Why Hire a Geriatric Care Manager?

During one especially dicey period with my mother, then in an assisted living facility, my brother and I hired a geriatric care manager, first for a consultation and then for additional help at an hourly rate. It felt like such an extravagance, given that we weren’t rolling in money, but the care manager helped solve a series of complex problems that I doubt I’d have solved by myself, mostly involving brokering a compromise with the facility, whose management wouldn’t let me hire a private aide for my mom but could not provide what she needed.

Relations had soured to the point that all I could do was scream at them, which was making a bad situation worse, so having an advocate was a blessing. Also, the care manager, who visited regularly with my mother, often was privy to concerns she was keeping from me, and she was always there for me by telephone, which was a lifesaver.

Many of you have asked questions about geriatric care management and how it is performed. I posed some of them to Patricia Mulvey, a care manager who has worked in hospitals, nursing homes, home-care agencies, hospice and bereavement programs, and as an independent contractor. Currently she is the director of the private geriatric care management service at the Jewish Home Lifecare System, which runs several long-term care facilities in New York City and its suburbs. With some modest editing, here are her thoughts.

Would you explain what geriatric care managers do, how they are trained and certified, how much they cost, and how consumers can make wise decisions if they decide to hire one?

A professional geriatric care manager has been educated in various fields of human services — social work, psychology, nursing, gerontology — and trained to assess, plan, coordinate, monitor and provide services for the elderly and their families. Advocacy for older adults is a primary function of the care manager. We belong to the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers and are certified by one of the three certification organizations for care management — the National Association of Social Workers, the National Academy of Certified Care Managers, or the Commission for Case Managers.

Our rates vary by region and firm. Some firms charge an initial assessment fee; others bill by the hour only. In New York, an initial assessment is in the range of $250 to $750 for a one-and-a-half-hour assessment visit. Hourly charges run from $150 to $200. Some firms also require a retainer to cover the last month’s bill.

To be a savvy consumer, check the credentials of the care manager you are considering hiring to be sure they are a member of the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, as well as a member in good standing of their basic professional organization — say, the National Association of Social Workers. They also should be certified by one of the certification boards. You should check references and interview candidates.

An important part of working with the client and their families is chemistry. Be sure you get along with and like the individual you are considering hiring. They should be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and you should have access to their cell phone number or answering service. You should also be aware of other members of their team — nurses they may work with or their support staff — in case you have a question and can’t wait for the care manager to return your call.

What circumstances are most suitable and valuable for using a geriatric care manager? To put it another way, if you were in a caregiving situation and had limited means, when would this extra expense be money well spent?

An example is when things are going well — the elder is managing on his or her own, with little help and oversight, but the family is noticing slight changes, or the physician has indicated a change in status or diagnosis. This would be the time where it would be very beneficial for the family to know what resources are available to them, how much they would cost, how to access these resources and what options are available. Some of the key points to cover would be these.

  • What is day care? What types of rehab might be available? What does “short-term rehab” mean?
  • What is “respite” and where might it be available? Who pays for it?
  • Information about home care services. What kind of care and how much care can be provided at home?
  • Who pays for what services? This is key because a common misconception is that Medicare pays for long-term care.
  • What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
  • What does insurance, either medical or long-term care, actually pay for?
  • What happens at the end of a hospitalization when discharge is imminent? Time is of the essence, because it is often Medicare or the insurance company’s determination as to how quickly things related to discharge must happen.
  • Is the health care proxy in place, appropriately witnessed and current? Is there a power of attorney? Does your state recognize other documents, such as a living will?
  • Has the conversation about the wishes stated in the health care proxy been discussed with the individual who has been nominated proxy? Does the physician have a copy of the document?
  • With a long-term care insurance policy, what is required for the policy to begin coverage?
  • What resources are available to pay for services? How much can the family afford? And who is going to pay for what?

A relationship with a professional geriatric care manager can allow the children of the elderly person to be children, while someone else manages the situation. When a son or daughter is providing the hands-on care to the parent, the quality time they have to be there emotionally for their parent is limited…. The care manager can handle the difficult interpersonal issues, address the immediate problem, remain connected once the crisis passes and get back involved as the situation requires it.

I’d imagine that long-distance caregiving and trying to keep someone in their own home with reliable help would be the two hardest things to navigate without professional assistance. Can you tell us some of the special challenges of having an elderly parent in Florida, or Chicago, or any place where you can’t go scope out the situation regularly and thus need eyes and ears on the ground?

As for home care, I know from friends how arduous it is to manage a staff of people working in a parent’s home. They quit. Or you have to fire them. They compete with one another for who’s top dog. The client, who is so dependent, becomes almost an emotional hostage, needing the aide so badly they may be afraid to complain or offend. How does a care manager guide families through this?

It is imperative to have eyes and ears available locally. This is not a process that can be managed long-distance, even as in-touch as we are with cell phones, text messaging and video conferences. We always work with another care manager in the other location to have an independent individual assess the facility and situation. I’ve frequently moved parents from the tri-state area to California, Florida or Arizona to be closer to their children, and moved the parents to the New York area from those very same states. Moving is one of the most stressful life events we can experience, and this applies at any age. The client needs as much support as possible, someone to help them pack, stop the newspaper, disconnect the cable, and much more.

