From a beginner’s perspective, small tidbits that made all the difference over the past few months as I’ve adjusted to binding.

Note: these don’t necessarily apply to everyone, it’s from my own experience, as a 36 C-Cup non binary person who has tried 3 different types of binders from 3 different companies, and has been binding for 6 months.

  1. When they say “Don’t put your binder on when you’re wet” that includes sweat! If you’re sweaty at all or even just a tiny bit damp from a recent shower, it’ll be harder to put on a half tank binder and a serious struggle to put on a full one. And often, also hard to take off. Dry yourself off or wait.
  2. There’s a big difference between a half tank binder and a full one. This might seem fairly obvious to most of you, but I didn’t think about it that much, and I personally would absolutely recommend starting with a half tank one. Half tanks are much much easier to take on and off and not nearly as hot and stifling, but they also don’t shape your entire torso, which some people dislike. Another pro of a full tank would be that, for me personally, it wasn’t as hard on my back as a half tank is. However, I still recommend starting with a half tank because it’s a smaller adjustment for a beginner than throwing yourself right into a full-torso binder and struggling more.
  3. Practice taking it on and off before you wear it day-to-day. Binders, for someone who isn’t used to the method, can be really annoying to maneuver in and out of. I got stuck in my full tank binder three times and I was lucky to have supportive friends and family who could help me. Have a trusted friend or family member nearby the first few times you’re taking it on and off in case you get stuck, and practice so you can do it on your own. Here’s a good guide to taking off a full tank, the same methods apply for taking off a half.
  4. Read reviews, but don’t take them as gospel. Binding is different for everyone who does it. Even the tips I’m giving now are pretty general, but still don’t apply to everyone. Often reviews on binders have some common threads of complaint or compliment, but other comments will be wildly conflicting. Pay attention to the most common ideas in the reviews when making your decision, but take a lot of the rest with a grain of salt.
  5. Your flesh is going to do things that make you insecure. Our bodies weren’t really designed to be put into binders. It’s unfortunate, but true. So, especially if you have a big chest, your flesh isn’t going to just magically disappear under your binder- some often gets pushed up into the armholes, or into weird positions with one breast up and one down, so now you have to try to push and pull your chest under the binder so that your pecs are even… essentially, it’s not going to be perfect. And that’s fine. It’s just a part of binding. It still looks great, and honestly, if I had both breasts under my binder going in completely opposite directions so my pectorals were uneven, the only person who would notice would be me, and only if I were wearing a tight shirt. So you’re fine. Breathe.
  6. ‘No exercise’ doesn’t only mean 'don’t go to the gym’ it means don’t do exercise. You know what’s exercise? Lifting and moving big heavy things. Running all the way across campus twice because you’re late to class. Mowing the lawn on a warmer day. Sex, a lot of the time, unless your partner is doing almost all the work (not necessarily a bad thing!) So, a lot of things are exercise, not just doing a hundred pushups or playing a sport. If your binder company says you shouldn’t wear their binders during exercise, DON’T do it. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy after standing up or walking too long, first of all, your binder might be too small, and secondly, that means it’s too much exercise, ho! Take your binder off or lay down someplace cool and drink water. Note: Some brands say you can exercise in their products as long as you go up a size, so check for that!
  7. If you’re in between sizes, go up a size, NOT down. I know, dysphoria is a big, smelly bitch. But having a binder that’s too small, even a little, is 10x worse than having one that’s a little too big. Don’t order a size down just because 'what the hell if anything it’ll make my chest smaller.’ It’s not worth it. It will make you dizzy and be difficult to get in and out of and be harder to breathe in and just make your life more difficult. If you really can’t stand to go up a size, find a different brand that has your exact size.