Lithuanian and complete beginners. It has several package offers that include both Lithuanian and culture courses. Every package offers courses on the Lithuanian language, phonetics, grammar and oral language practice; the culture courses include Lithuanian theatre, cinema, fine arts, folklore, traditions, mythology, history and much more.

If you are fascinated by the Lithuanian language, interested in culture or historical facts, wish to become a student again or have your own reasons, join VMU and the non-formal education programme.

More information about the programme.

Contact person:

  • Ms. Greta Garnytė
  • E-mail
  • Head of International Programmes
  • Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University


Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) offers scholarships for:

Apply for the scholarship if…

  • You are interested in Lithuania and Lithuanian language studies;
  • You or your family member are of Lithuanian descent;
  • Your research interests include Lithuania or the Lithuanian language;
  • You would like to have a great time in Kaunas – the most “Lithuanian” city of Lithuania – and visit the places of interest in Lithuania;
  • You are a true friend of Lithuania…

The special VMU Lithuanian Language Studies scholarship for the Lithuanian Language and Culture Course covers the tuition fee for the summer course and accommodation in the dormitory of VMU during the period of the course.

Contact person:

  • Ms. Greta Garnytė
  • E-mail
  • Head of International Programmes
  • Faculty of Humanities, Vytautas Magnus University