Anyone with help in the home most definitely would benefit from help coordinating the aides and other staff going in and out of the home. Adding home care to the services delivered to an elder can be very traumatic — it’s saying that “you can’t take care of yourself anymore.” How would you feel if someone you didn’t know turned up one day and moved into your spare room, cooked meals in your kitchen, sat with you when you were watching TV or reading? It’s a huge transition for people to incorporate help into the home.

A care manager can closely monitor the situation, soothe over the hurt feelings and address the anger that comes from losing our independence. And yes, you are right, the elder may become an emotional hostage, afraid to say something for fear of retribution or recrimination. It’s best to let a professional address issues the elder is concerned with.


In an upcoming post, Ms. Mulvey will answer questions about how caregivers ought to look after themselves and why they often don’t, the differences between caregiving for a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s disease versus physical frailty, and how a lifetime of family baggage can cause strains between siblings and between adult children and parents during this role-reversing experience.

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I look forward to future helpful posts by Ms. Mulvey. I can say from experience that a geriatric care manager is money well spent. Ours went the extra mile for my mother, visiting every week, serving as liaison with the facility where she lived. She accompanied us to the doctor and was fully on call when I traveled on business. She accompanied my mother to a facilty “family” dinner at holiday time when I was out of town and unable to be there. She brought in ethnic food and ate meals with her. Mom was not too clear who she was, but she became a familiar face. She got to know her buddies at the home and distributed some knickknacks appropriately after Mom’s death. Mostly she ensured by her regular and unscheduled visits that Mom got the best of care at all times and freed up a lot of my time with Mom for enjoyment, not maintenance.

It is good to hear that some people have good experiences with geriatric case managers. I had a bad experience with a geriatric care management agency in the early 1990’s. My mother in law was very angry about everything and would not cooperate with me during her early years with Alzheimer’s Disease. When we scrapped up the money for the geriatric case managers, I was really on edge due to the hostility from my mother in law and sadness I felt. On the phone with the CM, once, I burst into tears. The CM reminded me that the “clock was ticking” and that she had other clients to talk to. In the end, the CM told us that there was nothing that could be done, which was what I knew thousands of dollars before. A year or so later, a social worker from the Council for the Jewish Elderly was much more helpful, for a lot less money.

Although it may be nice to hire someone as extra “eyes” for an ailing loved one, it is an awful lot of money to spend on someone who legally cannot make decisions for the loved one. A power of attorney is who health providers should speak to regarding pertinent decisions. Most health care facilities have staff that are willing to speak with the power of attorney without that added cost. Remember, care managers will be advocates (or at least perceive themselves as one) for your family member, but their job security is foremost at your expense.

Though I am a strong proponent of Private Geriatric Care Managers for those who can afford such services readers should know that many of the questions listed in the post can be answered equally as well for free by a staff person at your local Area Agency on Aging. Also, all states received money from the National Family Caregiver Support Program and many states use that money to provide caregiver info. and education specifically to help caregivers navigate through these very issues. For example, in the state of Massachusetts, a caregiver can receive a FREE visit from a Care Advisor who is an expert in available private and public services. The Care Advisor knows what day care is, what “short-term rehab” means, what is “respite” and where it is available? Who pays for it, They are also experts about gov’t subsidized in-home care programs. This service is available to all regardless of income. Caregivers can often begin with this free service and then if necessary hire a geriatric care manager if necessary.

I believe that a geriatric care manager can be worth her weight in gold. However, it is also important to choose such a manager carefully, as there are all sorts of people out there these days who are calling themselves care managers, and they have varying levels of education, training and experience. To the best of my knowledge, the fact that someone is a member of the National Association is not any sort of seal of approval — i.e., it does not mean a person has a particular level of education or clinical training., it just means they have paid to join this organization. So you need to go beyond that, and look for state certification (e.g., LCSW, RN).

You also need to think about what you want from the care manager. Some specialize in one area over another. So think about that and make it very clear to anyone you consider.

As far as using free services from the local council on aging, I have very limited experience with those. You can always try it. But I don’t think you’re going to get the honest evaluative information you will get from a private care manager who’s on the same wave length as you.

The professional geriatric care manager that I hired for my mother was an absolute life-saver. My mother was getting lousy care, I did not know where to turn, and everyone at the (supposedly “excellent”) nursing home where my mother was staying just stared at me, and shrugged their shoulders, when I asked for, begged, and/or demanded a proper evaluation of her cognitive status. Gini Toyne, RN (our care manager) got my mother an appointment with an excellent neurologist, who diagnosed her with Alzheimer’s and got her started on the right medications; and Gini has been with my mother (and with me) every step of the way since then. It has been money VERY well spent.

Mother has had two more hospitalizations, we have made one attempt at keeping her at home with in-home caregivers, and now (finally), she is in an excellent small-group facility for Alzheimer’s patients.

I do not know what people do, if they do not have care managers. I do agree with others, posting above, who have indicated that it is really important to do careful screening before you hire, and to be clear about your expectations. In some cases (especially if they are not terribly complicated), care managers might not be needed. In our case, it has made all the difference.

Delany Dean

You can’t expect a GCM to be a majic bullet that will solve all of your problems. If you do you will certianly be dissapointed.

One of the best things about the GCM we hired to help with our parents was when they told us we were being unrealistic with our expectaions. Since the GCM was not being paid by an insurnace company or anyother provider we were able to trust her conclusions and recomendations.

Our experience with a GCM was lukewarm. Not because the people we hired were unqualified, but because our dad was completely hostile to the idea. We weren’t able to move forward with them because they would regularly be sent away or else humored. The end result was far from the “magic bullet” we’d hoped for. I haven’t read any other similar comments…

Leanna Hamill in Massachusetts October 8, 2008 · 10:53 am

As an elder law attorney, I find geriatric care managers to be an integral part of the team. My clients who have hired them have been very pleased with their ability to work with the family to make for smooth transitions to different living situations, they have led family meetings to get everyone on the same page, they have provided mental health services to help clients adjust to no longer being able to do the things they once could, and they help the client and family evaluate all the options for where the elder can live.

They aren’t a magic bullet, but nothing is. And if the elder is competent, it is completely within their rights to send the care manager away or not agree to the care plan. This may make things difficult on the children who hope that the elder will comply without question, but it is the elder’s right. I have had clients who have simply not answered the door when the GCM showed up, but I’ve had many more who welcomed the visits and whose lives were made a lot easier by their services.

I think Ms. Mulvey missed the point of one of the questions asked. If one has limited means and can’t pay for a care manager for every situation, which are the most important times to call on the care manager? When you have to choose, which do you choose?

Gee, what bargain rates for a bogus profession! Right-up there with “career/life coaches” in terms of real education, experience, and licensing requirements (or lack thereof). These people are a rip-off–beware!

I read with interest your very excellent information on aging parents, especially the section on geriatric care managers and home care. As part of Jewish Family Home Care (in Broward County Florida) my experience has shown that a competent AND caring Director of Nursing in a licensed Home Health Care agency alleviates the cost and anxiety of hiring a geriatric care manager. The D.O.N. is involved with assessing needs, determining schedules and assuring continuity of care.

–Judy Roher, Florida

I work as a medical social worker in a Minnesota hospital, and I have found that GCMs are generally helpful to families that have abundant resources and out-of-town adult children. For more middle to lower-class families, they are simply not affordable. Their initial consultation can be provided FREE of charge by any local aging organizations (such as a local Area Agency on Aging or non-profit case management agencies for seniors). Most counties have a common entry point to their dept of health/human services that provides information and referral for aging resources. As a masters-prepared social worker, I would advise my hospital clients and families toward sliding scale or free case management services before recommending a GCM, unless they have a wealth of resources. If you do utilize a GCM, please check credentials to make sure the person is actually licensed in a related field, such as social work or nursing.

As a Geriatric Care Manager myself, I am glad to read the possitive and negative feedback about our profession. I would like to respond to Mike Hunt who feels that our profession is Bogus. You cannot just hand a shingle on a door and call yourself a Geriatric Care Manager. We all have Masters Degrees or RN Licenses in addition to being certified. We work 40-50 hours a week to ensure that our clients are safe and secure in their environment’s and that their families can sleep at night knowing if something happens to their loved one in the middle of the night, a care manager will be there providing the appropriate medical information. Before critisizing someone’s profession, you should walk one day in their shoes.

Dawn, Orlando

I had a very positive experience with a geriatric care manager for my mother — and I am in the process of getting certified as one by the University of Florida. That said, I have spoken to many technology vendors who feel that GCMs do not seem nterested in deploying technology as part of their work, whether it be medication reminders, home monitoring technology, Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS), communication like email appliances (Mailbug, Presto, Celery) that could help an elderly person be in touch and have children know what’s happening with them. Assessments, finding home care workers, moving seniors from living environment to living environment, this doesn’t seem to be enough in our technology-enabled age. Your thoughts?

Laurie, Port St. Lucie

I have nothing against Geriatric Care Managers, but my experience showed me that they work best with docile, cooperative, or rational patients. Working with a hostile parent who is housebound, hiring aids or cajoling to move to a special care facility can be an arduous task for anyone.

Hiring a GCM to help me figure out what to do for my ill parents was an act of desperation in a crisis. And for a couple of months I spent a lot of money for a GCM who staged an intervention to convince one litigious, mentally ill parent to move to a care facility — which inadvertently sparked a nightmare I would not wish on anyone.

If I had it to do over, I would first get counseling and legal advice to sort out priorities and what is realistically ‘manageable’ for everyone concerned. The local Area Agency on Aging, Alzheimer’s referral service, Hospice workers and friends freely gave me superior advice, support and compassion.

Your blog is a great find — especially for those new to a parental caregiving situation, my hope is they can read your blog top to bottom. Thank you for publishing & allowing comments!

Jeanne, AZ